Hoosier Pro Wrestling returns to the HPW Arena at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Columbus, IN on Saturday June 9th with Former NWA, WCW, AWA, USWA Tag Team Champion Ricky Morton 1/2 of the Rock & Roll Express.Ricky has faced all of the wrestling best during his career and makes his HPW Debut!!

HPW Wrestling

Saturday June 9th

4-H Fairgrounds

Columbus, IN

Belltime 7:45PM Open Doors 6:45PM

Tickets $10 Kids 10 & Under $8

“Rock & Roll Rumble”

Ricky Morton vs Sinn

“Diceman” Ronnie Vegas vs Pastor Pain

Ladies Match

Amber Monroe vs She Nay Nay

Brian Beech vs Average White Guy

Ox Harley & Cousin Cooter vs Zodiacs

Troy Van Zant vs Bobby Black

Tom Van Zant vs Dewey Brown

Ricky Morton will have a 2 hour wrestling clinic open to 12 people from 2pm-4pm. Cost is $40 Learn from the best. First 12 paid gets to take part.

Info: hpw13@mail.com

website http://hoosierprowrestling.bravehost.com/

Thanks for all your help!

Jerry Wilson

HPW Promoter