Dr. Keith Report – October 2, 2007

Dr. Keith Report – October 2, 2007
Dr. Keith Lipinski of www.drkeithshow.com
A complete listing of upcoming big shows…and whacky hijinx…

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headline of the day: Zebra, wrestlers to draw crowd (see below)
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By the way, I am now a TARGET for the Age Of The Fall. I got this email yesterday from their mailing list…

From: AgeOf TheFall < ageofthefall@gmail.com >
Date: Oct 1, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: Revolution Goes West

The Age Of The Fall will be represented at the ROH events in Las Vegas and San Francisco. Show your colors.

A new message has been posted. You know where to find it.

You let Keller, Meltzer and Johnson know who we are. Now we have a new target. Email keith@gumgod.com and let him know why you are part of The Age Of The Fall movement.

More will to come soon. Afterall, there is another PPV taping this weekend.

After receiving this I recieved about 40 email messages with some very nice scored poetry…

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Survivor Smackdown: Pro Wrestler Goes Out with a Fight
by Nina Hämmerling Smith

When the Zhan Hu tribe lost its second consecutive immunity challenge last Thursday on Survivor: China (8 pm/ET, CBS), 28-year-old WWE wrestler Ashley Massaro was the second person voted out. Never one to go down without a fight, Ashley told TVGuide.com what went wrong with her game, and how it all came down to one thing (or one person).

TVGuide.com: So what did you in?
Ashley Massaro: My conflict with Dave was the biggest problem. He’s just not capable of leading. The other people I was friends with, like Erik, Jaime and Sherea, would come over and complain. They’d say, “We should be making food right now, not building a barbecue pit…. Can you go tell him?” Dave is very aggressive when you challenge him. I’m used to that, so I’m just like, “Listen [Laughs], this needs to be said, sorry. We need to be getting some rice in us before this [immunity] challenge.” And because we didn’t, he fell out, and we lost the challenge. They’re really going to have some cleaning up to do after they get rid of that loser. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave threw [the immunity challenge] on purpose.

TVGuide.com: To get rid of you?
Ashley: Yup.

TVGuide.com: You’re pretty sure that Dave is not long for the game.
Ashley: I know how the tribe feels, I’ve talked to them. It wasn’t as easy a choice as some may think [to vote me off], but I know it was an easy choice for Dave, and probably an easy choice for Peih-Gee. There are major problems between Dave and the rest of the tribe, and he’s digging his own grave right now. We’re sitting there in the Tribal Council, and he’s going, “I’d hate to take this leadership position….” That is all bull. He’s just like that – he wants to lead. That’s just a personality trait.

TVGuide.com: As he was voting you off, he said you two might have been friends in a different circumstance.
Ashley: Dave tries to take the high road so people think he’s this nice guy, but it’s all phony. I compare him to [Survivor: Pearl Islands competitor] Johnny Fairplay. He’s manipulative, and people don’t see it right away. But their eyes will open. I hope the general public sees him long enough to realize that even though he’s saying these words, there’s nothing behind them. They’re empty.

TVGuide.com: Why did you and Dave butt heads so much?
Ashley: We got along on the first day – I remember in the rowboat, he was goofy and funny, and I thought, “This is going to be someone that I get along with for sure.” But he just went bananas – maybe it was no food, water or sleep, and working like crazy. It changes your personality.

TVGuide.com: I laughed when you said, “I’m voting for Derek Zoolander – I mean Dave” during Tribal Council.
Ashley: [Laughs] He told a story about how he spent his 22nd birthday in Paris, or in Tokyo, with 22 bottles of Cristal – he was modeling for this company [Laughs]…. I listened to all these stories, one after the other, and I’m going, “What a gimmick.”

TVGuide.com: Did you campaign to stay?
Ashley: I didn’t want it to turn into, “Do we keep Dave because he is a man?” And I was just saying at the [previous] Tribal Council that it wasn’t a good idea to vote out Chicken because we needed the manpower. I can’t believe those words came out of my mouth, that I was telling the girls we need the manpower, only to be at Tribal Council up against Dave, eating my words: “We really don’t need the manpower!”

