During the introductions of the eight participants Austin Aries stopped the proceedings to say he didn’t want to face Nigel McGuiness in the opening round. After he insulted the fans Florida native Chris Jones stepped up to defend his state and challenge Aries in the opening round. Aries accepted with a slap to Jones’ face. McGuiness then told everyone he was advancing in the event when El Generico stepped forward and in his broken English challenged the ROH World champion to a match. Davey Richards joined the conversation and called out Erick Stevens saying he would kick his ass then Roderick Strong’s. Pushing and shoving ensued as Necro Butcher just stood off to the side waiting for things to settle down.

(1) In a Battle of the Belts Block A match, FIP World Tag Team champion Roderick Strong defeated Necro Butcher.
(2) In a Battle of the Belts Block B match, FIP Florida Heritage champion Chris Jones defeated Austin Aries.
(3) In a Battle of the Belts Block A match, Davey Richards defeated 2008 BOTB winner & FIP World Tag Team champion Erick Stevens.
(4) In a Battle of the Belts Block B match, El Generico defeated Ring of Honor World Heavyweight champion Nigel McGuiness.
(5) In the finals of Block A, Roderick Strong defeated Chris Jones.
(6) In the finals of Block B, Davey Richards defeated El Generico.
(7) Shimmer Women’s champion MsChif defeated Mercedes Martinez.
(8) FIP World Heavyweight champion Tyler Black defeated Delirious (w/Heartbreak Enterprises Sean & Phil Davis)
(9) Davey Richards won the 2009 Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts trophy when he defeated Roderick Strong.
On Sunday February 8th Full Impact Pro held The Second Annual Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts at the National Guard Armory, 16386 Springhill Dr in Brooksville, FL. Former ECW/XPW/FIP and other promotion’s star New Jack was in attendance signing autographs and selling copies of his DVD Doin’ Time with New Jack. For those of you not familiar with the name, Eddie Graham is synonymous with Florida wrestling. He went from being one half of a tag team with the legendary Dr. Jerry Graham to running Championship Wrestling from Florida for nearly two decades of success. His son Mike was a high school star who made the successful transition to professional wrestling holding several NWA and regional championships. FIP saluted Mr. Graham with the creation of the Florida Heritage championship belt.
During the introductions of the eight participants Austin Aries stopped the proceedings to say he didn’t want to face Nigel McGuiness in the opening round. After he insulted the fans Florida native Chris Jones stepped up to defend his state and challenge Aries in the opening round. Aries accepted with a slap to Jones’ face. McGuiness then told everyone he was advancing in the event when El Generico stepped forward and in his broken English challenged the ROH World champion to a match. Davey Richards joined the conversation and called out Erick Stevens saying he would kick his ass then Roderick Strong’s. Pushing and shoving ensued as Necro Butcher just stood off to the side waiting for things to settle down.

(1) In a Battle of the Belts Block A match, FIP World Tag Team champion Roderick Strong defeated Necro Butcher.
Once everyone left Necro attacked Strong and the chest chopping was under way in the ring and around the seating area. Strong tried to dump Necro into the crowd but a fan fought them off so Necro grabbed a chair and attacked Strong. The fighting came around to my side where Necro used a soda machine and a bail of hay as weapons. Strong fought back with chest chops before choke slamming Necro onto the hay. Finally they made it to the ring where referee Josh Rich tried to get order in the contest. The Butcher got hit with an enziguri and a missile dropkick but Strong only got two on the pin attempt. Folding chairs were next on the menu and Strong set two up trying for a move but Necro blocked it and slammed Strong and a folding chair to the mat. The second chair was used as a battering ram into Strong’s face for a two count. Necro tagged Strong with right hand punches and chops sending him to the mat and following with a bulldog for two. Strong got to this feet quick and got a school boy roll for two before setting the chairs up once more. This time dumping Necro on them chest first but Strong’s leg somehow got caught under him. This allowed Necro to hit Strong with a backbreaker on two chairs for a two count. Necro added another chair to the pile and positioned Strong who hit two running kicks to Necro’s face to stun him long enough for the pin.

