Irish Whip Wrestling 5th Anniversary Tour

She Nay NayIwW 5th Anniversary tour – RESULTS & AFTERMATH!Irish Whip Wrestling would like to thank all of the fans that came out to support us during our 5th Anniversary National Tour.

The first match of the tour saw the Japanese duo from The Dragon Gate promotion, Keni’chiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani beating Red Vinny & Bingo Ballance. This bout caused a fallout between Vinny and Bingo, as the Zero Gravity champion accidently hit The Heretic , causing the loss. Vinny interferd during Bingo’s match later that night in Waterford stopping him getting the pinfall on Kid Kash. Red Vinny had defeated ROH & PWG Star, El Generico in a No.1 Contenders match for the Zero G title. When Vinny finally faced Bingo Ballance in Kilkenny on Saturday Night October 20th, he won the Zero Gravity belt.

Out of 12 shows there were 4 sellout shows. The biggest being 450 Fans packed into The Donncarney Youth Centre on Saturday Night October 27th. This show saw the first ever ‘Dog Collar Chain Match’. Int. Champ Vic Viper pinned a Bloody Mad Man Manson after a superplex off the top rope onto 6 chairs. Manson failed to make the 10-Count.

Female wrestler Jennidee suffered a very serious concussion at the hands of Tara Doyle during their 3-way match with Shenaynay in Tallght. This may result in the Liverpool Lady needing to take an extended leave of action from Irish Whip.

International Champion Vic Viper successfully defended his title against top International stars Kid Kash, Keni’chiro Arai & Tracy Smothers. Former Zero G Champ Bingo Ballance recieved a title match with him in Clondalkin.

The breakout star of the tour was ‘The Black Heart Warrior’ Mandrake. During the national tour he came close to winning the International belt several times. He also gained pinfall victories over stars like Kid Kash, Keni’chiro Arai, Tracy Smothers, Mad Man Manson. The Newry native is fast becoming a centre piece in IwW.

A new tag team was formed with LA Warren & The Ballymun Bruiser. They teamed together through out the tour and on the final night in Tallaght they defeated Kid Kash & Bingo Ballance, when Warren pinned Kash. They will be a major force in not only the tag division, but also in the main events of upcoming IwW shows.

Finally, IwW would like to thank all of the Paper and radio stations around the country that covered the 5th Ann National Tour.

IwW @ The Forum,Waterford, Oct 19th 2007:
1. Keni’chiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani beat Red Vinny & Bingo Ballance
2. Inter-Gender Match: LA Warren w/Ballymun Bruiser pinned Shenaynay
3. IwW International Champion Vic Viper beat ‘The Black Heart Warrior’ Mandrake
4. ‘The Heritic’ Red Vinny pinned El Generico
5. Mad Man Manson & Tracy Smothers beat Ballymun Bruiser & LA Warren
6. Zero Gravity Champion Bingo Ballance beat Kid Kash by DQ, after Red vinny interferd.

IwW @ The Youth Centre,Carlow, Oct 20th 2007:
1. ‘The Insane One’ Mad Man Manson pinned Lupin Matsutani
2. Inter-Gender Match: LA Warren w/Ballymun Bruiser pinned Shenaynay
3. ‘Mr. GAA’ Conor Hurley beat Ballymun Bruiser
4. ‘The Heritic’ Red Vinny pinned El Generico
5. Zero Gravity Champion Bingo Ballance pinned Keni’chiro Arai
6. 3-Way: IwW International Champion Vic Viper beat Tracy Smothers & Kid Kash, Vic pinned Kash.

IwW @ The Carlton Ballroom, Kilkenny, Oct 20th 2007:
1. 4 Corners Match: El Generico beat Mad Man Manson, Lupin Matsutani & Tracy Smothers
2. Inter-Gender Match: Ballymun Bruiser w/LA Warren pinned Shenaynay
3. ‘The Heritic’ Red Vinny pinned Zero Gravity Champion Bingo Ballance to win the title
4. ‘Mr. GAA’ Conor Hurley & Bingo Ballance w/ former World Kick Boxing Champin Paul Cummings beat Ballymun Brusier & LA Warren
5. 3-Way: IwW International Champion Vic Viper beat Kid Kash & Keni’chiro Arai, Vic pinned Arai.

