FCW-WWE Results from Florida on 1/12

FCW WWECourtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com

(1) In a rematch from Tuesday’s event, Tommy Taylor defeated “Greek God” Brandon Groom and Chris Gray.

(2) Derick Linkin defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne.(3) Jake Hager & Sheamus defeated Johnny Curtis & “Campus Legend” Brad Allen.

(4) The 7 Ft Titan (w/Mosca) won a battle royal to crown a new #1 contender to FCW Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr. when he eliminated G-Rilla.

(5) Kevin Kiley defeated “The Carnival Freak from Myrtle Creek” Sinn Bowdee.

(6) Mighty Mikey & Matt O’Neal in his FCW debut defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.

(7) Steve Lewington defeated “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez in his FCW debut via DQ.

(8) “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson & Billy Kidman defeated “Handsome” Heath Miller & “South City Thriller” Hade Vansen.

On Saturday January 12, 2008 Florida Championship Wrestling visited Hernando High School, 700 Bell Avenue in Brooksville as part of the David Williams Celebrity Tribute to the Troops. The proceeds will benefit the Hernando County Sheriff’s Youth Education Services Foundation and Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc. Information on both charities is listed at the end of this report.

(1) In a rematch from Tuesday’s event, Tommy Taylor defeated “Greek God” Brandon Groom and Chris Gray.

These three men tore the house down Tuesday night so FCW decided to give them another shot at each other. Like Tuesday night Groom had to isolate rather than fight both Young Lions but instead the Lions fought each other. Each man went for the pin but got stopped by the third man in the ring with them. Gray ditched Taylor to the floor and went after Groom but got hit with a Tilt-A-Whirl slam. Groom went for a waistlock but his move was topped by Taylor who came off the top and his momentum made Gray the worst, as he was hit with a German suplex. Groom went up to finish off Taylor with a double sledge for two after he slammed Gray on top. Groom went up again but this time Taylor cut him off with a dropkick that left Groom hanging. Taylor went for a suplex but Gray brought both of them off with a power bomb that left all three men in trouble. Gray got to the pin attempt first but both men kicked out at two. Gray took Groom out with an enziguri but Taylor countered his suplex into a torture rack with a forward roll that got him the victory.

(2) Derick Linkin defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne.

This one was also a rematch from Tuesday evening, where Osborne won via pinfall but holding Linkin’s tights. Both men began the match with chain wrestling with Linkin controlling it with an armbar. Osborne kept getting to his feet but Linkin took him back down into another armlock. On a rope break Osborne avoided Linkin and hit him with a Hot Shot that changed the momentum big time when Linkin missed a corner spear and hit the ring post. This allowed Osborne some time to get his breath and take over on Linkin’s injury. Linkin fought out of the armbar and hit Osborne a series of clotheslines and a backdrop before going up to the second rope where he hit an elbow drop for two. Osborne went for the win with a rollup but this time the referee saw the tight pull and refused to count. As Osborne argued with the referee Linkin came from behind and won via a small package. Osborne could only sit in the ring afterwards and pitch a fit as the southern folks say.

(3) Jake Hager & Sheamus defeated Johnny Curtis & “Campus Legend” Brad Allen.

Curtis and Allen came dressed in the Hernando HS colors (purple & gold) to the delight of the fans. Hager and Allen began the match but Allen and Curtis took over keeping their opponents grounded while mixing in some speed to keep them off guard. Their tactics paid off until Curtis took his eye off the legal man Sheamus and was sent to the floor by a spinning double axe shot to the chest. Hager and Sheamus made several tags working over Curtis as Allen and the fans cheered him on. Allen got frustrated and tried to intervene on his partner’s behalf but the referee kept him away from the action, which allowed Sheamus & Hager time to illegally double team Curtis. Sheamus went to end the match with another axe handle shot but this time Curtis was ready and blocked it before hitting a clothesline. Curtis had the chance to tag out to Allen and just as he got there Allen jumped off the apron. This allowed Hager to hit a Sky High Slam to win for his team.

(4) The 7 Ft Titan (w/Mosca) won a battle royal to crown a new #1 contender to FCW Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr. when he eliminated G-Rilla.

Also in the match were: Mr. Yamamoto, Robert Anthony, David Olivieri, Afa Jr, “Super Fan” Chet Douglas, Bryan Kelly and Rycklon.

(5) Kevin Kiley defeated “The Carnival Freak from Myrtle Creek” Sinn Bowdee.

This was the last of the rematches from Tuesday that saw Bowdee defeated Kiley. Kiley controlled the match with several side headlocks that kept Bowdee off balance. That was until Kiley missed a cross bodyblock and Bowdee took over with a neck vise before switching to an arm submission. Kiley fought out of the hold but Bowdee got a waistlock only to have Kiley use momentum to send Bowdee into the buckles. Kiley hit Bowdee with right hand punches and clotheslines. Kiley avoided a kick to the jaw and hit a backdrop and went up top but Bowdee stopped him, only to be hit with a cross bodyblock that got Kiley the win.