(2) In a Battle of the Belts Block B match, FIP Florida Heritage champion Chris Jones defeated Austin Aries.
If you don’t follow ROH or FIP and only remember Aries from his TNA Wrestling stint, he has a totally different look and persona. Think Joey Ryan’s younger brother. Aries played some head games with Jones basically ducking to the floor anytime things in the ring got too hot for him to handle. That was until Aries caught Jones with an armdrag. He insulted Jones asking if he had watched any of his matches on DVD. Jones responded wit a dropkick and armdrag of his own. Aries tried to dump Jones to the floor but it backfired and Jones hit a sunset flip for two and a right hand punch that sent Aries to the floor. Jones went airborne but only met the floor as Aries slid back in the ring. Once he got Jones in the ring, Aries went after the upper body with slams and nerve submission holds. Jones got out of the nerve hold but not far enough away as he got hit with an STO. Aries mocked the fans once more as Jones escaped a suplex into a inverted DDT. Jones kept on the attack with clotheslines and dropkicks but got two on his pin attempts. Aries fired back with a dropkick of his own before going up top. But his top rope move got stopped and Jones brought him down with a huricurana. But Jones got hit with a Hot Shot and brainbuster only to have Aries stop the sure three count to put Jones up top. Aries said he could match the huricurana but Jones held onto the ropes and when he came off the ropes on his own he hit Aries with Sliced Bread #2 to get the upset win.

(3) In a Battle of the Belts Block A match, Davey Richards defeated 2008 BOTB winner Erick Stevens.
To say this match was hard hitting would be the understatement of the year. They began with a test of strength won by Stevens and they broke clean when the action went to a corner. Richards offered a handshake which made the fans yell to Stevens not to shake. Stevens shook the hand and took a top hand wristlock to the mat. Richards yelled at Stevens to ignore the fans so Stevens hit a chest chop and several rope runs that ended with a shoulder block that sent Richards to the floor for some alone time. Richards came back to the ring but he ran into the Stevens’ offensive attack which was in full swing. That was until Richards slowed the match down long enough to kiss Stevens’ boot and spit in his face. But Stevens’ Choo Choo to the corner missed as Richards hit a drop toe hold to the corner and a clothesline into a chinlock submission. Richards kept on the attack kicking the wind out of Stevens. Stevens fought back with chops but Richards hit another kick before going up top to miss a flying headbutt. Stevens went for a corner splash but met Richards boot and got another when he went down for a backdrop. Stevens fought back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and the Choo Choo to the corner and a shoulder block for two. Richards went for a handspring move of the ropes but Stevens caught him with a release German suplex and a lariat for two. Richards muscled Stevens to a corner hitting a German of his own for two and he got Stevens to tap out to what looked like an armbar submission.

(4) In a Battle of the Belts Block B match, El Generico defeated Ring of Honor World Heavyweight champion Nigel McGuiness.
McGuiness wasted no time as he jumped Generico on the way to the ring. Once in the ring McGuiness went to work on Generico’s back but it got stopped by a flying head scissor. Generico followed with diez punches in the corner. McGuiness recovered with a forearm to the neck and some chokes in the corner. He followed with some punches but got a dropkick to the face. McGuiness bailed to the floor and then the locker room as Generico followed. They fought in the crowd before going back to the ringside area where McGuiness hit Generico with punches and drove the left arm into the railing. Generico fought back with shots of his own but his left arm appeared to give out. McGuiness kept on the arm with submission holds. Generico fought back and went up hitting a bodyblock for two. The fans were behind Generico who hit a springboard DDT for two. Generico went for a running boot to the corner but met the top buckle instead as McGuiness moved. McGuiness went for another arm submission but Generico fought out and rolled up McGuiness for another upset win. After the match ended McGuiness attacked Generico hitting him with a cross armbreaker.

(5) In the finals of Block A, Roderick Strong defeated Chris Jones.
Jones took out the former ROH World champion now he faced off with the former FIP World champion. This one began with both men trading armbars and hiptosses with neither one fully getting control until Strong caught Jones in a body stretch. Jones somehow got out but didn’t escape Strong who went back to the arm even as Jones countered several armdrag attempts into one of his own with some help from the ropes. His offense was stopped dead with a Strong backbreaker and a chinlock where Strong grabbed Jones and pulled back into a crab like hold. Jones didn’t give up so Strong hit a chest chop and stopped Jones from a top rope move with a chokeslam backbreaker for two. Strong had Jones up for a Widow’s Peak but switched into a submission which Jones escaped from but didn’t duck the lariat. Strong went to the mat with a body scissor submission grabbing Jones’ neck for good measure. Jones fought back with gut shots but his head scissor was blocked and Strong threw him to the mat. Strong hit a knee to the face as Jones tried for a sunset flip. Strong took Jones to the floor scooping him up and driving the back into the ring post. Strong thought he had a countout win but Jones came back to the ring so Strong hit two backbreakers, but Jones held on during the third hitting a head scissor. Strong went to the floor where Jones followed with a tope and back in the ring with another top rope move. Jones followed up with a running forearm to the corner for two. Jones missed a corner move but Strong didn’t miss the kick to the head and the chokeslam backbreaker for two. Jones’ victory roll was blocked but Strong couldn’t block a reverse huricurana. Jones went up but Strong met him only to have his superplex blocked and Jones came off into a DDT for two. Jones went for sliced Bread but Strong used the momentum to drop Jones into a gutbuster followed by a running kick to the face to get the win.

