(June 26, 2010 – Union City, New Jersey)
DVD #3: “WSU Spring Tour 2010 (March/April)”
DVD #4: “WSU Spring Tour 2010 (May/June)”
INTRODUCTION: Women Superstars Uncensored released four DVD’s this month, two of which feature matches from their June 26th Uncensored Rumble events. The other two DVD’s are compilations of WSU wrestlers on the road for a Spring Tour.
BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: One pre-show backstage segment featured my least favorite person in the world, Rick Cataldo, gathering with his newly formed faction of champions; WSU Spirit champion Brittney Savage, and WSU Tag Team champions Cindy Rogers & Jana. They’re calling themselves the Beautiful People.. not really.. they’re actually calling themselves The Cosmo Club!
IN THE RING: Before the show, my second least favorite person in the world came out to the ring. Five minutes into this DVD and I’m already getting a sour taste in my mouth. As much as I hate her, Amy Lee did a good thing by leading the crowd in a moment of silence for recently deceased independent wrestler Trent Acid. She plugged the AcidFest event at ECW Arena and managed to keep the lame desperate attention-seeking profanity to a minimum.
Daizee Haze vs. Cherry Bomb: I was always under the impression that WSU and SHIMMER hung out on opposite sides of the playground (so to speak). That never stopped some talent from jumping back and forth, and in some cases working for both companies at the same time. One person I never thought would jump to WSU was Daizee Haze, but it looks like even Flowerchildren need more places to work these days. It will be interesting to see how hard they push her, since she has been on top of SHIMMER since day one. Cherry Bomb is a seasoned Canadian indy wrestler finally getting her shot some cross-border exposure. Last I saw of her she was a good-looking blond, albeit plain, searching for a flashier identity. Well one dye-job later, she is now sporting a dark sultry head of hair which is complimented by her spicy hot Canadian body. They shook hands and circled the ring feeling each other out. The Haze brought her A-game and welcomed the Bomb to her American ring, leaving her “dazed and confused” on the way to victory. Great outing for Cherry Bomb, who should be brought back for another look – cause she looks so good!
The Cosmo Club (Cindy Rogers & Jana w/Rick Cataldo & Brittney Savage) (c) vs. The Fly Girls (Divina Fly & Niya): This was originally scheduled to be Niya & Alere Little Feather challenging for the tag team titles, but the announcers explained that Cindy Rogers injured Alere somewhere else and doctors have told her to take a break. Seriously, if that girl (Alere) could stay healthy and get her life together she could be an amazing wrestler. Niya & Divina Fly are a newcomers, and I’m usually hard on newcomers, but WSU has a good track record in grooming talent quickly wiith their “rookie initiative.” Fly is so tiny, but I have to keep in mind that good things can sometimes come in small packages. Cindy Rogers’ haircut is terrible, and somehow adds to her heel persona. The rookies held in there for quite some time but nothing could stop the Cosmo Club from retaining their championships. As the Cosmo Club left the ring, they passed another heel faction in the isleway.
Rain & Lacey & Jessicka Havok & Nikki Roxx & Amber O’Neal: Rain came to the ring with her group of very experienced heels and she was in an extremely fowl mood. Together they destroyed the Fly Girls and then Rain grabbed the microphone. Rain cut an angry promo which was about 50% audible, but I’m assuming it was about Awesome Kong. Amber spoke next claiming she and Nikki Roxx will take care of Angel Orsini and Jazz tonight! They’re also pushing for Jessicka Havok to win the Uncensored Rumble Lottery match!
