FCW-WWE Results from Florida on 2/19

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com

If its Tuesday night then that means Florida Championship Wrestling at Bourbon Street Night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey. Special thanks go out to all those who came out to the Florida State Fair event last Friday. FCW held a tournament to crown FCW Florida Tag Team champions. The winners of the matches will face off this Saturday night at the Jewish Community Center.

(1) “Handsome” Heath Miller & “Sterling” Steve Lewington defeated Brandon “the Greek” Groom & Greg Jackson.
(2) Sheamus & the debuting Kafu defeated “Thee Superstar” Christopher Gray & “the Rascal” Tommy Taylor (w/British wrestling legend Dave Taylor).
(3) “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & “Campus Legend” Brad Allen defeated “Super Fan” Chet Douglas & Mr. Yamamoto.
(4) The 7FT Giant Titan (w/ “Rough House” Ralph Mosca) defeated Joshua Masters.
(5) The Puerto Rican Nightmares (Eric Perez & Eddie Colon /Angela Fong) defeated “The Thoroughbred” Johnny Curtis & Bryan Kelly.
(6) Rycklon & Gabe Tuft defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. & Afa Jr.

If its Tuesday night then that means Florida Championship Wrestling at Bourbon Street Night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey. Special thanks go out to all those who came out to the Florida State Fair event last Friday. FCW held a tournament to crown FCW Florida Tag Team champions. The winners of the matches will face off this Saturday night at the Jewish Community Center.

(1) “Handsome” Heath Miller & “Sterling” Steve Lewington defeated Brandon “the Greek” Groom & Greg Jackson.
After last Friday’s loss to WWE Tag Team champions John Morrison & The Miz, Miller & Lewington were extremely irritated so they jumped their opponents. They tossed them to the floor and beat down and when the action came to the ring it was Groom who was the aggressor. He worked over Lewington’s massive left arm and went to work on Miller who tagged in. Jackson tagged in and got a quick two count on Miller but Lewington came in and hit a slam that shook the ring. Jackson recovered and went back to the arm Groom had attacked earlier. Groom came back in and went for a waistlock roll up but Miller grabbed hold of Lewington and stopped the momentum long enough for Lewington to escape and hit a dropkick. Miller came in and dropped a knee for two before locking in a rear chinlock. Groom fought to his feet but Miller raked his eyes and tagged in Lewington who hit some European forearms. Lewington locked in a standing neckvise but Groom got out, only to be Bealed across the ring. Groom went for an enziguri but Miller saw it coming and dropped his head. Groom fought back and hit a back suplex and made the tag to Jackson. Jackson and Lewington traded moves but it was Jackson who was the aggressor until Lewington hit him with a backbreaker. He tagged in Miller who hit a second rope knee drop to win. They picked up the new championship belts and told the fans they would be walking out of the JCC with the gold.

(2) Sheamus & the debuting Kafu defeated “Thee Superstar” Christopher Gray & “the Rascal” Tommy Taylor (w/British wrestling legend Dave Taylor).
This was an interesting match with three of the four men being from the British Isle and Taylor being at ringside, talking the whole match. Sheamus and Tommy Taylor began the match with some power moves and Sheamus ended up on his butt in a corner. Kafu tagged in but was hit with an armdrag and Gray tagged in to a round of boos. Gray worked over the arm but Kafu kicked Gray right in the gut and it sent Gray to the floor where he threw a mini tantrum. Taylor tagged back in and went for a corner move but Sheamus got the referee’s attention and Kafu used it to cut Taylor’s knee out. Sheamus and Kafu made some timely tags working over Taylor’s injury with a variety of holds but nothing got the pin or submission. The chance came for Taylor when Sheamus went for a leg sweep but got hit with an enziguri. This allowed Gray to tag in but he got too close to his side of the ring and bumped into Taylor. Sheamus and the referee saw it and Taylor was dragged back into the ring where he tapped out to a leg submission hold applied by Sheamus.

(3) “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & “Campus Legend” Brad Allen defeated “Super Fan” Chet Douglas & Mr. Yamamoto.
Tagging with Yamamoto-san made Douglas embrace his inner Hakushi or Mr. Fuji, coming dressed in similar attire. Allen was reluctant to lockup with Douglas who tried to use some karate moves. Douglas nearly broke Allen in half with a chop to the chest and Allen went to the floor to consult with Nemeth, who promptly tagged in…well more like reluctantly. Nemeth said he wanted the Chinese guy to tag in…the problem was Yamamoto-san is Japanese. Yamamoto showed Nemeth he could wrestle in addition to the martial arts arsenal. Nemeth went for a chest chop and man did he regret it when Yamamoto returned fire on the chest and back of “the Natural.” Allen joined his partner in the ring to confront their opponents with some martial arts and ended up being chopped and kicked to the floor. Douglas brought Nemeth back in the ring the hard way and Allen got chopped in the neck by Yamamoto. They went to a corner where Yamamoto laid in some chops but Allen grabbed him and fell out, dropping Yamamoto face first in the corner. Yamamoto recovered and locked Allen in an abdominal stretch. But as Douglas came in to attack Nemeth the referee stopped him. Nemeth used this chance to hit Yamamoto right in the head with Allen’s prized beer drinking head. This allowed Allen to get the pin and move onto Saturday’s tag match.

