Full results for ECWA’s October 11 show

Bobby Shields

ECWA Chick Fight Super 8 Tournament Results and Recap + 2 ECWA title defenses
October 11, 2014
Carney’s Point, NJ

First Round

Jenny Rose defeats Annie Social via tap out- Jenny Rose has made quite the name for herself wrestling around the country and in Japan. Social on the other hand is a well-respected veteran. Social started slow… ground and pounding Rose to slow her ability to rally behind the crowd. But Rose wouldn’t stay down for long as she quickly landed stunning sidewalk slams and a camel clutch like submission that pumped the crowd up. Social tried to regain control but Jenny Rose would finish her with a huge Boston Crab.

Gabby Gilbert defeats Nikki Addams via tap out- The feisty Gabby Gilbert certainly came into this match full of energy and it was up to Addams to try to weather the storm. Gilbert’s unorthodox offense came into play early with various creative arm drags and holds. Addams did intend weather the initial storm showcasing her raw power with impressive clotheslines and suplexes. But the rowdy Gilbert stormed back by slamming Addams into the corner butt first 3 times! Trying to fight back didn’t help Nikki Addams as Gabby Gilbert caught her with a cross face to make her tap out.

Tessa Blanchard defeats Tina San Antonio via pinfall- Tina San Antonio came into this the much more experienced and more powerful woman. But would Blanchard’s pedigree prove too much? San Antonio wasn’t impressed as she quickly out powered Blanchard throwing her around the ring by her hair. As the crowd didn’t appreciate these cheap tactics, Tina picked up the pace with quick pinfall attempts and slams. Showing her veteran prowess she even caught Blanchard’s attempt at a baseball slide in the ring apron. But the underdog Blanchard in the corner but a HUGE power bomb was delivered by Tina San Antonio for the near fall! Just when it seemed Tina would deliver the final blow, Tessa would strike with a running bulldog stunning her long enough to get the victory!

Renee Michelle defeats Candy Cartwright via pinfall- Michelle was in a foul mood as this match-up began and Cartwright’s chipper nature didn’t help any. Candy would quickly gain the advantage with impressive arm drags and hip tosses. She would get the crowd behind her delivering a devastating clothesline for a near fall. But Renee Michelle isn’t a former ECWA Woman’s Champion for nothing… she would fight back with chops the chest and a nice dropkick. Candy would try to fight back but Michelle would catch her with a Russian leg sweep than a moonsault off the top rope for the win.

*The Boss himself would make his presence known saying he had a big surprise for the ECWA fans in attendance… and what did it end up being? That his friend Phil Sly would be the special guest referee for the ECWA Mid Atlantic Title match later in the evening!

Bobby Shields defeats Ricky Martinez and Robbie E to retain the ECWA Heavyweight Championship via pinfall- These match of course started with Martinez running his mouth once again. Claiming a conspiracy, he demanded a fair match. But Robbie and Shields would promptly dump him over the rope twice before squaring off. Shields and Robbie would go back and forth showcasing some impressive chain wrestling. Robbie would then dump Shields to the outside as Martinez would attack him from behind. Slowly beating down the TNA star, he would stomp and suplex his way to near fall after near fall as he made sure the champion Shields couldn’t re-enter the match, hitting him off the ring apron as he tried to recover. But Martinez’s cockiness would come back to haunt him, Robbie E would start a small rally as Shields climbed his way onto the top rope hitting an a devastating missile dropkick as Robbie E looked on from the outside. Rampaging on both men he would deliver a running knee to Martinez just to turn around and be leveled himself by Robbie E! Signaling his signature move he would drop Martinez onto his head as Shields re-entered the fray. Robbie would try a clothesline… Shields ducked it… and hit a big superkick for the 1…2…3!

Mark Harro defeats Meisure Ooh La La to retain the ECWA Mid Atlantic Championship via pinfall- In an apparent mismatch, Harro would easily take control early hitting some big punches and submissions weakening the wily Frenchman. But as has been the case for well over 15 years, Ooh La La wouldn’t go down quietly. Making a comeback with haymakers and boots, it seemed maybe the crowd would help him pull off a huge upset. But Harro is dangerous for a reason; He would hit a running 450 for a near fall and look to finish the match. But Ooh La La would fight back hitting a Stunner and go for the win… but Sly would refuse to make the count! Mad about this blatant cheating, he threatened to hit Sly… but Harro would attack him from behind before hitting a Celtic Cross slam for the victory.

Semi Finals

Jenny Rose defeats Gabby Gilbert via tap out- In what seemed like a contrast of styles turned into an instant classic. Rose would strike first delivering blow after blow and locking in her submissions designed to weaken and slow her opponent. But Gilbert wasn’t ready to play dead… she would fight back showcasing her own wide variety of interesting chain wrestling and leg scissor holds. Going on the offensive, Gilbert would seemingly use Rose’s own strategy against her slowly dissecting her with submissions and holds. But Jenny Rose has become a fixture in Japan for a reason; she would deliver a spinning sidewalk slam and camel clutch taking the life out of Gilbert. With amazing toughness, Gabby wouldn’t be done as she tried to pick up the pace with high speed kicks but Rose would catch her and surprise her by locking in the Boston Crab eventually forcing Gilbert to tap out.

Tessa Blanchard defeats Renee Michelle via pinfall- Michelle would try to end it early by attacking Blanchard ruthlessly with haymakers to the face and slams. Taunting her way through the match, Michelle would deliver very nice dropkicks, arm drags, and lay in some deep submission holds. But the feisty Blanchard wouldn’t take it anymore… she would explode into the match flying around the ring throwing Michelle corner to corner. Clothelines and a close near fall followed as Renee Michelle was simply stunned. But with Tessa being a rookie, she would make rookie mistakes. All Michelle had to do was wait for Blanchard to get over zealous, and strike. A Russian leg sweep signaled a possible moonsault but Tessa would move out of the way! Showing shades of her father, Tessa would hit a sling shot Saito Suplex for the pinfall advancing to the finals!


Tessa Blanchard defeats Jenny Rose via pinfall to become the NEW ECWA Woman’s Champion and the FIRST EVER CHICK FIGHT SUPER 8 CHAMPION- This match was personal… this match was brutal… and this match was about one thing…. that trophy and that championship belt. Rose would immediately attack. Suplexing Blanchard and slamming her hard she would quickly try to make the pin. Delivering her camel clutch, it seemed like Rose was just too experienced for the rookie Blanchard. But this is the finals and Tessa came back firing. She would hit a monkey flip and clothesline, making pin fall attempts of her own.  Delivering blow after blow, this match quickly was even. As Rose slid out of the ring to recover, Blanchard would follow hitting a flying clothesline but Rose would counter pummeling Tessa on the floor. Slamming her repeatedly into the ring and posts, Rose was aggressive trying to end Blanchard for good. Throwing Blanchard into the chairs and fans, the referee had to come and restore order before it got out of hand. Returning to the ring, Rose would deliver another camel clutch but a reversal as Tessa slammed Rose’s face into the mat! Quickly trying to seize the moment, she would try to hit the sling shot suplex but Jenny Rose does a reversal of her own locking in the Boston Crab. As she struggled, Tessa grabbed Rose’s leg and rolled her up for the 1…2…3!