FCW-WWE Results from Florida on 1/15

FCW WWECourtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com

(1) Sheamus defeated “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez.(2) Johnny Curtis defeated “South City Thriller” Hade Vansen.

(3) Rycklon & Steve Lewington defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne & “Carnival Freak from Myrtle Creek” Sinn Bowdee.

(4) The 7 Foot Giant Titan (w/Mosca) defeated Kevin Kiley.

(5) In a demanded rematch from Saturday, Mighty Mikey & Matt O’Neal defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.

(6) Afa Jr. fought Bryan Kelly to a no contest after “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson interfered.

(7) “Handsome” Heath Miller (representing FCW Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr.) defeated Billy Kidman.

On Tuesday night January 15, 2008 Florida Championship Wrestling returned to Bourbon Street Night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey after a successful show with the David Williams Celebrity Tribute to the Troops.

(1) Sheamus defeated “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez.

In his FCW debut Saturday Perez lost to Steve Lewington via DQ so he was ready to prove he belonged in FCW. Early on it was a battle to see who was the stronger man of the duo and after several moves; it was Perez who sent Sheamus to the apron to regroup. When he re-entered Perez went to work on Sheamus’ left arm and shoulder until Sheamus took over when he hit a Hot Shot followed by a Northern Lariat. Sheamus kept on the neck region with some legal and illegal moves that got him several two counts. Perez fought out of a rear chinlock only to have Sheamus hit a spinning neckbreaker for two. Sheamus took Perez back down into a body scissor with the chinlock hoping for the submission, instead Perez got to his feet again and this time he got on the attack with chest chops and a series of power moves for two. Sheamus thought backdrop but Perez broke that up with a DDT for two. Sheamus fired back with an STO for two and that sent the Irishman in finishing mode and that meant he went for the battle axe but the referee stopped it and Perez went for a roll up but Sheamus countered into one of his own and with a hand full of shorts got the pinfall.

(2) Johnny Curtis defeated “South City Thriller” Hade Vansen.

The two men went right at it at the bell with right hand punches and armdrags for two. Vansen took Curtis to the mat with a back stretch but Curtis got to his feet only to be crotched on the top rope where Vansen hit a front kick to the face. Curtis tried to fight back but Vansen took him down with a sleeper hold. Curtis fought to his feet only to be decked with an elbow to the jaw. Vansen went right back to the mat with a chinlock but Curtis got out and went on the attack getting two after a power drive hip toss. Curtis went to the ropes but Vansen hit a drop toe hold which left Curtis on the ropes prone to a legdrop. But Curtis recovered hitting a suplex into a sitout powerbomb and won via a second rope legdrop.

(3) Rycklon & Steve Lewington defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne & “Carnival Freak from Myrtle Creek” Sinn Bowdee.

All four men were ready for action especially Bowdee who came in a special butcher’s apron. Bowdee and Lewington started out with Lewington trying to control the bout with his power. He succeeded in keeping Bowdee on the defensive and Rycklon joined the fun by attacking Bowdee’s left arm and shoulder. Rycklon felt he needed some upper body work so he bodyslammed Bowdee three times before tagging Lewington back in. Lewington was gracious enough to let Osborne tag in but he too fell to the power of Lewington’s attack on the left arm. Osborne fought back even as Lewington and Rycklon made tags. The change in momentum came when Lewington went for a backdrop and Bowdee kicked him in the left shoulder region. This allowed Osborne to come in and begin the dissection of the injury with some help from Bowdee. But neither man could keep the British powerhouse’s shoulders down long enough and he was able to tag in Rycklon who took on both opponents at the same time. Rycklon hit a suplex and Lewington hit a top rope boot to Bowdee’s back to get the win.

(4) The 7 Foot Giant Titan (w/Mosca) defeated Kevin Kiley.

To everyone’s surprise Kiley went right after Titan with an attack that got Titan on the mat in a side headlock. But that didn’t last long as Titan got to his feet and hit a shoulder tackle and a side slam when Kiley went back to the head lock. Titan kept on the attack with punches and a corner clothesline that nearly took Kiley’s head off. Kiley tried to fight back but he got leveled by a punch. Kiley slid off Titan’s shoulders avoiding a bodyslam but he couldn’t avoid another sideslam. Kiley went for a shoulder tackle but only knocked himself down to the mat. He hit Titan with a corner whip but Mosca tripped him and it allowed Titan to hit a clothesline and a ring shaking chokeslam to show why he won the #1 contender battle royal on Saturday.

(5) In a demanded rematch from Saturday, Mighty Mikey & Matt O’Neal defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.

