Falls Count Anywhere: WWE’s Underutilized Wrestlers

Falls Count AnywhereHello good people.  Let’s get right to this.  After watching WWE these last few months, I came to thinking…There is an awful lot of talent either being used in the wrong way or not used at all.  I for one, think using talent that were relevant 15-20 years ago, is not the way to go.  With the exception of William Regal.  Read through my top ten, and see why.

regal10.  William Regal

In my mind William Regal, is the one of the greatest wrestlers of all time to never hold a major championship.  Throughout his years in Europe, to WCW, and finally WWE, Regal has always connected with the WWE fans as a heel and fan favourite (I STILL refuse to use the term “universe” on the basis that it’s STILL stupid).  Why not team him up with Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, or even both, to create a menacing UK faction that could be quite entertaining in today’s WWE.

clay9.  Brodus Clay

When Brodus Clay came to WWE, he was billed as a monster.  Big, fierce, and brutal to opponents.  Now WWE creative has him turned into a dancing buffoon.  I get it, younger audience needed to be targeted to a point; however I think this was just a waste.  After teaming with Tensai’s during his second stint with WWE.  Clay turned heel once again by turning on his tag team partner.  Excellent, right?  Not so much.  Rather than going through a feud, they had a single match, before Tensai became an announcer on NXT, while Clay apparently returned to Planet Funk to re-think his life, because nobody has seen him since.  What a waste!!


JTG has been with WWE since 2006.  He’s was a mainstay in the Tag Team picture with his partner Shad Gaspard as the tag team Cryme Time.  Since the breakup of this tag team, he’s been used as talent enhancement on NXT of all places, which is the developmental program of WWE.  I remember seeing him at a house show in Kingston, Ontario, and they had him lose to Justin Gabriel (another talent enhancer) in less than 10 minutes.  Absolutely ridiculous.

sandow16.  Damien Sandow

This by far is a failure from WWE creative.  Since falling flat as a MiTB winner vs. John Cena, Sandow has essentially accomplished nothing but a series of losses.  I can only assume this is the start of a plot for Sandow to keep gaining the pity of the fans, before they take him off the air, repackage him, and return him with a new winning, fan loving attitude.  I guess time will tell.

Curt-Hawkins5.  Curt Hawkins

This former WWE tag team champion hasn’t been seen since I don’t know when.  Curt was primarily used as a guy typically on the wrong end of a squash match.  However, he was a former tag team champion with Zack Ryder.  He’s not too long from coming back off an injury, however, there doesn’t seem to be too much in the cards for Mr. Hawkins, other than being on his back for a three-count.  Maybe he should think about a return to tag team wrestling.  I heard Zack Ryder has some time on his hands.

miz20104. The Miz

What happened to this guy?!  Going from a US, Tag Team, and Intercontinental Champion, to WWE Champion wrestling in the main event at Wrestlemania.  The Miz was one of those characters that was so easy to hate.  Just the look of him could make you angry.  Since turning into a fan favourite, Miz has essentially fallen flat, from wrestling pointless matches to no storyline, to hosting Miz TV (which is terribly boring).  Now you’ll be lucky to see him at all.  What the plan for him, is anybody’s guess.

zack ryder3.  Zack Ryder

This former US champion, and tag team champion has definitely seen better days.  Ryder, had an absolutely huge following, and fan base.  For whatever reason, WWE creative did not see this.  He consistently come out with no entrance, (TV timeouts), if your lucky to see him at all.   The add insult to injury each loss is in less than 5 minutes each night, which is pathetic.  He deserves more, and he knows it.  For a while, his wrestling tights had the slogan “Push Me” on the back.  Again, maybe he should team up with Hawkins again.

drew-mcintyre-wallpaper-1152x8642)  Drew McIntyre

To talk about Drew in this fashion makes me literally sick to my stomach.  Once tagged as the “Chosen One” from Vince McMahon, is now teaming with Heath Slater, and Jinder Mahal, as a 3 man rock band (who doesn’t seem to play an instrument, or sing) called 3 MB.  They are more or less a comic gimmick used as talent enhancement almost every night on Raw and Smackdown.  To make matters worse.  Most of the time, Mahal, and Slater do the wrestling, with McIntyre, looking like an idiot on the outside.  The former Intercontinental champ went from being ruthless, and talented, to silly, and embarrassing.

Wade Barrett 21)  Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett like Drew McIntyre is another great talent.  Although I was a fan of the Barrett Barrage, it hasn’t really caught so they give him 60 second speaking segments instead of being in the ring.  He’s a good wrestler, who can also handle himself in the ring and on the microphone.    As I said before, if they won’t push him within the singles division, he should add to the tag division maybe with Drew McIntyre under the guidance of William Regal.  However, I do truly believe that in the right role, he could be a legitimate WWE World Heavyweight champion.

There is plenty of talent, with little to no exposure.  Instead of 30 minute promo’s to start shows, or another Santino vs. Fandango match, why not use some of these guys in legitimate time to be seen, and promoted.  If I have to watch another Triple H, Stephanie McMahon promo, I think I might puke.

Please WWE Creative, or even “The Authority”. I mean, Dave Batisita, and the New Age Outlaw’s?  Seriously?  Swallow your pride Triple H, if you wanted give your boys some work, I’m sure there are plenty of floors to sweep in the back.  Leave the limelight for the superstars that are actually current, and RELEVANT!!!!

— Steve Cheeseman