(6) Mighty Mikey & Matt O’Neal in his FCW debut defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.

This match came as a result of a match on Tuesday between Nemeth & Mikey where Rob tried to interfere and O’Neal (who has been training with Billy Kidman) stopped it. If O’Neal was nervous he never showed it. Nemeth was so confident in his skills he had Big Rob step off the apron and patrol ringside. That wasn’t a good idea as Mikey sent him flying to the floor an into Big Rob’s ample arms. Nemeth returned to the ring with a chest chop that didn’t affect Mikey who returned fire with one that echoed through the building. O’Neal tagged in and went to work on Nemeth’s left arm and shoulder region as Big Rob waited for the tag. Instead Nemeth bailed to the floor for a new strategy. But he didn’t count on Mikey coming out after him. Mikey tossed Nemeth back in the ring but Nemeth slid back outside to get his wits. When he did come back Mikey hit a dropkick to the face and a slam which sent Nemeth backing into a corner only to have his crotch meet the post. Instead of going after Nemeth, Mikey went after Big Rob and it allowed Nemeth a chance to attack from behind. Big Rob tagged in and hit several shots to Mikey’s back but Nemeth tagged right back in to go for an elbow drop which he missed but he cut off Mikey from tagging O’Neal. Nemeth locked in a chinlock but Mikey fought to his feet only to be sent back down by Nemeth, who missed a tope rope move by hitting Mikey’s boot. That allowed Mikey the chance to tag in O’Neal who was fired up and leveled Nemeth with a football tackle. But Big Rob came in to save Nemeth only to be hit with a football tackle as well. Mikey went up top and came off with a cross bodyblock that got the win for his team.

It was now time for an FCW Diva’s uniform dance-off involving Maryse, Victoria Crawford and the Bella Twins (Nicole & Brianna.) Things seemed to be going well that was until the Diva’s decided their grievances with each other was too much and the fighting began and the Diva’s had to be separated by the FCW referees.

(7) Steve Lewington defeated “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez in his FCW debut via DQ.

Lewington used Perez’s over aggressiveness to his advantage by using it to toss Perez from one corner to the other with power moves before settling into an armbar. Perez tried to fight back punches and kicks but Lewington came back with a head scissor and a senton for two. Lewington went back to the left arm and shoulder but Perez avoided a up and over move which allowed him to hit Lewington in his back. Lewington fired back with chest chops but he ran into Perez’s elbow. Lewington nearly crashed into the referee and it allowed Perez hit a hangman’s neckbreaker for two. Perez went to work on Lewington with neck vise and nerve hold but Lewington fought to his feet and hit a dropkick which leveled Perez. Lewington went on the attack with forearm shots and a powerslam for two. Lewington went for and delivered a spinning power move that looked to set Perez up for the defeat. But Perez went for his baseball bat and a swing that cost him the match via DQ.

(8) “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson & Billy Kidman defeated “Handsome” Heath Miller & “South City Thriller” Hade Vansen.

Wilson and Vansen began the match with some chain wrestling that ended when Vansen kicked Wilson right in the middle of the back before locking a stretch. Wilson escaped and was able to tag Kidman in as Vansen bailed to the floor to talk strategy with Miller. When they came back in the ring it was Miller who faced off with Kidman renewing their rivalry. Miller tried to speed up the match but it was Kidman who was the aggressor and with Wilson’s help, kept their opponents off balance. Miller and Vansen bailed to the floor again but this time Wilson and Kidman hit them with topes’. But they made the mistake of sending in Vansen first and it cost Wilson who was kicked with a baseball slide. This allowed Vansen and Miller the chance to work Wilson over in their part of the ring for several and I do mean several minutes. But nothing the duo did was enough to put the former Southern Heavyweight champion away. Wilson was able to get separation from Miller with two dropkicks to the head and Kidman tagged in with a burst of energy. Kidman hit Vansen with a doubleleg power bomb but Miller pulled the referee to the floor to stop the count. Vansen recovered and got a two count on Kidman but it was Wilson who hit the final move, pinning Miller after hitting what looked like a blockbuster.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Youth Education Services Foundation or YES is a non-profit organization that was formed to develop programs for our growing youth population. The programs offered teach them the importance of being a good citizen and to make the right choices throughout their lives. These programs are taught in both public & private schools by the Sheriff Office personnel. For more information on becoming a YES member contact (352) 754-6830 ext. 53660 or log onto www.hsco.hernando.fl.us

Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc is a non-profit organization created by Dee Mills in memory of her son Sgt. Lea Robert Mills who served in the US Marine Corps until he was killed in action on April 28, 2006. Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc generates postage for all the patriotic people in America who send packages to our service personnel. Since May 2006, Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc has paid over $33,000 of postage. The only requirement for postage to be paid is a military overseas address that is inside a war zone. For information on the charity contact Ms. Dee Mills via Lea’s Prayers & Postage Inc. PO Box 9000, Masaryktown, FL 34604.