Funk’s Corner: Big, Ugly, and Decrepit

Funk’s Corner – Big, Ugly, Decrepit and HorribleAmarillo, June 27, 1957 – Amarillo, Texas Lou Thesz drew Dory Funk (NWA title defense), Mike DiBiase def Tokyo Joe, Bob Geigel def Danny Plechas, Sonny Myers-Rip Rogers (Eddie Graham) def Great Bolo-Ivan Kola,
Coming next week, 7′ Tall Sky Hi Lee

The wrestling office at the Sports Arena in Amarillo, Texas was located upstairs over the “Good Guys” dressing room in the southwest corner.

Inside Dory Funk Sr. owner of the Amarillo Territory was speaking with the Sky High Lee. Also in the office was Ivan Kola (Not to be confused Ivan Koloff).

Dory Funk was speaking, “Sky, you are so big and so ugly and so decrepit and horrible that we just may be able to draw some money with you. You are going to work the main event next week with Iron Mike Dibiase.

Upon hearing the good fortune of Sky High Lee, Ivan Kola jumped out of his seat and said, “Mr. Funk, How about me, I am big and ugly and decrepit and horrible, maybe you could draw some money with me!

Professional wrestling comes to Ocala, Florida Monday December 31st New Years Eve. Showtime is 7pm, Doors open at 6pm. For the full card, Ticket information and training schedules at the Funking Conservatory visit