Elijah Burke Interview Recap from IYH

Elijah Burke Interview recap
By: Bob Colling of http://colling1989.proboards41.com/index.cgi for old school wrestling recaps w/videos of matches.

In Your Head Online Radio’s interview with Elijah Burke. Hosted by Jack E. Jones and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to www.InYourHeadOnline.com

Elijah Burke makes it known he is going by “the Pope of professional wrestling” Elijah Burke. Burke says that he has been busy because he has to keep his followers happy.
Burke brings up that he competed on the WWC Abdullah the Butchers retirement show, which he mentions has to be at least the third time. Burke says that was his first time competing in Puerto Rico.
Burke puts over a guy he teamed up with over on WWC, Armando Estrada. Burke says “you can guess who carried that match.” That was a jab at his friend Estrada.
Burke brings up being booked in a Extreme Rules match against ECW originals Sabu and Steve Corino. Burke was frightened at the sight of barbed wire tables and other various weapons. Burke enjoyed the match.
A caller asks if Burke will be returning to OVW. Burke says that anytime he is around the area he will help out the guys. Burke puts over OVW as “his home”. He also puts over Danny Davis, the owner of OVW. The moment has to be right for Burke to return to OVW, “it has to be right, it has to mean something.”
Burke says that OVW isn’t going through a hard time because of the company, but because of the economy. Everyone has been suffering from the state of the economy. Burke makes it known that Davis “opted out of the television deal, and not lose his television deal.”
Jack brings up the report that Burke went to OVW and after his match told people to follow that up. That was according to Dave Meltzer. Burke doesn’t know where that story came from. Burke says the truth is he went to OVW, Burke said he told the boys to have fun and remember the situation they are all in. Burke says comedy matches aren’t going to get people in the seat, but rather good wrestling does. Burke says that the whole situation may have been taking out of context.
A caller asks about Burke’s boxing career and his only loss. Burke says that the record is a compiled list of boxing and tough man boxing. Burke says the lost came from continuing a beating after a referee called for the bell, and nearly beating the referee up.
Burke says the only purpose for New Breed was for the introduction of the young wrestlers apart of the company. Burke believes that the New Breed certainly was cut off way too short.
Burke says “I cried like a little baby.” when asked about his Wrestle Mania appearance. He says that there are plenty of wrestlers who had competed much longer than him, and didn’t compete at Wrestle Mania. Burke says that Undertaker actually saw him and pulled him towards him to let it all out.
Burke says that he is NWA through and through. StarrCade was the reason why he got involved in wrestling. He was a huge Dusty Rhodes fan.
Burke puts over Rob Van Dam as a “big part in what I got” regarding a push. If he where to write a book, he would have to RVD a chapter or damn near close to one. Burke puts RVD over a “great guy”.
Burke says that when he was brought up with Terkay that Terkay was suppose to be the star. Burke mentions that he was offered a spot in the Spirit Squad, but declined.
Burke prefers WWE ropes compared to OVW ropes. The WWE ropes are easy to bounce off of.
Burke says that TNA is “defiantly an option”.
Burke mentions how that his last match with WWE was on June 6th, 2008 up until his release in November. He did nothing throughout that time. Burke says the release was a relief, so that he can go out and work now!
Burke puts over Ken Doane as a guy who didn’t get the chance to shine in the WWE. Burke puts over Doane’s athletic ability. Burke mentions a match between HHH/Doane. Burke says that people consider the match a squash when HHH delivered a clothesline and pedigree. Not a squash in his book.
Burke says his dream match would be against Ric Flair. He says he never got the chance to work with Taker, HHH or HBK. He puts over Kane as the best big man in the business. He believes a good match against MVP. Burke believes he and Punk could have a great Wrestle Mania match with Punk or MVP.
Burke thought his feud with CM Punk was a great feud. He compares the feud to Ricky/Flair in terms of how many times they fought each other.
Burke says that he doesn’t run his Myspace nor does he take his own booking information because he doesn’t like to deal with the games people play.
Burke says that he just recently worked for a company where the booker was involved in six of the eight matches! Burke mentions his ECW Arena match against Jerry Lynn, which he felt he was sluggish. He has to avoid expecting to work the Jerry Lynns of the world, every night.
Burke proceeds to call Dave Meltzer an idiot for reporting false news. Burke says he said “follow that” as motivation to the other workers in OVW.
Burke discusses the “Ghost Hunters” appearance. He was going to seek perhaps getting another job. Burke says that they were going to bring him back, but they brought in The Miz since he was on television.
Burke puts over Paul Heyman over as a great booker. Burke says that Heyman is a “mastermind”.
Burke goes into a story about Sylvester Terkay. Burke says that Terkay didn’t want to walk around with Burke’s name on the jacket. While, Burke did the same for Terkay for six months.
Burke says he is not a fan of the movie “the Wrestler.” Whenever he hears Mickey Rourke’s name he thinks of Jerry Lynn.
Elijah Burke goes on a very good rant on the Wrestler that needs to be heard. He even throws in a Braden Walker insult! Must be heard.


Remember to hear the full uncut interview head on over to http://www.InYourHeadOnline.com and don’t forget to tune in every week 8PM Eastern, This week‘s guest is Todd Bridges, other guests who are scheduled to appear in the coming weeks include Spike Dudley, Rob Conway, Justin Credible, Mr Hughes and Dory Funk, Jr. so be sure to check out InYourHeadOnline.com for all of your In Your Head Wrestling Radio needs. Don’t forget to also check In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive which includes interviews from Bill Goldberg, Bill, Watts, Paul Bearer, Terry Funk, Bruno Sammartino, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Awesome Kong and many more that’s InYourHeadOnline.com

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