Former ECW champion Justin Credible has started blogging on


Former ECW Champion Justin Credible has started blogging on Credible posted his debut column, “The Justin Credible Report,” this past Monday and discussed his addiction leading him into WWE sponsored rehab, young talent of today, Rob Van Dam’s WWE return and more. Here are some highlights:

* My addiction to drugs, specifically heroin, had me clinging to a life that was barely worth living. On November 19th 2012, I entered a WWE sponsored treatment center, and I have never looked back. That combined with DDP Yoga has really got me inspired to be the best person I can be, and I got to thinking how can I still be involved in the business I love.

* I’m eight months sober, and I feel that at 39 years of age, I can still contribute to the pro wrestling business. I’m currently booked every weekend for Indy shows, and my matches are at a better quality than they have been in years. I know that I will be back at some point with a major wrestling company sooner than later. Since I’ve started back wrestling every weekend, I’ve really been paying attention to the talent at these shows and where the business is heading. Some positive and some negative.

* The all-star version of MITB was one of the most brutal matches in recent WWE memory. Both RVD, and CM Punk received staples, from ladder shots. Which brings me to my next point. WWE fines you for unprotected chair shots, but it’s OK to slam ladders into each other’s skulls. P.R. bullshit. I hate the double standards. If they were serious about wrestlers concussions they would have fined the men for Sunday night, but that’s the WWE.

* All things considered, It was the first PPV I have ordered in years, and the only reason I did was so I had something to write about today. I’m happy to report that I was not disappointed with the great effort at last night’s MITB. Very entertaining PPV. I’m curious to see where they go with RVD from here. Looking forward to tonight’s edition of Monday Night Raw. The CM Punk, Heyman, storyline should continue to be the most entertaining part of the broadcast.

Just Credible also discusses his new web series “Pro Wrestling 101,” WWE’s new Performance Center and more. You can read the entire debut edition of “The Justin Credible Report” at

Justin Credible is on Twitter @PJPOLACO and you can check out his YouTube channel at featuring a new web series, “Pro Wrestling 101,? about the ins/outs of pro wrestling and his official website at