Edge Turns Heel

 Edge has once again turned heel, was it a good or bad move?   

When Edge injured this past year, he made a brief video about it while he was on Smackdown. Many fans realized that he’d be turning face when he returns. And without surprise, he returned as a face at the Royal Rumble. While he wasn’t exactly a true “fan favourite,” he still received fairly positive crowd reaction. But still, his face character just didn’t have that “it” factor that would make him standout from the rest of the faces on the roster. There was nothing special about it, just a typical, good-guy face. Soon enough, it became evident to WWE, that Edge was much better off as a heel.   

Once Edge started hinted towards a heel turn, he instantly started becoming “special” again. His heel character is very entertaining, and most importantly, it’s unique. It works. When he officially made the switch back to a heel this past Monday Night on Raw, his character started blooming. Plus, the crowed is very accustomed to being booing him. His character as a bad guy has been built so well ever since he became a main event wrestler.

Without a shot of a doubt, WWE made the wise decision by turning Edge back to a heel. He’s instantly very entertaining, and probably the second best heel in the company already. That’s how good he is.

However, WWE made on mistake, they wasted a very high-level main event feud between Edge and Orton. The company announced through their official twitter page that Edge vs. Orton is set to take place at Over the Limit. They really pulled the trigger on this one a bit too early. This could’ve easily been a match that could’ve headlined Wrestlemania. If we gaze through WWE’s current roster, we’ll notice that there aren’t many fresh main event matches left for Wrestlemania. A part of that is because of the fact that WWE hasn’t been making main event wrestlers as efficiently as they used to.

Excellent move by WWE. Edge didn’t “feel” right as a face, and turning back to a heel was probably the best way to go


Author: Pavitar Sidhu

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