Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling News

From the offices of Damien Christopher International and Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling:

Our next event is SUMMER HEAT IV to be held on Saturday July 7th at Gallery Billiards

1925 Northgate Blvd.

in Sarasota, Florida. Belltime , all tickets are $8. Here is the entire lineup, which can change without notice:  



FSPW champion Jason Sensation vs. #1 contender Ray Beez 

FSPW Florida champion VA Hampton vs. BoneZ the Cutthroat 

Special Challenge Match“Fire Breathing Monster” Torcher vs. Lou Cypher of the Fed Up North (w/ F.U.N. Lawyer John Q.) 

FSPW Tag Team champions Barney Rumble & Deathrow Jethro vs. La Familia Latina (“Hardcore Conquistador” Tony, Papi Catracho & El Jugador) 

George Rodriguez vs. Mark Zout of the Fed Up North (w/F.U.N. Lawyer John Q) 

CIA members Son Of Sicily & Stone Cates (w/James T. Micco) vs. Ominus Prime & Austin  

Pretty Fly vs. James Morrison of Fed Up north (w/F.U.N. Lawyer John Q)  


We will see you on July 7th. Remember FSPW already has dates secured at the same venue for August 4th. TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED AT GALLERY BILLIARDS, OR DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO LOCAL AREA BY CALLING 941-580-0112. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.FSPWONLINE.COM  OR CALL OUR TICKET NUMBER ABOVE. If you have any questions log onto the FSPW website link below or contact Damien directly at