Jessicka Havok & Rick Cataldo & Amber & Lexus vs. Latasha & Sassy Stephanie & Tina San Antonio & Marti Belle: The stipulation was that the first person to be pinned would enter the Uncensored Rumble at number one, and the last woman standing would enter at number 25 (which is obviously a good spot to be). The Belle Saints (Marti Belle & Tina San Antonio) came out looking great, and a whole lot more confident than the last time I saw them. The rookie initiative really works in WSU because progress is almost always quick and effective. I could specifically see myself developing a crush on Marti Belle. Next out was Latasha, from “Temptation Island,” but don’t ask me where that is. She was followed by Sassy Stephanie, who has gained a lot of experience in 2010 and built a fine reputation. The heel side consisted of Jessicka Havok, for whom my crush still exists. One of her tag team partners was the fully-gimmicked leader of the Cosmo Club, Rick Cataldo (half male/half idiot). Rounding out the team was a couple of hot New Englanders, Lexus & Amber, collectively known as the Boston Shore – which, I guess, is a takeoff of the Jersey Shore. The Boston Shore girls tried to kiss Cataldo before the match but he freaked out “EWW!!” Looking at the collection of talent in the ring, there was only one woman who was worthy of the stipulation. I just prayed the gay dude was pinned first, so I didn’t have to look at him any more. Cataldo took an immediate beating and my wish came true when Stephanie eliminated him in less than two minutes! A minute later, Amber was eliminated by Latasha giving the babyface team a 4-on-2 advantage. Moments later, Lexus was eliminated by Marti Belle giving the babyfaces an amazing 4-on-1 advantage. If anyone could go through four people it is the lovely Jessicka Havok. Havok first downed Marti Belle, then Tina San Antonio, then Latasha, and finally Sassy Stephanie to become the last woman standing and earn the right to enter the Uncensored Rumble LAST!
Jessicka Havok + Rain & Lacey & Nikki Roxx & Amber O’Neal: Rain and her troops came back out to congratulate Jessicka Havok on her victory. Rain offered to pay Havok for the number 25 spot in the Uncensored Rumble, and she took the money!
Primetime Amy Lee vs. Mickie Knuckles: Okay I don’t care for either of these over confident desperate garbage wrestling losers. Amy Lee has been around forever, but she somehow forgot to learn how to wrestle in all that time. She relies on her uncontrollable profanity to make the impressionable pimple-faced geeks in the audience like her. Last year she teased me with her retirement, only to return this year. I think another thing that bugs me about these two is that they talk way too much. They often open shows with a speech, close shows with a speech, and they always have something to say before and after their matches. But the weird thing is they never actually have a point to make. Usually I leave Amy Lee alone, but every couple of months I have to vent a little bit and express my true feelings. I freaking hate these girls and everything they stand for, so I’m not going to review this match.
Brittney Savage (c) vs. Becky Bayless: The chronically cute Becky Bayless made her return to WSU and I personally stood up and gave her my full attention as she came to the ring to challenge for the WSU Spirit title. Bayless is sexy, hot, sweet, adorable, lovable, fetching, delicious, beautiful, cute, groovy, amazing, and terrific. Did I forget anything? Savage and Bayless took turns cutting promos on each other – and let’s just say Brittney got served (especially when Bayless revealed that Savage has been dating Danny Demanto). Within minutes of the bell ringing, the referee ejected the entire Cosmo Club from ringside. Brittney tried to walk out to save her title, but Becky ran down and dragged her back to the ring by the hair! Neither of these girls are known for their refined skills in the ring, but both of them should get a lot of credit for trying really hard to put on a good match. I always respect effort. They had a decent match but it shouldn’t have gone as long as it did. I can’t complain though, because the longer I can look at Becky’s body the better! Late in the match, Brittney brought her belt in the ring intending to use it, but the referee took it away from her. With the ref’s back turn, Brittney spit a mouthful of beer into Becky’s face! Brittney got the pin and left with her WSU Spirit title in tact!
Angel Orsini & Jazz vs. Nikki Roxx & Amber O’Neal: There are so many years of experience involved in this match that it would be a trevesty if it wasn’t really good! Don’t expect any gimmicks here, it is straight women’s wrestling fought under uncensored rules! They all worked hard, especially Amber, who took some big bumps when she was knocked silly by Jazz. Amber got her revenge though by pinning Jazz to win the match! Rain’s hot little army is having a great night! After the match, Angel grabbed the mic and praised Jazz and pointed out that the Uncensored Rumble was her only chance for a title shot.
