Sunset Flip Presents: Evolve Wrestling

Sunset Flip Presents Evolve Wrestling

By Jim Boy Star

This week, I decided to write about something completely different. This week I want to write to you all about Evolve Wrestling.

Last night I went to my second Evolve Wrestling event in Rahway, NJ and I thought it was a great show. However, I do not want to take this time to talk about the actual show itself and why I enjoy it. For those that have not seen Evolve Wrestling (, I advise you to check it out because it is definitely different than any other wrestling promotion I can think of.
One of the first things you will notice is that no one has customized entrance music. One song plays and both men (or teams if tag match) come out and then wait to be announced. In my opinion, it makes the show flow faster and nowadays most theme songs do not fit the wrestler that is using the song. It also seems to make the show go faster and gives more time to the matches. To be honest, it is one of my favorite things about Evolve that you will not see in other promotions and that even goes for other independent promotions.
There are lots of innovative moves in Evolve. If I were to describe the type of wrestling Evolve is, I would say “stiff shots and some high flying action”. While both of those types can be found in the same match, in some cases there is technical wrestling as well. Luckily for me, there are no crowd brawls. I have been to two out of three of the Evolve shows that happened. In the two shows I have gone to, I have yet to see a crowd brawl. This is a positive in my book.
Not following traditional rules, Evolve Wrestling also has a 20 count to be outside of the ring. While there may not be any crowd bawls, this rule allows for a good amount of ringside action if the wrestlers choose. In fact, the last show I was at there was a strange situation. There was a double countout. However, Evolve does not allow for double countouts, so the two wrestlers had to race to get inside the ring. The first one that made it in was the winner. I thought it was a great idea and I enjoyed that as opposed to the usual “sudden death rules” or a “draw/no-contest”.
There is something that Evolve does that I am against but I am sure others enjoy it. In Evolve Wrestling, there is a ranking system. I am not a fan of ranking systems in pro wrestling simply because pro wrestling is not a real sport and sometimes the guy that loses more could be more over than most of the roster. To me, it handicaps the bookers. It is still too early (Evolve only had 3 shows) to tell if the ranking systems works or not, but I would guess 2 years from now it will look like a bad idea.
Don’t count on any storylines in Evolve except for the generic “I’m going to challenge (insert name here) for the next show”. However, to me this is a plus for the company. The in ring action is the main focus. You can have a pro wrestling show have the best in ring wrestling in the world, but they could be hurt badly by illogical storylines. By Evolve not having storylines, they take away something that usually hurts promotions nowadays.
Every match has an introduction of both men in Michael Buffer style announcing. Also, after the match there is a post match interview with the winner. It makes it feel more sport-like and it makes every match seem really important.
Evolve will not run again until September 11th. You have just read what Evolve offers and now you can make the decision if it is something you would be interested in.
Listen to the latest edition of the Sunset Flip Wrestling Show at

This week’s show features me battling a Smoke Monster, The Adventures of Jack Swagger, telling Bret Hart to go home, Orlando Jordan and much more.
Have a great week everyone