IwW @ Combined Community Centre, Balbriggan, Dublin, Oct 21st 2007:
1. Womens Match: Shenaynay pinned Jennidee
2. Bam Katraz beat LA Warren
3. Zero Gravity Champion Red Vinny pinned Bingo Ballance
4. Womens Match: Tara Doyle pinned Shenaynay
5. 10-Man Elimination Tag Match: Tracy Smothers, Mad Man Manson, Kid Kash, El Generico & Mandrake defeated Vic Viper, LA Warren, Ballymun Brusier, Keni’chiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani. ( Kid Kash & Mandrake were the last two remaining)

IwW @ GAA Hall, Stillorgan, Dublin, Oct 21st 2007:
1. 3-Way Match: Zero G. Champ Red Vinny beat El Generico & Bingo Ballance
2. Dillon Jones & Wayne Daly beat Brother Skelly & Conor Hurley
3. Women’s 3-Way Match: Jennidee beat Tara Doyle & Shenaynay
4. Mad Man Manson & Mandrake beat Keni’chiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani
5. Tracy Smothers & Captain Rooney beat Ballymun Brusier & LA Warren
6. IwW International Champion Vic Viper pinned Kid Kash

IwW @ The Civic Centre, Ballyfermot, Dublin, Oct 22nd 2007:
1. Ballymun Brusier & LA Warren w/Tracy Smothers beat Dillon Jones & Mandrake
2. Brother Skelly, Bam Katraz & Capt. Rooney beat Andy Barton, Rick O’Shea & Wayne Daly
3. Women Match: Jennidee beat Shenaynay
4. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned El Generico
5. ‘Rugged’ Dillon Jones w/Mandrake pinned Tracy Smothers w/Ballymun Bruiser & LA Warren
6. Kid Kash & Mad Man Manson & Mandrake beat Keni’chiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani

IwW @ Europa Hotel, Drogheda, Louth, Oct 24th 2007:
1. Ballymun Brusier & LA Warren beat Dillon Jones & Bam Katraz
2. Capt. Rooney & Barry Heinz beat Rick O’Shea & Wayne Daly
3. Women Match: Jennidee beat Shenaynay
4. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned Lupin Matsutani
5. Tracy Smothers w/Bruiser & Warren pinned El Generico w/ Eamon D’arcy
6. 4 Corners Match: Mandrake beat Kid Kash, Mad Man Manson & Keni’chiro Arai

IwW @ City Hall, Newry, Down, Oct 26th 2007:
1. No.1 Contenders match to ZG Title: Bam Katraz pinned Sean Scott
2. IwW International Champion Vic Viper w/ Bruiser & Smothers beat Mandrake by DQ
3. Women Match: Jennidee beat Shenaynay
4. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned Bam Katraz
5. 3-Way Match: Mad Man Manson beat Dillon Jones & LA Warren
6. Mandrake & Kid Kash beat Ballymun Bruiser & Tracy Smothers w/Vic Viper

IwW @ The Comprehensive, Ballymun, Dublin, Oct 27th 2007:
1. Dillon Jones beat LA Warren
2. IwW International Champion Vic Viper w/ Bruiser & Smothers beat Mandrake by DQ
3. Women Match: Jennidee beat Shenaynay
4. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned Bingo Ballance
5. 3-Way non-title Match: Ballymun Brusier beat Tracy Smothers & Int. Champ Vic Viper
6. 3-Way Match: Mad Man Manson beat Mandrake & Kid Kash, Manson pinned Kash.

IwW @ The Community & Youth Centre, Donnycarney, Dublin, Oct 27th 2007:
1. 3 Way Match: Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned Bingo Ballance & LA Warren
2. Conor Hurley, Brother Skelly & Capt. Rooney beat Rick O’Shea, Andy Barton & Wayne Daly
3. Women’s 3-Way Match: Jennidee beat Tara Doyle & Shenaynay
4. Dog Collar Chain Match: IwW International Champion Vic Viper beat Mad Man Manson
5. Kid Kash pinned Bam Katraz, after Red Vinny interferd.
6. Tracy Smothers & Mandrake beat Dillon Jones & Ballymun Bruiser

IwW @ The Community Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin, Oct 28th 2007:
1. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned LA Warren w/ Bam Katraz
2. Women Match: Jennidee beat Shenaynay
3. IwW International Champion Vic Viper beat Bingo Ballance
4. Irish Dragon & Brother Skelly defeated Dillon Jones & Ballymun Bruiser
5. Kid Kash & ZG Champ Red Vinny beat Tracy Smothers & Bam Katraz w/ LA Warren

IwW @ Thomas Davis GAA, Tallaght, Dublin, Oct 28th 2007:
1. Captain Rooney pinned ‘Angry’ Andy Barton
2. Conor Hurley & ‘The Kid’ Keith Connolly beat Rick O’Shea & Wayne Daly
3. Women’s 3-Way Match: Tara Doyle beat Jennidee & Shenaynay
4. IwW International Champion Vic Viper pinned Tracy Smothers
5. Zero Gravity Champ Red Vinny pinned Bam Katraz
6. LA Warren & Ballymun Bruiser beat Kid Kash & Bingo Ballance, Warren pinned Kash.