Florida Championship Wrestling on 11/27

Florida Championship Wrestling returns to Bourbon Street Night Club this Tuesday November 27th. Bourbon Street is located at 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey, FL. Log onto www.fcwwrestling.com for information on all the FCW Superstars and Divas. Ticket for this event are $7 and bell time is 830pm. A planned surprise guest for this Tuesday, former WWE World champion John Cena, will not be attending due to WWE business outside the US. We apologize to anyone who planned on meeting Mr. Cena.

Some big questions from our last event will be answered: What will be the fallout of the lumberjack match between “the Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson and Jake Hager? Will we see the 7 FT Giant Titan cash in his #1 contendership to FCW Southern Heavyweight champion Afa Jr? Will the tension created between “Handsome” Heath Miller and Johnny Curtis on Miller’s Happy Hour show explode in front of the FCW fans and the FCW Divas?

Come out Tuesday to see those athletes plus Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase Jr., “The Professional” Mike Mondo, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth (w/Big Rob), “the Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee, Vade Hansen, Bryan Kelly, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne, Steve Lewington, Sheamus O’Shaunessy, “Super Fan” Chet Douglas, Big Ryck Hertz, Dixon Cox and the British Lions (Chris Grey and Tommy Taylor). Don’t forget the gorgeous FCW Diva’s Lacey Von Erich, Nattie Neidhart, Victoria Crawford, Maryse and the Bella Twins (Nicole and Bri).

Also please come out for our Saturday December 1st event at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets for that event are $10 and the show begins at 8pm. The JCC is located at 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey, FL. Funds will be donated to the Salvation Army.

FCW is the official developmental territory of World Wrestling Entertainment, so come see the future Superstars in person. Plus you never know who from Raw, Smackdown or ECW might come to FCW.