EWF Results from Indiana on 8/04/07

The show opened with the announcement of next weeks show featuring the debut of Indy star B.J Whitmer, the return of Matt Stryker & Jon Moxley and the match has been signed “IRAQ” -vs- “USA” as Mustafa Saied Challenges EWF New Era Champion “Just” Justin…….And also announced was the August 18th event featuring WWE Star RIKISHI & TNA Knockout Miss Traci Brooks……

Mr. Fitness came to the ring talking about how Marion, IN. was full of fat out of shape morons….Dark Lion came to the ring ….Mr Fitness challenged Lion to a “Fitness Challenge” 1st thing was Pushups…Mr Fitness did 2 and fell to the mat…Lion did about 15 or 20 and then started doing 1 handed pushups when Mr. FItness started laying the boots to Dark Lion….

* Dark Lion beat Mr. Fitness
* Matt Cavins beat The Insane Luchadore Snake
* Gary the Freak beat Johnny Lawless

Frankie The Face came to the ring and demanded that The Hebrew Hammer come to the ring and ask for forgivness for costing Face a match last week….Hammer said he was SORRY……”Sorry that Frankie was such a butthole”…..Frankie attacked Hammer…

* The Hebrew Hammer beat Frankie the face…after teh match Face started acting like a baby (temper tantrum) in the middle of the ring….

Wildman Rogers w/ General Lee came out …Lee was complaining about the commish stripping the tag titles due to inadequate title defences and a mix match of tag partners …ie…. Cupid & Andy Santos….Andy Santos & Wildman….Wildman & Cupid…….The referee came out and took the tag belt from Wildman….Lee said that is ok…they did not want the tag belts anyway…and demanded that Osyris come out tonight and put the EWF Heavyweight title on the line…….

* “Just” Justin Beat Pat Tanaka to retain the New Era Title
* Nate Pheonix beat Adam “Sikness” Bueller

General Lee came out with Wildman Rogers to again challenge Osyris….Osyris music played …the champion did not come out….again the music played no Osyris….Then Ric Cannon came out and called Osyris Yellow…but addressed the fans and wildman as losers and said he would show everyone what a real champion looked like…..

* Wildman Rogers beat Ric Cannon (after outside interferance from Lee)
neither the referee or wildman saw Lee interfere…..

visit www.ewfarena.com for updated info on next saturdays show