(6) In the finals of Block B, Davey Richards defeated El Generico.
Richards knew about the injured arm and mocked Generico before the opening bell. Instead of taking Richards’ offer to exit the ring Generico spit in his face. I think he regretted it as Richards went right to work on the injured arm and wrist. Generico fought back using his right arm and some wrestling skill. But Richards went back to the injured arm and it sent Generico back to square one. Generico fought off submitting as Richards kept the pressure on the arm with an armbar hold. Richards continued to mock Generico until he was clotheslined to the floor .Generico came out after him with a spinning tope’ like move. Action came back to the ring as Generico went up top and came down hitting a splash for two. Generico tried to get to his feet first and hit a springboard move but Richards was ready hitting a Northern Lights suplex into another arm submission. Both men went to end the match with right handed shots to the head but failed until Richards hit a top rope headbutt followed by an arm submission which made Generico tap out.

(7) Shimmer Women’s champion MsChif defeated Mercedes Martinez.
If you haven’t seen Shimmer! yet you need to get a DVD from their site because they have possibly the best lineup of ladies wrestlers around. The ladies traded waistlocks before Martinez slid into a front facelock but got countered by the champion. That led to another counter by Martinez into a headlock which became an overhand wristlock by MsChif into a neckvise like submission. Both ladies traded two count pins until Martinez planted her boot in the champion’s back. Martinez locked in a body stretch but let it go to administer more pain. She should have kept the hold on as MsChif hit a reverse head scissor into a bridge for a two count. Martinez fought back with a Samoan drop for two. The ladies traded moves until Martinez hit a suplex for two. MsChif hit a chest chop and that only angered Martinez who hit forearms to the face but her next move was countered by MsChif sending both ladies to the mat. MsChif got Martinez to her feet to lock in a modified abdominal stretch but released the hold when no submission followed. MsChif missed a corner splash and got hit with a German suplex followed by a two count. Martinez went up tope but MsChif blocked the move hitting a head scissor which drove Martinez into the buckles. MsChif stood on Martinez’s back and drove her boots in for good measure. Martinez fought back with a modified Northern Lights suplex for two. MsChif hit a knee lift and drove Martinez’s shoulder into the ring post and then set her up in the corner for Obliteration to retain the championship.

(8) FIP World Heavyweight champion Tyler Black defeated Delirious (w/Heartbreak Enterprises Sean & Phil Davis)
“Superstar” Sean Davis made his way to the ring in a white tuxedo with gold trimming and a gold hat. He said tonight was the night Tyler Black’s title reign ended and someone collected the $25,000 bounty. Davis said tonight’s opponent was courtesy of ROH star Jimmy Jacobs who was Black’s former partner. The champion didn’t seem too bothered that Delirious was on the other side of the ring waiting for the bell. As usual when the bell rang, Delirious went nuts but the Davis brothers calmed him down. When the two men finally locked up Black used his power to move Delirious to the corner for a clean break. Delirious seemed more interested in making faces at the fans then wrestling Black. When he finally came back to the ring both men traded headlocks and shoulder blocks. But Delirious tripped over Black and walked into two armdrags and a takeover which made the Davis’ pace around in disgust. The two men traded moves until Black stepped Delirious’ face and stomped his boot imprint into the mask. Delirious grabbed Sean Davis trying to get advice but Black picked him up and set him in the Tree of Woe followed by a two count. Black went up top but Phil Davis stopped him sending Black into the ring and across to the other corner. But his move met Delirious’ concrete like head and did damage to the champion’s gut. The action went to the floor where the Davis’ tried to get involved but it was a chest chop fest until the action went back to the ring where Delirious locked in an armbar. But his suplex was blocked and countered by the champion only to be hit by a Delirious delivered jawbreaker. Delirious locked in an abdominal stretch with help from the Davis’. The referee finally caught onto what was happening behind the scenes and stopped it allowing Black to escape the hold with a hiptoss but not Delirious’ clutches as he continued to punish Black hitting a Rude Awakening for two. Delirious tossed Black to the floor again where Phil Davis dropped him on the guard rails. Delirious went for the win with a facelock submission but black fought out again. Black’s attempted dropkick saw Delirious hold the ropes but Black flipped and landed on his feet and he decked Delirious. Black missed a springboard clothesline but didn’t a flipping tope move onto all three people he had been fighting all night. Delirious fought off a move but not a neckbreaker for two. Black went for a Lionsault but hit Delirious instead and it allowed Delirious to hit a top rope splash for two. Delirious set Black for a move but got moved to a corner. Black hit the springboard clothesline but got two. Both men traded forearms and chest chops but Black hit a spinning kick to the head. Black hit several clotheslines but the Davis’ got the referee and Black’s attention long enough so Delirious could hit a punch wrapped with a chain. But Black wasn’t ready to accept defeat and he hit a power bomb to the corner and a superkick to win. After the bell Davey Richards hit the ring and Tyler Black with anger in his eyes. The FIP referees tried to stop Richards but they all ended up on the floor beaten down. Phil Davis handed the World title belt to Richards who left with it over his shoulder along with the $25,000.