O’Neal and Mikey won so of course Nemeth demanded another shot in the ring. Nemeth raised the divorce rate by taking his short off but it was Mikey who got the fans to their feet upon his entry to the ring. Mikey and O’Neal went to work on Nemeth’s arm but it didn’t stop his gums which kept flapping as he got beat up. Nemeth somehow fought off defeat as Big Rob could only watch on and he was able to distract Mikey long enough to allow Nemeth to hit from behind. Nemeth got his wind and was on the attack injuring the left wrist. Big Rob tagged in and hit some shoulder blocks and a double handed choke slam but Nemeth insisted Rob tag him back in. Rob agreed and Nemeth only got two before locking a stepover shoulder armbar combo submission hold. But Mikey refused to quit and got to his feet and after surviving a corner attack was hit with a cross armbreaker for two. Nemeth took an over hand wristlock to the mat making Mikey carry both body weights as he fought to his feet. Mikey got out with a jawbreaker but ran into a dropkick from Nemeth. Big Rob demanded Nemeth finish Mikey off but instead Mikey tagged in O’Neal who went into football tackle mode making Nemeth look like a tackling dummy. Big Rob came in but got hit with a spear that took the fight to the floor as Mikey went up top, hitting Nemeth with a cross bodyblock to win.

It was now time for “Handsome” Heath Miller (who handed out photos to the lovely ladies at ringside) and a “Happy Hour” FCW Diva’s Bikini Contest with special judge “Campus Legend” Brad Allen. Victoria and the Bella Twins made their way out for the competition but it was interrupted by FCW Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr. who came to the ring on a set of crutches. DiBiase told the fans and Miller he had an injured knee and would be unable to defend the championship however FCW was allowing him to select someone to defend it against Billy Kidman. DiBiase said out of everyone in the locker room he chose his good friend Heath Miller. Miller accepted and he left with DiBiase to form a strategy.

(6) Afa Jr. fought Bryan Kelly to a no contest after “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson interfered.

This was Kelly’s first shot at revenge over the man who put him out of action with an injury and he went right at Afa with a series of moves that sent him to the floor. Kelly paced in the ring waiting for the former champion to re-enter instead Afa pulled Kelly to the floor where hit Kelly with chest chops. Back in the ring Afa kept hitting Kelly with upper body shots and headbutts that did some damage, forcing the air out of Kelly. Kelly got a sunset flip for two but Afa quickly got to his feet and hit a clothesline and a Samoan Drop but Afa seemed more interested in punching out Kelly. This opening allowed “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson to enter and attack Afa. The referee called for the bell as Kelly joined in the punches. Wilson took f his leather belt off and got some revenge for last week’s lashing at the hands of Afa and friends. Actually the fighting went around ringside with Afa running as Wilson hit him with the belt all over the upper body. Wilson returned to the ring with the belt in hand and called out Afa but the Samoan refused to come back to ringside.

(7) “Handsome” Heath Miller (representing FCW Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr.) defeated Billy Kidman.

Early on Miller spent more time talking to Kidman than wrestling him and when they did lock up it was Kidman who was the aggressor. Kidman got two after a corner based dropkick to the gut but Miller raked the eyes and Kidman was blinded. So much so that he fell out of the ring to the floor where Miller followed, sending Kidman into a bar back first. The action came back to the ring where Miller kept Kidman on the mat working over the injured arm and shoulder. DiBiase talked trash as Kidman hit a sunset flip for two but Miller hit a clothesline for two. Kidman fought back with punches but missed a corner splash hitting his shoulder on the turnbuckles. Miller kept on the attack using his wrist tape to choke out Kidman as DiBiase kept the referee occupied. Miller went for a hammerlock submission but Kidman fought to his feet and hit a dropkick which sent both men to the mat trying to get their breath back. Kidman go to his feet first and hit a series of moves wearing Miller down but getting two on each pin attempt. Miller fought back with a blockbuster like move for two and that got DiBiase mad as he thought it was over. Miller hit a corner whip but ran into a boot and Kidman went up, the bad part was his dropkick took out the referee. Miller went for DiBiase’s crutch and missed allowing Kidman to get a pin but there was no referee to count. Kidman went for another move but Miller went to roll up him, taking them to the ropes where Miller collided with DiBiase but the referee counted only two. Miller shot Kidman off into the ropes where DiBiase leveled Kidman with the other crutch. When the referee came around he only saw Miller pinning Kidman.

On Saturday January 19th we will be at the USA Flea Market 11721 US 19 in Port Richey for a 1pm show that is free to the general public.

On January 26th we will return to the Jewish Community Center. The JCC is located at 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey and we begin our show at 8pm.

For more information on the FCW Superstars log onto www.fcwwrestling.com