TVGuide.com: Any predictions on who will win?
Ashley: I’m hoping it’s Jaime or Erik. Erik’s so quiet and nice, and Jaime’s not stupid, as someone may assume just because she’s so cute and bubbly; that girl’s got it together. And Todd – he just knows the game inside out and is playing really well. He seems confident as heck.

TVGuide.com: Being a busty gal myself, I have to ask you…
Ashley: Uh-oh.

TVGuide.com: … don’t those things get in the way when you’re wrestling?
Ashley: Not at all. But out there [in China] I can’t believe how exposed my outfit was. I was freezing, because I was getting skinnier by the second. It was so wet and cold. I just hated the fact that we didn’t have any clothes on. I was begging for anything – Frosti gave me his T-shirt the first day. Dave even gave me his long-sleeve shirt the first day…. And then we got into a fight. But poor Amanda – hers got in the way [during the reward challenge]. Apparently it was legal to pull people’s clothes off. I don’t wrestle doing things like that; I think it’s wrong to pull someone’s top off. I probably would’ve given them a clothesline or something. I was doing everything I could to keep Jean-Robert back and his pants started coming off, but that was not my fault. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I was just keeping him away from that ball, that’s all I knew.

TV.Guide.com: Any last thoughts on being in China?
Ashley: Beijing and Shanghai were really cool. WWE takes me all over the world, but I’d never been to China; that’s one place I haven’t wrestled yet. But we might start there; we have a new office in Shanghai. I just got back from there, and I was like, “No way – I’m not going to visit that office for a while.”
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Conway starts anew
Posted on Mon, Oct. 01, 2007
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Miami Herald Writer

Many look to New Year’s Day as a time to celebrate and reflect, but for pro wrestler Rob Conway it took a different twist.

On the first 2007 episode of World Wrestling Entertainment’s Monday Night Raw in Miami, Vince McMahon fired Conway, 34, to advance McMahon’s storyline with Donald Trump.

Although a work, months later it became reality when creative team members told Conway they had nothing for him.

”They put me in that segment with the idea being that I would immediately go to SmackDown,” said Conway, who was scheduled to reunite with former tag team partner Sylvan Grenier as La Resistance.

“Had I known I was going to be released, that probably wouldn’t have been the most positive way to go out.”

The superstar received a phone call from the company saying it was invoking its 90-day clause, ending Conway’s seven-year relationship with the organization.

The proud New Albany, Ind. citizen began wrestling for Ohio Valley Wrestling in Louisville, before it transformed into WWE’s premiere developmental territory.

He formed friendships with trainer Danny Davis and tag team partner Nick Dinsmore, formerly Eugene. Dinsmore was released recently on apparent violations with WWE’s Wellness Policy.

”It seemed to be a miscommunication with his actual physician and the WWE’s head of the wellness program more than anything recreational,” said Conway. “The policy that they have now is under a lot of scrutiny so any question about anything is going to go in favor of the policy, and the talent is going to get released because they can’t take any chances right now. I think everyone in the business should understand that and comply to it.”

Conway had a tryout match on the main roster against Randy Orton in 2002 but wouldn’t get called until a year later. His career took off when he joined La Resistance and competed in a bulk of the matches with Grenier in fellow faction member Rene Dupree’s absence.

At the height of his career in 2004, Conway had a number of high profile matches including one with Chris Benoit on the road to his first WWE heavyweight championship. After La Resistance split, Conway went into singles competition as the Conman, which didn’t really get off the ground before his final appearance on WWE television, a loss to Jeff Hardy.

Since his release, WWE has been involved with a number of events including the fallout from the Chris Benoit tragedy and the debate of its Wellness Policy. Conway says he never really saw the wide and out-of-control substance issue many of the media spun.
”I didn’t really see a problem with it,” said Conway. “Outsiders probably think it’s talked about a lot, but I think in any job you have people doing things they’re not going to discuss with people that they work with or their bosses. It’s something they would do in the privacy of their own home.

“The way we travel so much, for the most part, I can’t see anyone traveling with substances that would get them in trouble. Since 9/11 you get checked at the airport all the time. I really think if it has been done, it was done in people’s homes, and it wasn’t talked about.”

Despite his release occurring just a few months ago, his friends in WWE describe a somewhat different environment than the one he worked in for nearly a decade.

