Funk’s Corner – Interview with Alex Marvez

 From Alex Marvez – “Not only is he the second-longest reigning world champion in National Wrestling Alliance history (1969 to 1973), Dory Funk Jr. also has helped train two other current title holders with similar status in World Wrestling Entertainment’s Adam “Edge” Copeland and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling’s Kurt Angle. Funk, 65, is now trying to create a new generation of stars through his Funking Conservatory training school in Ocala, Fla.”


In the interview conducted June 14, Funk talks about the Funk clan being featured on WWE’s new “Most Powerful Families in Wrestling” DVD as well as his reflections upon 40-plus years in the wrestling business.
A copy of my Funk column through the Scripps-Howard News Service can be found at   For more information on Funk and his Funking Conservatory, visit

The transcript is posted at ( go to “Interviews.”
Alex Marvez’s weekly pro wrestling column can be found in the Rocky Mountain News, Biloxi Sun-Herald, Abilene Reporter, Dothan Eagle, Boulder Daily Camera, San Angelo Standard-Times, The Oklahoman, Wichita Falls Times Record News, Honolulu Star-Bulletin and other select newspapers and web sites that subscribe to the Scripps-Howard News Service.