Just as Jonathon Gold was going to introduce the main event, YRR member Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance and Mr. Saint Laurent came out to address the fans. Rance said the YRR wasn’t in the tournament and this made him furious. Saint Laurent bored the crap out of the fans talking about his supposed accomplishments. Saint Laurent said he got the YRR a FIP Tag Team championship match in Crystal River. This brought Stevens out of the locker room to address the YRR and tell them he accepted on behalf his partner.

(9) Davey Richards won the 2009 Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts trophy when he defeated Roderick Strong.
After his interference in the previous match, Richards was joined at ringside by Heartbreak Enterprises. Both men tried to soften the other up with armdrags and wristlocks but their styles are so alike they both went for dropkicks sending them to neutral corners to figure out a new attack. Richards took Strong down with a test of strength but Strong kipped up and went into an armbar and a head scissor. Richards got to his feet but Strong hit a leg lariat that sent Richards to the floor and to the Davis’ for counseling. Strong grabbed Richards for a side headlock takeover but Richards countered only to have Strong counter his counter. Both men traded side headlocks but it was Strong who got Richards on the mat. Richards finally slowed Strong down by hitting a running knee to the gut and then tossing him to the floor where the Davis’ took out some frustration. Richards hit a snap suplex and a body stretch after Strong came back to the ring. When he didn’t get the submission, Richards released the hold to put on a straight jacket hold. But Strong fought out and locked in one of his own. Richards got to the ropes with his feet and Strong was forced to let it go. Richards hit several kicks but his handspring move was cut off when Strong hit a baseball slide into Richards’ face. The fighting went to the floor where Strong chopped Richards around the ring. The action came back to the ring where Strong hit a clothesline and dropkick for two. Strong hit a slingshot sitout slam for two as the Davis’ began to pace feverously around ringside. Strong fought of Richards’ crucifix into a Samoan drop for two but his next move was blocked and Richards kicked him in the face. Richards hit a spinning kick and demanded the referee issue the standing ten count but Strong got to his feet. So Richards hit a running forearm and clothesline for a two count. Richards smelled victory hitting a kick and German suplex for two. Richards went up top to end it but Strong got to his feet and avoided the dropkick hitting a kick of his own for two. Strong followed with a gutbuster and chokeslam backbreaker into a Boston Crab but somehow Richards made the ropes for a break. Both men traded several two counts before Richards hit his handspring kick and went up top hitting the headbutt. Richards went for a submission but Strong rolled into a pin for two. Richards went for a top rope move but Strong fought with him on the ropes and they came off in a superplex but Strong’s shoulders ended up getting counted down in defeat. After the match the Davis’ celebrated Richards’ victory.

If you’re a fan of Pro Wrestling Riot then you need to be in attendance this Saturday night at the The New Lakes in Regency Park Civic Center 8330 Civic Drive in Port Richey, FL for the continuation in the Road to the Gold. Their website is www.prowrestlingriot.com Full Impact Pro’s next event is Saturday March 28th in Crystal River and their website is www.fullimpactpro.com