”They said there’s a lot more tension, and you have to be more careful who you talk to,” said Conway. “They kind of put a clamper on interviews and things like that because they don’t want to be bated into a conversation they don’t want to have.

“A lot of the guys might have an opinion but really aren’t educated on the subjects people want them to talk about. So I think they’re a little more guarded than ever compared to how it was before.”

Now Conway competes on the independent scene each weekend as a top attraction. Because of the acquisition of OVW by WWE, Conway never really was exposed to the indy scene.

”It has actually been a lot of fun,” said Conway, who donates a percentage of proceeds he gets at shows from autographs and other merchandise to his local Humane Society and a Neurofibromatosis organization, a disorder effecting one of his best friend’s sons. His wrestling trunks from WrestleMania 21 are currently on eBay with the money going to the Children’s Tumor Foundation.

Reflecting on his time in WWE, Conway doesn’t know if he’d return to that type of lifestyle. However, he maintains the typical ‘never say never’ mentality, if the money or opportunity was right. As for the traveling involved, a few of his former co-workers turned to Total Nonstop Action wrestling.

”I’ve been in contact with my friends there,” said Conway. “I’ve talked to Kurt Angle and stayed in contact with Travis Tomko and Christian Cage. I haven’t really given it a big consideration until recently because I haven’t been with a major company for so long. I needed to recharge and take a step back and get myself as healthy as I can be.

“I feel great now. Then when I know I can give them a 100 percent I will start to talk to them and see if they’re interested. They have some big-time superstars there. It would be a great opportunity for me if they want to work with me.”

No matter where his career goes, Conway still plans to call New Albany home. He loves his town so much he plans to run for office when his interest in the wrestling business wanes.

”I’ve wrestled in 49 states and 11 countries and Puerto Rico, but I stayed here because I thought getting a chance to see the world would eventually help me improve my own town and build upon it,” said Conway, who makes a rare wrestling appearance in his home state on Oct. 27 in Fortville.

Interested in booking Rob Conway or discussing the business, e-mail doittheconway@aol.com.
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Zebra, wrestlers to draw crowd
By KURT BEGALKA – kbegalka@nwnewsgroup.com
Comments (No comments posted.)
BELVIDERE – Popular demand prompted Tammy and Rick Anderson to once again open their 13-acre exotic-animal ranch to the public.

And this time the Summerfield Farm and Zoo has a new attraction: A baby zebra named Kenya.

“We wanted a zebra for quite some time,” Tammy said. “She is really a darling, and really sweet.”

The Andersons got the 4-week old zebra in late September from a zoo in Kentucky. She joins camels, ringtail lemurs from Madagascar and kinkajous from South America, African servals, two mountain lions named Canyon and Meadow, giant tortoises, wallabies, a herd of reindeer and a mini donkey, the nephew of TV commercial star Miss Budweiser.

The menagerie supplements the Belvidere family’s 25 Arabian show horses, part of a stable and horse-breeding business begun 15 years ago. Tammy and Rick now do about 80 reindeer shows a year and another two dozen parties or tours showcasing their animals. Licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, they undergo several spot inspections a year to make sure the operation is run safely and humanely.

Tammy said they used a stock trailer to transport the zebra and her “blanky,” a trashed towel bearing the scent of her mother. Kenya never goes anywhere without it, and the Andersons dare not wash it. As filthy as it is, the towel is a source of comfort. And that has allowed the couple to bottle feed the baby with an equine milk replacement, as they gradually bring her into the fold.

“I’m amazed how easily she bonds to something,” Tammy said. “That surprised me. That usually doesn’t happen that easily. … She really does like us.”

Tammy said most horses are weaned when they are 4 months old. It depends on the animal. But they would like to keep bottle-feeding her as long as possible, as a means of interacting with people. When fully grown, she will be more than 4 feet high at the shoulder and weigh between 550 and 900 pounds. Zebras, which live about 25 years, are capable of running 35 mph and kick hard enough to shatter bone.

“They have be to bottle-rasied in order to bond with people at all. Otherwise, a zebra will nail you big time,” Tammy said. “She also can get fixated on something and want to jump into the fence.”

Kenya will be bottle-fed twice each day, about 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Other activities include a guest appearance Sunday by the World Wrestling Entertainment tag team champions Marty Jannetty (from the Rockers) and Pat Tanaka (with Badd Company). They will be signing autographs between noon and 4 p.m.

