Indy Wrestle Line 2/1 Independent Report

Indy Wrestle LineIndy Wrestle Line 2/1 Independent Report
317-592-9401 option 2

Hello everyone and welcome to your Indy Wrestle Line Independent report.. I am the Weekend Warrior Randy Klemme.

Well it is the first weekend of the month and there are a number of shows all around the midwest, so this weekend would be a great chance to get out and support professional wrestling….

First to Jeff in Indianapolis…you pose an interesting question about the possibility of WWE writers belonging to the union that is on strike. It apparently hasn’t had an effect on the WWE. at least not yet. Keep in mind, that members of the creative team are also former wrestlers and may not be members of the union….I believe Dusty Rhodes and Michael Hayes are still on the creative team along with Stephanie McMahon. I haven’t seen the latest list of the WWE creative team members, but it would be interesting to find out if any of them are a member of the writers union, maybe someone can fill us in on that.

As I said it is a busy indy wrestling weekend, and no place will be busier than in Indianapolis where Insanity Pro Wrestling will have TWO shows on Saturday at the Fountain Square Salvation Army at 1337 S Shelby Street in Indianapolis. At 3:30 Saturday afternoon, IPW presents their first ever Ladies Only Show. Admission is $10 and $5 for children 10 and under. Amoung the ladies stars you will see will be Helena Heavenly, Nevaeh, Hailey Hatred, Lexie Lane and more. Doors open at 3 and the belltime is at 3:30pm. Then Saturday evening IPW presents Sacrifice. Admission for the second show is $12 and $7 for children 10 and under.Scheduled on card are Osyris, Jon Moxley, Joey Owens, and IPW junior Heavyweight Champion Billy Roc amoung others. Doors open at 6 and belltime is at 7pm for the evening show. You may also purchase tickets for both events at a discount….$19 for adults and $10 for kids 10 and under. For more information go to….

Wild Championship Wrestling Outlaws will be returning Saturday night to the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Crawfordsville, Indiana with a 7pm belltime. Don Basher, Justin Andrews, Apocalipz, Kennth James and Pogo are all scheduled on that card in Crawfordsville….

Hoosier Pro Wrestling welcomes former NWA World Champion “Wildfire” Tommy Rich, Doug Gilbert and Tank Toland to the HPW Arena Saturday night, Belltime is at 7:45pm on the Bartholemew County Fairgrounds. Also on the card you will see HPW Heavyweight Champion “Diceman” Ronnie Vegas, HPW Hardcore Champion Ox Harley and HPW Cruiserweight Champion Donny Idol. Again belltime is at 7:45 Saturday night in Columbus, Indiana

Other shows will take place in Marion, Indiana with Extreme Wrestling Federation with a 7pm belltime at the EWF Arena, 3400 S Adams Street in Marion, Indiana….

Supreme Championship Wrestling will have their weekly show at 821 W Main Street in Madison, Indiana with a 7:30pm belltime Saturday night…

Mountain Wrestling Association will be at the Estill Street Jubilee in Mt Sterling, Kentucky starting at 7:30 Saturday night…

Northern Wrestling Federation will be at SHIMMER’S in Ft Wright, Kentucky starting at 8pm Saturday night…

and National Wrestling Coalition will be at the Community Center in Dundas, Illinois Saturday night with a 7:30pm Central Time belltime…

There are many other shows this weekend, and if you head to any of those, please leave your thoughts after this report on the shows and also any results from those shows to be included on our Sunday update. The update on Sunday will have more news, birthdays and of course those all important results from this weekend’s action…

Make sure you check out option 3 of the Indy Wrestle Line for an interview with foirmer NWA World’s Champion “Wildfire” Tommy Rich.


Don’t forget, if you would like to leave me a wrestling question or comment, you can do so after the tone at the end of this report or you can drop me an e-mail at Also check out my MySpace page at

So until next time, this is the weekend warrior Randy Klemme, get out and support independent professional wrestling