EVOLVE 3: Rise or Fall – Results & Updates

Here are results from last Saturday’s “EVOLVE 3: Rise Or Fall” event and some DVD info: EVOLVE returned with “EVOLVE 3: Rise Or Fall” on May 1st at the Rahway Rec Center in Rahway, NJ. The DVD will go into production next week. The theme of this card was that several bouts would feature wrestlers with similar records. Some would rise and others would fall. Here are the quick results:
Since this event was focused on winners and losers, it was ruled that there would be no time limits. If the match ended with a double countout on the floor, the first competitor into the ring would be declared the victor. These rules only apply to this show with the “Rise Or Fall” theme.

1) Sami Callihan (1-0) defeated Adam Cole (0-1) in both athlete’s debut match.
2) Johnny Gargano (2-1) defeated Ricochet (1-2). This match went to a double countout. Gargano made it back into the ring first.
3) Mercedes Martinez defeated Brittney Savage in a WSU Title Match. After the match, Martinez cut a passionate promo challenging Amazing Kong to come fight her in EVOLVE.
4) Aeroform (1-2) won a Three-Way Match over Team Beyond (0-1) and Up In Smoke (1-0). Team Beyond took the fall, so they will be credited with a loss. Up In Smoke will not have their Record affected since they weren’t involved in the fall. There were words between Up In Smoke and Aeroform after the match.
5) Drake Younger (1-0) defeated Jon Moxley (0-1). This was just the start for both fighters in EVOLVE.
6) Chris Hero (1-1) defeated Bobby Fish (0-3). Brad Allen checked on a knocked out Fish after the match, raising the ire of Hero.
7) Brodie Lee (1-1) won a Four-Way Match over Chris Dickinson (0-3), Hallowicked (0-1) and Gran Akuma (0-1). Lee get a win, Dickinson takes a loss and Hallowicked and Gran Akuma do not have their Record affected.
8) TJP (1-1) defeated Kyle O’Reilly (2-1). TJP challenged Munenori Sawa to a rematch.
9) Jimmy Jacobs (3-0) defeated Brad Allen (2-1). This means Jacobs is the EVOLVE Wins Leader at 3-0. We’ll have more on what it means to be the EVOLVE Wins Leader soon at EVOLVEwrestling.com. There is obviously something brewing between Jacobs and Johnny Gargano.
10) Chuck Taylor (2-0) defeated Claudio Castagnoli (1-1). It took Taylor only three cards to go from the now defunct Qualifying Match to pinning an international world class competitor in Castagnoli in the main event. In his post-match interview, Taylor said that things are about to change in EVOLVE.
The most important thing is that we need to thank the fans that supported us and attended this event. You are here from the start with us. We will never forget you. Thank You.
“Great effort all around, and if you could have made it to this show and didn’t, you really missed out on a great event and should make a point of trying to get to EVOLVE 4.” – Stuart Carapola at http://www.pwinsider.com/article/47228/live-thoughts-and-impressions-of-the-evolve-3-rise-or-fall-event-this-past-weekend-in-rahway-nj.html?p=1
-EVOLVE will return to action on September 11th as part of the Wrestling Reunion event in Rahway, NJ. There might be another EVOLVE event added this summer. Tickets are now on sale for September 11th in the www.EVOLVEwrestling.com Store or by calling 267-519-9744. We have more information on this event and the possible summer show at EVOLVEwrestling.com.
-The DVDs for the first two EVOLVE events are now available for immediate shipping in the EVOLVEwrestling.com Shop or by calling 267-519-9744. They are priced at just $15 each.
Get in on the ground floor and watch wrestling’s newest brand grow and develop before your eyes. EVOLVE DVDs feature the entire night of action, plus a documentary style look in the locker room. You’ll get to the know the man behind the wrestler. These DVDs play and ship anywhere in the world.
Here are two free, preview videos:
EVOLVE 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/evolvewrestling#p/u/3/HfcUqXNc2-I
EVOLVE 2: http://www.youtube.com/user/evolvewrestling#p/a/u/2/XKYhhiXJFXY
We aren’t going to hit you with a lot of hype. Instead, just check out what the critics and journalists are saying:
“I liked this show live, and it came across even better on DVD. This may get me some heat, but I actually thought that top to bottom, this was better than the first ROH show.”
-Stuart Carapola at PWInsider.com on EVOLVE 1 DVD
“If you enjoyed the inaugural show, definitely continue on and buy this DVD. With the way the promotion seems to be headed, I can also recommend this show to those who haven’t seen EVOLVE before. It’s something different and that is highly appreciated.”
-Ryan Rozanski at ProWrestlingPonderings.com on EVOLVE 2 DVD
“Because at the core of this product isn’t one man, but a concept of redefining professional wrestling into a more sports-oriented package: providing a more realistic product, a roster that may not be as static as others, and a concept of keeping track of wins and losses in a meaningful manner.”
-Joe Babinsack at F4Wonline.com on EVOLVE 1 DVD
“The main event was awesome. This match between Hero and Hidaka was a throwback of sorts to Bryan Danielson’s days as ROH Champion….”
-Sean Radican at PWTorch.com on EVOLVE 2 DVD
“EVOLVE ushers in a new type of wrestling company and that’s a big positive. All the matches felt important with there being so much emphasis on wins and losses. The show flowed really well and all the matches were fun.”
-Kevin Ford at 411mania.com on EVOLVE 1 DVD
“…EVOLVE 1 is definitely worth a pickup…”
-Mike Campbell at 411mania.com on EVOLVE 1 DVD
“It’s hard not to make the comparison to Gabe Sapolsky’s OTHER first show, ROH’s “The Era of Honor Begins” back in February 2002. And in making that comparison “Evolve 1” is a much, much better show than that.”
-Jake Ziegler at InsidePulse.com on EVOLVE 1 DVD
Go to the EVOLVEwrestling.com Shop for complete match listings on the “EVOLVE 1: Ibushi vs. Richards” and “EVOLVE 2: Hero vs. Hidaka” DVDs.