“He’s claiming his record from me that I wrote for him,” event co-organizer Jacque Hollander said of Jannetty. He wants to use “Midnight Rocker,” recorded by the Atlanta Rhythm Section in 1987, on a DVD Jannetty is releasing in January about his life.

“I’m pretty happy. That is the first song I put out in years,” said Hollander, a songwriter who penned the “Blue Satin Waltz” for the Jerry Lewis Telethon two years ago.

The Rockers were a professional wrestling tag team consisting of Jannetty and Shawn Michaels between 1986 and 1992. In 1986, Tanaka teamed with Paul Diamond to form Badd Company, winning several titles.

“Kids will have a chance to get pictures with Kenya and the wrestlers,” Hollander said. “They [Jannetty and Tanaka] don’t sign autographs, but they are willing to do it on this date.”

Proceeds from the event will defray the Andersons’ costs. Although they raise watermelons, squash and hay, they still spend an estimated $70,000 a year on food. And that does not include veterinary bills, facility costs associated with building and maintaining enclosures.

Welcome, Kenya

When: Visit the 13-acre expanded horse farm-turned exotic animal enclave – 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 3088 Flora Road, Belvidere. Gates close at 4. Proceeds will defray costs of raising and feeding the animals: $10 for adults; $5 children.

Special events: Hudson McCoy Band will perform at noon each day. Appearance Sunday by WWE tag team champions Marty Jannetty and Pat Tanaka, who will be on hand to sign autographs. Famous Dave’s Barbecue will be available. Activities include inflatable carnival rides and games; an appearance by Zelda, the fortune teller; and an opportunity to dig through the educational “bone pile” for Halloween treasurers.

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http://cleveland.indians.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20071001&content_id=2244027&vkey=news_cle&fext=.jsp&c_id=cle – Article about Jerry Lawler being happy!

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WWE No Mercy – Sunday October 7, 2007 – Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL
1. WWE Championship – Last Man Standing Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton
2. World Heavyweight Championship – Punjabi Prison Match: Batista vs. The Great Khali
3. Triple H vs. Umaga
4. WWE Womens Championship Match: Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix
5. Rey Mysterio vs. Finley
6. ECW Championship Match: CM Punk vs. winner of Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Dreamer (ECW 10/2)

TNA Bound For Glory – Sunday October 14, 2007 – The Arena at Gwinnett Center, Atlanta, GA
1. TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Kurt Angle vs. Sting
2. TNA X Division Championship Match: Black Machismo Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels
3. TNA World Tag Team Title Match: Team Pacman (Ron Killings & Adam Pacman Jones) vs. AJ Styles & Tomko
4. Ultimate X Match: The Latin American Xchange (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. Triple X (Elix Skipper & Senshi)
5. Must Be A Winner: Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage (Special Enforcer: Matt Morgan)
6. Tables Match: The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner) vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray & Devon)
7. TNA Women’s Championship – Knockouts Gauntlet Match: participants include Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Ms. Brooks, Jackie Moore, Roxxy Laveaux, ODB, Talia Madison, Shelley Martinez, Angel Williams, Amazing Kong
8. Fight for the right (reverse battle royal) Match – winner gets a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: participants TBA
9. Monsters Ball: participants TBA

UFC 77: Hostile Territory – Saturday October 20, 2007 – US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, OH
1. UFC Middleweight Championship Bout: Rich Franklin Vs. Anderson Silva
2. Tim Sylvia Vs. Brandon Vera
3. Eric Schafer vs. Stephan Bonnar
4. Jorge Gurgel vs. Alvin Robinson
5. Yushin Okami vs. Jason MacDonald
6. Josh Burkman vs. Forrest Petz (Dark)

WWE Cyber Sunday – Sunday October 28, 2007 – Verizon Center, Washington D.C.

