Funk’s Corner – Texas Death Match Memories

Funk’s Corner – Texas Death Match MemoriesFirst Ever Texas Death Match, Fritz Von Erich vs Dory Funk Sr.

I jumped out of my seat as my father, Dory Funk Sr. caught Fritz Von Erich with a right cross to the chin and the “Big Man,” Fritz Von Erich went down.

At 6′ 4″ tall and 260 pounds, the former SMU Football Player was the most ominous “Big Man” I had seen in professional wrestling. I was in high school at the time with dreams of becoming a professional wrestler.

The wrestling fans in Amarillo, Texas jumped to their feet as Dory Funk Sr. picked up Fritz’ massive leg and applied his own special finishing maneuver, the Spinning Toe Hold.

My father turned on Fritz’s leg several times then locked on the hold with Fritz Von Erich flat on his back. Just when everyone in the building though it was all over, Fritz Von Erich reached up from underneath and grabbed the Iron Face Claw and locked it in on the face of Dory Funk Sr.

Both men were in a painful stalemate, Fritz holding the Iron Face Claw and Dory Funk Sr. holding the Spinning Toe Hold. I watched and waited as both men held to their respective holds.

Fritz Von Erich’s wrist turned red as blood from my father’s head mixed with perspiration, flowed down Fritz’ arm and first pooled on his chest then flowed to the wrestling mat. With the Iron Face Claw, Fritz Von Erich was digging his thumb and forefinger into the side of my father’s head. Even though Von Erich held onto the Claw, his shoulders were on the mat and the referee counted three on Fritz Von Erich. Dad was out cold.

The referee announced Fritz Von Erich as the winner of the fall but the first man to his feet would be the winner of the match. The Ten count was started by the referee. Both men were trying to get to their feet. At the count of 7, Fritz Von Erich tried to stand up but his knee gave out and he fell to the mat. Dory Funk Sr. was up before the ten count and as a bloody and battered mess was the winner of the match.

We have photos on our website at of Dory Funk Sr., “a bloody mess” just after the first ever Texas Death Match in Amarillo, Texas and at home on the Flying Mare Ranch just southwest of Amarillo, Texas. Click on “Legend of Dory Funk Sr.”

Johnny Magnum, Scott D’Amore, Shane Chung, Gail Kim, The Pop Tarts, Lady Kimberly and Miss Vicki, Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell with his Valet, Sandii Skye, Blain Rage, The Claw, Claudia Reiff, Elvis Sharp, Father James Mitchell and myself, Dory Funk Jr. will be appearing at the Funking Conservatory Sunday May 27th at Support the Troop 16, “Ultimate Struggle. Tickets are available now at Devon Self Storage in Ocala, Florida. Tickets are also available online on our website at

Dory Funk Jr. –