Rain w/Lacey vs. Awesome Kong: Lacey is another SHIMMER star whom I never thought I’d see in WSU. Technically she is retired from the ring, but she has been happy to act as manager for her best friend Rain, who has been obsessed with the WSU championship and needs all the help she can get. Rain was mad because she paid Kong money to take out Mercedes Martinez, but she not only didn’t get the job done, but turned on Rain. Rain initially played the cowardly heel, but eventually found an opening to inflict some pain onto Kong. Kong was way too powerful, though, and managed to come back and hit her Implant Face-buster on Rain for the win! The announcers acted like this pushed Rain further down the totum poll here at WSU and thus further away from the WSU championship. Personally I would have booked her to look strong with a victory over Kong leading into the Uncensored Rumble.
FINAL VERDICT: With the exception of the epic “loser vs. loser” garbage wrestling match, this card was pretty solid from top to bottom. I’m sure there are people out there who will enjoy the garbage wrestling with their pants around their ankles but I’m not one of them. It’s too low-road for me. Even the rookies are pulling their weight and gaining more skill with every match they get under their belt. I always said as long as the rookies are improving, they have my respect. WSU is a fun product and I encourage everyone to check it out!
Jazz was the winner!: Before the match, they announced that Becky Bayless suffered a concussion and couldn’t compete in the Rumble, so it went from 25 women to 24. Due to stipulations from matches on the previous DVD, Rick Cataldo will be entering first (#1) and Rain will be entering last (#24). Actually Jessicka Havoc won the right to enter last, but Rain bought it from her with an envelope full of cash. Okay, let’s get ready to rumble. Oops I better not say that or I’ll have to give Michael Buffer an envelope full of cash. The irritating Rick Cataldo started off against the rough and tough Angel Orsini for ninety seconds. Angel pitched Cataldo over the top rope within five seconds of the bell ringing. Rookie Devina Fly entered at #3 and was eliminated after a disgraceful three seconds in the ring. Nikki Roxx entered at #4, and took her time getting to the ring, playing the cowardly heel to throw Angel off her game. Roxx dragged out the time until the next participant, Cherry Bomb, ran out to join the match. The three ladies in the ring traded chops to their, umm, chests. Soon Mickie Knuckles rumbled her way out to stink up the ring in the number six spot. The number seven entrant was Boston Shore member Lexxus. The number eight entrant was Belle Saints member Tina San Antonio, and she went right after Lexxus because their teams are feuding right now. The ninth woman to enter the Rumble was Sassy Stephanie. The ring was full of wrestlers at this point. The tenth entrant was one half of the WSU Tag Team champions, Jana. The eleventh entrant was the other half of the Belle Saints, Marti Belle. The twelfth entrant was the other half of the Boston Shore, Amber. Now the Boston Shore and Belle Saints were both in the match. The thirteenth entrant was the shorty Latasha. Mickie Knuckles was eliminated by Nikki Roxx (thank God). The fourteenth entrant was Primetime Amy Lee. The fiftieth entrant was Awesome Kong, and they focused on Kong vs. Amy Lee. Lexxus was eliminated from the match off camera. Roxx tried to get between the monsters, so Amy Lee launched her out of the ring to eliminate her! The sixteenth entrant was Jessicka Havoc. Amber was eliminated. Jana was eliminated. The seventeenth entrant was Niya. There were a few more eliminations but they weren’t acknowledged. Kong & Amy Lee eliminated themselves when they fell over the top rope. The eighteenth entrant was the other half of the WSU Tag Team champions, Cindy Rogers. Tina San Antonio was eliminated. Latasha was eliminated. Sassy Stephie was eliminated by Cindy Rogers. The nineteenth entrant was Amber O’Neal. The twentieth entrant was Spirit champion Brittney Savage. There was a couple more eliminations but they weren’t doing a very good job of getting them on camera or announcing them on commentary. The twenty-first entrant was SHIMMER favorite Daizee Haze. The twenty second entrant was WWE legend Jazz, who seemed to go down with a knee injury within seconds of entering the ring. The twenty third and final entrant was the superstar Rain. The Haze was eliminated. Amber O’Neal was eliminated. The final three were Angel Orsini (entrant #2, by the way), Rain, and the injured Jazz – who was sitting on the ring apron all this time. Rain was eliminated by Angel Orsini. Angel then checked on Jazz and comforted her friend. Jazz suddenly snapped out of it and launched Angel over the top rope to screw her best friend and win the Uncensored Rumble 3!! Angel was absolutely furious! This year’s Uncensored Rumble was a really well booked match, except they did a poor job catching the eliminations on camera and announcing the eliminations on commentary. It’s only annoying if you’re recapping or reviewing the match like I am right now.
Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Alicia: The match started slow and eventually picked up the pace. The announcers talked about Alicia often using her butt to her offensive advantage. After a long match, Alicia was in firm control, but was having trouble finishing off the WSU champion. Martinez made a come-back and hit her trademark Fishermens-buster, but couldn’t make the cover in time. Martinez hit a second Fishermens-buster, but Alicia kicked out again! Martinez connected with a third Fishermens-buster and finally got the 1-2-3 to win this great straight-forward 20-minute wrestling match! Afterwards, Martinez was showing respect for Alicia when she was brutally attacked from behind by Uncensored Rumble winner Jazz! Jazz pounded the champion until Angel Orsini made the save. Angel helped Alicia up and planted her with the Kiss of Death! Angel picked up the WSU championship, tossed it to Jazz, and left the ring. Jazz then clocked Mercedes Martinez with the title and posed in the ring with the belt. Jazz picked up Martinez and put her down again with the Jazz-slam! Jazz is way better when she’s a heel.
FINAL VERDICT: This DVD was only 1:00 long, and did create a lot of drama leaving several unanswered questions to look forward to on future WSU releases. Both matches on the DVD were top notch and worth seeing, as it’s traditionally one of WSU’s biggest events of the year.
WSU “Spring Tour 2010 (March & April)”
(EVOLVE 3/13)
Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Sumie Sakai: I thought this match would be ruined by Superstar Sean (of Heartbreak Express fame) doing his Dr. Love shtick in the crowd making fun of women’s wrestling. Fortunately they left the ringside area and let the girls put on a great performance! WSU champion Mercedes Martinez came to the ring with another girl who I didn’t recognize. Sumie Sakai did a great job, but it came as a shock to no one when she was beaten by the very well respected WSU champion.
WSU champion Mercedes Martinez vs. WSU Spirit champion Brittney Savage: The announcers sure do take a lot of time and verbal effort putting over Brittney Savage. I’ll admit she’s good, but should not be working regularly at the main event level yet. Regardless, WSU has made the decision to push this girl to the stars, and there’s no better way to learn than to be in the ring with someone like Mercedes Martinez. We were treated to a good old fashioned Dusty-finish, with the referee getting bumped, then Mercedes Martinez won thanks to a second referee, and was awarded the Spirit title, only for the original referee to wake up and disqualify Brittney Savage, allowing her to keep her championship!
Brittney Savage (c) vs. Traci Brooks: We were forced to sit through some lame Rick Cataldo ranting before the match, but luckily for me I could press the mute button and enjoy the view of Traci’s beautiful sculpted body. There was no commentary for this match, which automatically warrants lost points in my opinion. Traci might be drop dead gorgeous but she hasn’t been able to wrestle comfortably since she got those three-sizes-too-big implants under her chin. God bless her, she certainly tried though, but you can’t fight nature. Savage miraculously (and sadly) carried the match until she got the well earned victory!
Mercedes Martinez & Angel Orsini (c) vs. The Cosmo Club (Jana & Cindy Rogers): The irritatingly lame Rick Cataldo led his recently formed tag team of Jana & Cindy Rogers to the ring for their bid at winning the WSU Tag Team champions. There’s nothing “Cosmo” about those two jawbreakers, but since when does a wrestling gimmick have to make sense. Again, there was no commentary, but Angel Orsini talked during the whole match to make up for it. In a somewhat anti-climatic finish, after some outside interference, we saw new champions crowned. The thinsational Brittney Savage joined her stable-mates in the ring for a celebration, which was cut short by Martinez challenging Savage to a match at the next show. Don’t worry that’s on the next DVD.