(4) The 7FT Giant Titan (w/ “Rough House” Ralph Mosca) defeated Joshua Masters.
Before the match Mosca said this night was nice but he told the fans Titan could win the tag championships by himself. Needless to say the former ACW Tag Team champion was reluctant to get in the ring with the 7 FT monster. When Masters did enter the ring he was punched and kicked in the head. Titan backed Masters to a corner and lifted his boot into the neck, breaking only before the referee reached five. Titan drove Masters into a corner but missed a move. It allowed Masters a chance to attack but instead Titan got to his feet and dropped Masters with a ring shaking power bomb.

It was time “Handsome Heath’s Happy Hour”, hosted by FCW Southern Heavyweight champion “Handsome” Heath Miller. His special guest was the new Florida Heavyweight champion Jake Hagar. Miller said it was déjà vu as last week he said they told the fans Hagar was going to wrestle at the Fairgrounds and come out with gold around his waist. Miller mentioned the history of the FCW championship but Hagar said those legends that couldn’t handle his greatness, even the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes who awarded him the gold. Miller wasn’t done and he brought out FCW Diva’s the Bella Twins, calling them the hottest women in FCW. Miller brought up the fact Nicole & Brianna recently won best lingerie and best cowgirl contest and the ladies thanked the FCW fans. But the fun was ended by Taryn Terrell and Beverly Mullins who said it was ridiculous for the Bella’s to celebrate, claiming they paid off the fans to cheer for them. They said that men wanted real women like them who had posed for Playboy. That didn’t sit well with the Bella’s who went into fighting mode. It took the FCW referee and some security to break up the fracas. When the dust settled Miller thanked the divas for making his night. Miller once again picked up the FCW Tag Team championships and said Saturday he was leaving a double champion.

(5) The Puerto Rican Nightmares (Eric Perez & Eddie Colon /Angela Fong) defeated “The Thoroughbred” Johnny Curtis & Bryan Kelly.
Before the match Perez took the mic to tell the fans they were going to see the best tag team in FCW with the hottest Diva in FCW. Kelly and Curtis didn’t care about any of that; they just wanted to advance to Saturday’s championship match. As Curtis and Kelly took it to their opponents; Colon, Perez and Fong claimed everything from tight pulling to hair pulling to favoritism by the referee. Perez didn’t fair better when he tagged in, being taken off his feet by Curtis in an armdrag. Curtis hit a suplex and went up top but Colon distracted him long enough to allow Perez go to get to his feet and slam Curtis off into the ring. Colon and Perez used legal and illegal double team moves to wear down Curtis. But nothing kept Curtis pinned for the necessary three count and Curtis blocked a Perez top rope move, hitting a tornado DDT. Curtis got his wits about him and tagged in Kelly who was ready to fight both opponents. Colon was whipped to a corner and fell down claiming his knee went out on him. As the referee was checking on Colon, Perez dropped his baseball bat on the mat. Kelly picked it up and acted like he was going to use it. As Curtis recovered on the floor the referee placed the bat outside, missing Perez and Colon’s double team neckbreaker which advanced them to Saturday’s event. After the match Kelly accused his partner of leaving him out to dry and left Curtis in the ring alone.

(6) Rycklon & Gabe Tuft defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. & Afa Jr.
The two former FCW Southern Heavyweight champions made for an interesting team, but Rycklon and Tuft didn’t care about the past. They took the fight to the multi-generation superstars keeping them on the defensive for several minutes. That ended when Rycklon took his eyes off Afa and turned to DiBiase long enough that Afa attacked the big man’s left knee with a chop block. Afa and DiBiase used several submission holds trying to wear Rycklon down to the point he would quit. That never happened as Rycklon refused to give up despite the legal and illegal moves used on him and the jawboxing he had to endure. Rycklon got a chance to tag Tuft when DiBiase missed a facewash and got stuck in the ropes. Tuft had to take on both men to survive, hitting DiBiase with a Perfect Plex for two. Afa went to help his partner by using the tag gold but the referee saw it and stopped Afa from entering the ring. As this went on Tuft and Rycklon hit DiBiase with a double team move to advance in the tournament.

After the match ended Afa and DiBiase’s heated conversation turned violent when Afa attacked DiBiase, hitting him with a superkick and two top rope splashes. DiBiase appeared to suffer an injury to his ribs and he was assisted to the locker room by referees and security.

FCW will return to the Jewish Community Center on Saturday February 23rd with an 8pm belltime. Admission price is $10 dollars. WWE Divas and Playboy models Taryn Terrell and Beverly Mullins will be in attendance plus see the FCW Tag Team champions be crowned.

Be looking out for information on our TV tapings to begin on Thursday February 28th in Tampa.

On Saturday March 1st FCW returns to the USA Flea Market on US 19 in Port Richey for a 12pm show. Followed by an evening show at Ricochet in Ft. Myers 8pm.
For more information on the FCW Superstars log onto www.fcwwrestling.com