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ROH (Ring Of Honor – www.rohwrestling.com)

October 1st: You can now watch ROH for FREE on iN DEMAND. Just go to “Movies & Events” and then “PPV Free Previews” to see an almost 10 minute preview of “Driven” including the final minutes of the much raved about “Unified” Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness bout. If you have iN DEMAND go to your TV now and watch ROH for FREE!!!
October 1st: Replays of “Driven” continue to air. See the affordable PPV everyone is raving about!!! “Driven” is on iN DEMAND today at 5pm & 8pm, tomorrow at 10am, Wednesday at 6pm, Thursday at 11am & 5pm, Saturday at 11:30am & 7:30pm and Sunday at 5pm. “Driven” is on The DISH Network’s All Day Ticket tomorrow, Thursday and Sunday. Catch “Driven” on TVN cable systems today at 6:30pm & 11pm, tomorrow at 4:30pm, 8pm & 2am, Wednesday at 6am & 10:30am, Thursday at 11am, 6pm & 2am, Friday at 7am, 5pm & 11pm, Saturday at 7am and Sunday at 6am.
October 1st: You can attend ROH’s pay-per-view taping this Saturday in Edison, NJ for only $10!!! Take advantage of the $10 sale at ROHwrestling.com and witness this nationally broadcast show months before it airs to the public. Every ROH PPV taping sees insane matches, huge happenings and history made. Be a part of it this Saturday in Edison for only $10. Many see Nigel McGuinness as the next ROH World Champion. Will he realize this destiny on Saturday? McGuinness will face the winner of Friday’s Takeshi Morishima vs. Kevin Steen World Title Match. Witness what promises to be intense World Title bouts in both Boston and Edison for only $10, but you must act by Thursday morning at ROHwrestling.com.
October 1st: We are sorry to inform you that it looks like Mark Briscoe will not be able to compete this weekend as his injured foot did not heal as quickly as we originally thought. Mark is hopeful to be back for 10/19 in Las Vegas and 10/21 in San Francisco. Mark will be in attendance this weekend. Jay Briscoe says he’s still ready to fight. Jay will get the fight of his life in Boston. It will be Jay Briscoe vs. Necro Butcher of The Age Of The Fall. ROH officials have already decided to make this an Anything Goes Match since there is no way Jay or Necro can be expected to follow the rules after 9/15 in Chicago. You can now see the incident in the latest ROH Video Wire at www.ROHvideos.com where Necro Butcher busted Jay Briscoe open with a fist of barbed wire. You can expect more of that this Friday in Boston. Get tickets for only $10 now at ROHwrestling.com.
October 1st: The Big 10 Sale is back at ROHwrestling.com. Save big with over 100 ROH DVDs now just $10, check out live events for $10 and on top of that take 10% off your entire order. If you are new to ROH this a great chance to witness ROH’s history. Get tickets for this Friday in Boston, this Saturday in Edison and 11/2 in Philadelphia with Mitsuharu Misawa for only $10!!! Check the main page of www.ROHwrestling.com for a complete list of over 100 ROH show, Straight Shootin’ & Best Of DVDs for only $10. Act now because this sale ends Thursday morning at ROHwrestling.com.
October 1st: Brent Albright has been added to “Survival Of The Fittest” on 10/19 in Las Vegas. We’ll have more participants to announce this week. Tickets for ROH’s Las Vegas debut are on sale now at ROHwrestling.com.
October 1st: It is time to see which tag teams are going to sink or swim in ROH. Boston will be a test for two relatively new duos. This Friday in Boston will see The Resilience of Erick Stevens & Matt Cross vs. Brent Albright & Adam Pearce of The Hangmen Three with Shane Hagadorn. Who will climb the ladder?

Friday October 5, 2007
Roxbury Community College – Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Ctr (1350 Tremont St Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120)
1. ROH World Title Match: Takeshi Morishima vs. Kevin Steen
2. The Vulture Squad (Jack Evans, Ruckus, & Jigsaw) vs. No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, & Rocky Romero)
3. BJ Whitmer vs. Delirious
4. Anything Goes Match: Jay Briscoe vs. Necro Butcher
5. Three Match Series – Match One: Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
6. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Mike Quackenbush
7. Four Corner Survival: Nigel McGuinness vs. El Generico vs. Tyler Black vs. Chris Hero
8. Erick Stevens & Matt Cross vs. Brent Albright & Adam Pearce)
Already signed: Daizee Haze; Mitch Franklin
Cancelled: Claudio Castagnoli vs. El Generico, Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The Age Of The Fall (Jimmy Jacobs & Necro Butcher)

