OWW Radio with Gabe Ramirez recap

Online World of Wrestling is proud to present OWW Radio hosted by Nick Anthony, joined weekly by Dave “Kaveman” Kave with “This Week in Wrestling History and Aaron “TNA” Kendrick. The show started off with Nick reporting on “Hogan Watch” where it was reported that Hulk Hogan and Linda Bollea divorce has been finalized.

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Jason Deadrich Segment (16:55)
The Boss Jason Deadrich of Black Pants Incorporated joined Nick to talk briefly about the 1 year anniversary of OWW Radio. OWW Radio started in 2008 and its growth is made possible by Online World of Wrestling’s Brad Dykens and Jason Deadrich.

In the interview Nick asked Jason if he regrets bring the show to onlineworldofwrestling.com. Jason then acknowledges how great it is having the show on the site and looks forward to our continued growth. The Cauliflower Alley Club was brought up as Jason is on the Board of Directors. Jason spoke about his fondest memories being affiliated with the Club. He expressed how being one of the youngest members is truly an honor for him. Also in the interview Jason talks briefly about Gabe Ramirez Promoter of Pro Wrestling Revolution and how they started together in the business.

News Segment (28:00)
Coming back from break the “Days of Our Lives” theme song plays and Nick joined by Dave Kaveman Kave and Aaron Kendrick discuss the “Soap Opera” that is Kurt Angle, Karen and Jeff Jerrett. Also in the segment Nick and Aaron talk about Bobby Lashley and his TNA appearance on last weeks Impact. Slammiversary was mentioned and its PPV buys. Plus the Ric Flair and Brett Hart feud was brought up. Flair did in interview on a Canadian radio station were he called Bret Hart a “Pissant”. Dave Kaveman Kave who made it clear that he is a Ric Flair fan spoke out on Flair saying “Flair needs to shut up”. Then Nick and Dave got into an argument over Flair legacy vs. Hart legacy. The two debates were rounded out with Nick asking for the opinions of the listeners. Ring of Honors announcement of moving to Monday Night was mentioned as well as Nick’s grassroots campaign to boycott Monday Night Raw.

Gabe Ramirez Segment (41:33)
Pro Wrestling Revolutions Owner Gabe Ramirez segment begins with Nick introducing Gabe. Some of the highlights of the interview include questions about how a Promoter handles top tier talents who refuse to job or put over others. Nick asked the question what does NWA do for an Independent Promotion and how does the talent pool work? Blue Demon Jr. was mentioned as well as other noticeable individuals such as NWA Heritage Champ Oliver Jon and Border Patrol, Hijo de Rey Mysterio, Polyester Express, Rock of Love and Strongman Jon Anderson. Steve Corino and his comments that he made during an interview on OWW Radio regarding Mr. Wrestling IV was countered by Gabe. In the interview with Corino he mentioned that he feels disrespected that Mr. Wrestling IV never came to him for the ok of the use of the name Mr. Wrestling IV. Gabe in returned expressed that this is an issue with the two parties and not him. He added that NWA has no problem with Mr. Wrestling IV so Corino shouldn’t either. Gabe also stated that he reached out to Steve Corino and Steve hadn’t replied. The interview ended with Gabe promoting his Arizona show coming up August 9th.

Match of the Week/Night of Champions Segments (1:14:30)
Aaron Kindrick for last weeks Match of the Week was the lead into the Night of Champions/Cm Punk heel turn discussion. Nick, Dave and Aaron talk about Big Show teaming with Jericho as tag team partners. Nick couldn’t understand why the WWE would select Big Show instead of a younger more athletic Wrestler. The three then turn their focus towards CM Punk and his promo for N.O.C. Nick compares the CM Punk/Jeff Hardy feud to Austin/Bret Hart of the 90’s. Nick talks about how CM Punk and Bret were similar in the way they looked at life. How they were straight edge and did the right things while their opponents didn’t. Family values, PG rated, no blood, nothing too brutal is what Nick said about the WWE yet they turn their biggest straightest Wrestler with the attributes into a heel. And make the least of these attributes into a fan favorite. Nick played the entire promo from WWE’s night of Champions and agreed with CM punk. Nick then expressed how dumb the Philadelphia fans are.

This Week in Wrestling History (1:31:16)
Dave “Kaveman” Kave with This Week in Wrestling History with a plethora of past memories from years past. Such as 1948 when Greg Gagne was born. July 30,1960, Gory Guerrero defeated Rey Mendoza for the EMLL NWA Light Heavyweight title in Mexico City, Mexico. Guerrero would hold the title until Aug.6, 1963 when he dropped the belt to Ali Bey in El Paso, TX.

Dave brought up the date August 2, 1992 stating that Ron Simmons was the first African American World Heavyweight Champion. Nick said that’s debatable suggesting that Bobo Brazil holds that title. The two debate the topic.

OWW Radio wish to thank the Producers who make these shows possible every week OWW Radio would also like to extend a huge thanks to our guest Jason Deadrich from BPI and Gabriel Ramirez from Pro Wrestling Revolution.


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