Hoosier Pro Wrestling returns to the HPW Arena at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Columbus, IN on Saturday Feb. 2nd with a 7:30PM Belltime.

Former NWA Heavyweight Champion and PWI Most Popular Wrestler Winner Tommy “Wildfire” Rich and “Dangerous” Doug Gilbert from the Famous Gilbert Wrestling Family make their return to HPW Wrestling. The Heat Is ON will be a great night of wrestling action with 7 big matches. Don’t miss this one!!!!

HPW Wrestling
Sat. Feb. 2nd, 2008
Belltime 7:30PM Doors Open 6:45PM
Tickets $12 Kids $9


Main Event
Tommy “Wildfire” Rich & Pastor Pain
Dangerous Doug Gilbert & Hardcore Ox Harley

Tank Toland vs Troy Van Zant

Diceman Ronnie Vegas vs Bobo Brazil Jr.

Flash Flannigan vs Tarek The Great

Brian Beech vs Tom Van Zant

Donny Idol vs Bobby Black vs Mr. Big

Cousin Cooter vs Fast Eddie Felson

Info hpw13@mail.com

website http://hoosierprowrestling.bravehost.com/

HPW Returns March 1st with Superstar Bill Dundee

Thanks for all your help!