Funk’s Corner/Chris Benoit-Who’s at Fault?

Funk’s Corner – Chris Benoit, Who is at Fault?

The events surrounding the demise of the Benoit Family have been a terrible and confusing odyssey for all who are a part of the wrestling business. One of the most beautiful women ever to step into the ring, Nancy Sullivan Benoit also known as Woman, Her son Daniel and Her Husband, Chris Benoit are gone.

Many question that Wrestling business itself may be at fault.


On an early misty cold morning on my Father’s Flying Mare Ranch southwest of Amarillo, Texas with shotguns in hand and our limit of wild ducks, I stopped as we crossed the terrace that carried runoff water from his grass pasture to the pond just south of his house.

I said, “Dad, I would like to become a professional wrestler.

He told me two things, Dad said that professional wrestling would be great for my physical health. I could stay athletic, healthy and enjoy sports and a healthy life for a long time.

He also said it would take at least four years to even begin to learn what the wrestling business is about.


When I got my pilot’s license, Eddie Graham who was an excellent pilot flew out to Texas in a single engine Cessna 210 just to offer some encouragement and instruction.

Eddie put me in the left seat (Pilot’s Seat) and told me to take the aircraft up to altitude for maneuvers. Amarillo’s Tradewind Airport is at 3600 feet so for maneuvers we went to 9000 feet.

When we leveled off Eddie had me slow to maneuvering speed, drop the landing gear and extend to full flaps then pull power and release the stick and take my feet off the rudder controls.

With no hands on the controls and no power the Cessna 210 just lazily continued to fly, leaning to the left, then to the right, nose up then down but still flying.

Eddie looked at me and said, “You see, Airplanes don’t kill people.

Likewise, professional wrestling doesn’t kill people.

Trucks and cars don’t kill people and for that matter, you could make a case that drugs don’t kill people.

It is the ignorant and unwise decisions and actions of people that kill people.


My father’s predictions have come true.

professional wrestling has been great for my physical health. I have been able to stay athletic, healthy and enjoy sports and a healthy life for a long time.

I am still learning every day more about the wrestling business.

I am grateful.

Dory Funk Jr. – Coach of the Funking Conservatory –