Brittney Savage (c) vs. Niya: This video was blurry and shot from a single camera a few rows back from the ring. Niya is one of a handful of hot rookies that WSU has been grooming. Too bad they introduced her incorrectly as Divina Fly. Niya sure is lovely, and adored by the fans. Once the match started, the camera man started to move and the video went from blurry to blurry and unsteady. That’s NWS for ya! Niya put up a great fight, but was eventually finished off by a Savage Diamond-cutter for the win!
FINAL VERDICT: Nice collection of matches. No major complaints.
WSU “Spring Tour 2010 (May & June)”
Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Brittney Savage: I can’t believe Brittney Savage is on an EVOLVE show. Boy, this girl really gets around. She must know a lot of people in the wrestling business. Mercedes Martinez is the only woman on the EVOLVE roster, so anybody that comes in automatically does the job. They’re always great matches, thanks to Mercedes being the greatest women’s wrestler in the world right now.
Mercedes Martinez & Alicia vs. Brittney Savage & Velvet Sky w/Rick Cataldo: As a bonus, the special guest referee was former TNA Knockout Traci Brooks. Anytime I can look at Traci’s gorgeous body and not have to cringe through her uncomfortable lack of wrestling skill, I am a happy boy. The thinsational Brittney Savage recruited TNA Knockout Tag Team champion, and world class rope molester, Velvet Sky in to help take on two bonafide WSU legends. I was delighted to hear the incomparably Joel Gertner doing commentary for this match, but eventually audio was hijacked by the WSU regulars. Velvet’s outfit was just super, and I mean, just, SUPER! What a strange mix of styles involved in this match. The finish saw Alicia get something sprayed in her eyes, and she accidentally planted her own partner with an A-bomb. Brittney Savage took advantage and pinned WSU champion Mercedes Martinez (a win over a champion is a big deal!). The Beautiful Heels bullied referee Traci before taking off to celebrate. Martinez got up and kicked Alicia in the bread-maker, then broke her in half with a slightly-botched Fishermens-buster to send a firm message! Their friendship just dissolved before our very eyes.
Angel Orsini vs. Jana w/Rick Cataldo & Brittney Savage: Just what I need, more Rick Cataldo… MUTE.. FAST FWD! These two bruisers tore each other apart for ten minutes. Thanks to Cosmo-Club interference, Orsini’s shoulders were pinned to the mat by Jana.
Mercedes Martinez & Alicia vs. The Belle Saints (Marti Belle & Tina San Antonio): Johnny Rodz’s pretege’s, Tina San Antonio and my girlfriend Marti Belle, went up against two of WSU’s biggest stars – quite the ambitious challenge for a couple of rookies. Despite their falling out one month earlier, Alicia and Mercedes seemed to be on the same page here. The two WSU legends stayed on the same page and made short work of the Belle Saints. After the match, Alicia grabbed the mic and hyped her upcoming match with Mercedes Martinez (featured in a review earlier on this page). They cut promos on each other and then Alicia planted Martinez with an A-bomb!
Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Brittney Savage: Before the match, Brittney Savage claimed that Mercedes Martinez couldn’t make it tonight so that makes her the new WSU champion! When the champion failed to appear, Savage ordered the referee to start counting her out. I dunno why, because everyone knows you can’t win the title on a countout. Thankfully we didn’t have to put the pressure on logic, as Mercedes Martinez did show up to defend her championship. Brittney pulled some B.S. stipulation that Martinez had to go through Jana and then Rick Catalado to get to her. Where does she get off making the rules? Jana wore down the champ, but was eventually defeated. Rick Cataldo did nothing but annoy me before he was counted out. Finally the girls were hooked up to the Bullrope and the main attraction got underway. I really wish they took the time to add commentary to the match, so the drama could be intensified. Eventually, Mercedes Martinez knocked the thinsational Brittney out cold and pinned her to win the match and retain her coveted WSU championship.
FINAL VERDICT: Another nice collection of matches. Good to go.
If you would like to purchase WSU DVD’s, you can do so by visiting
www.wsuwrestling.com or www.doiwrestling.com or www.doivideo.com