Drew Gulak Re-signs with WWE

Drew Gulak has re-signed with WWE.

Gulak was recently added back to the official WWE SmackDown roster page on the WWE website. PWInsider reports that Gulak has come to terms for a new deal with WWE.

It was revealed earlier this month that Gulak’s WWE contract had expired after he was moved to the Alumni roster on the WWE website. Gulak was reportedly in contract negotiations but there was no word on how those talks were going. It was previously reported by Wrestling Observer Radio that Gulak had asked for a pay raise after he was moved to SmackDown from 205 Live, but that request was denied. It was also reported that WWE pulled their original contract offer, and that all talks stopped at that point, but it looks like those talks may have resumed.

Gulak hasn’t wrestled since losing to Daniel Bryan in the WWE Intercontinental Title tournament two weeks ago on SmackDown.

credit wrestlinginc.com