GOUGE 6/23 Results from Stem, NC

GOUGE – Stem, NC-Stem Fire Hall-Sat June 23, 2007 RINGSIDE RUCKUS

Show opened with new Commissioner David Blanchard stripping King Chilly Willy of the GOUGE Title because he is out for 6 months with a knee injury

El Mariachi pinned Leroy Zbyszko

Star Man pinned Fabulous Frankie

El Gordo Diablo pinned Tennessee Ernie Nord Before the match they had a dance off with Tennesseee Ernie doing the Chicken Dance and El Gordo doing the Mexican Hat Dance

Jaheem the Dream beat Simply Wonderful David Lee Gilbert

The New Age Sheepherders came out for an interview but Count Grog interupted and offered them a chance to join his stable but they had to lose their valet Felicia O. Wallabee Joe hugged Felicia and walked her around the ring but when he got to the corner he kissed her and Koala Bear O’Day came off the top rope on her and they proceeded to put the boots to her until Jaheem the Dream made the save.

Seymour Snott pinned Dick Foley

Otto Schwanz beat Damien Wayne with a cross faced submission hold

Scab beat Wallabee Joe w/ Count Grog & Koala Bear O’Day avia DQ after Grog hit Scab with a handful of powder. after the match Grog attacked Scab and laid him out and The New Age Sheepherders kidnaped Scab’s Scabbage Patch Doll.

Trailer Park Heat & Sweet Ebony Assassin beat The Urban Legends (Cowboy Willie Watts & Luther Thesz) to win the GOUGE Tag Team titles. after the match Watts blamed Thesz for the loss and they began to argue, Leroy Zbyszko came out and appeared to make peace but he and Watts attacked Luther and laid him out and drug him out side and tossed him into the back of their pickuup truck and drove off. Commissioner David Blanchard announced next show in Stem Watts would meet Luther Thesz in a first roung tournament match for the vacant GOUGE title.

Upcoming shows

Sat August 4- Stem, NC-Stem Fire Hall-2 Hot 2 Handle

Thurs August 30-Raleigh, NC- Volume 11 nightclub