Saturday October 6, 2007
Inman Sports Club (990 Inman Avenue Edison; NJ)
PPV Taping #4
1. ROH World Title Match: Takeshi Morishima vs. Nigel McGuinness
2. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong
3. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Hero
4. Vulture Squad (Jack Evans & Ruckus with Julius Smokes) vs. The Age Of The Fall (Two of Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & Necro Butcher with Lacey)
5. Delirious & TBA & TBA vs. Hangman Three (Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer & Brent Albright)
Already signed: Jay Briscoe; Bryan Danielson; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Mike Quackenbush; Daizee Haze; Kevin Steen; El Generico

Friday October 19, 2007
The Empire Ballroom (3765 Las Vegas Boulevard Las Vegas, NV moved from Sams Town Hotel & Casino)
Survival Of The Fittest 2007
12 Particpents: Delirious, Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Austin Aries, Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero
Already signed: Nigel McGuinness; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero; Brent Albright

Sunday October 21, 2007
Cow Palace (2600 Geneva Avenue, Daly City, CA 94014)
1. Three Match Series – Match Two: Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
Already signed: Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero; Delirious; Brent Albright; Adam Pearce; Claudio Castagnoli; Chris Hero

Friday November 2, 2007
Pennsylvania National Guard Armory (2700 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA)
Glory By Honor VI – Night 1
1. Mitsuharu Misawa & KENTA vs. Takeshi Morishima & Naomichi Marufuji
2. Three Match Series – Match Three (if necessary): Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
Already signed: Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Rocky Romero; Davey Richards; Chris Hero; Claudio Castagnoli; BJ Whitmer; Jimmy Jacobs; Jack Evans; Ruckus; Mike Quackenbush

Saturday November 3, 2007
Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom (311 West 34th St. New York, NY)
Glory By Honor VI – Night 2
1. ROH World Title Match: ROH World Champion vs. winner of Aries/Danielson Three Match Series
Already signed: Mitsuharu Misawa; Takeshi Morishima; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Naomichi Marufuji; KENTA; Bryan Danielson (he will appear if he is still injured); Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Rocky Romero; Davey Richards; Austin Aries; Chris Hero; Claudio Castagnoli; BJ Whitmer; Jimmy Jacobs; Jack Evans; Ruckus

Friday November 30, 2007
Montgomery County Fairgrounds (1043 S. Main St, Dayton, OH)

Saturday December 1, 2007
Frontier Park Field House (9807 S. Sayre Avenue Chicago Ridge, IL)

Friday, December 28th, 2007
Connecticut Expo Center (265 Reverend Moody Overpass, Hartford, CT)

Friday February 22, 2008
Deer Park Community Center (41 Homer Avenue Deer Park, NY)

Friday April 25, 2008
Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center (1120 W. State Fair Ave, Detroit, MI)

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PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla – http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com)

Friday October 26, 2007
Studio Jenny (1 Avenue Jenny, 92000 Nanterre Paris, France)
Co-Promotional Show with Queens of Chaos Wrestling
1. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness
2. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Match: El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. TBA
3. PAC vs. Jack Evans
4. Austin Aries vs. Joey Ryan
Already signed: Super Dragon, Davey Richards

Saturday October 27, 2007
The Mountbatten Centre (Alexandra Park, Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth, UK PO2 9QA)
Co-Promotional Show with International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom
1. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match (if Danielson is still champion): Bryan Danielson vs. Martin Stone
2. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Match (if Generico & Steen are still champions): El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. Super Dragon & Davey Richards
3. PAC vs. Jack Evans
4. Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries
Already signed: Joey Ryan, Spud, The Kartel (Terry Frazier & Sha Samuels)

Sunday October 28, 2007
Musik Palette (Kettwiger Str. 20 45127, Essen, Germany)
Co-Promotional Show with Westside Xtreme Wrestling
1. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match (if Danielson is still champion): Bryan Danielson vs. El Generico
2. Four Way Match: Kevin Steen vs. Jack Evans vs. PAC vs. Super Dragon
Already signed: Austin Aries, Joey Ryan, Nigel McGuinness, Davey Richards, Tommy End, Bad Bones, Ares

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FIP (Full Impact Pro – http://www.fullimpactpro.com)

Upcoming FIP shows
November 9 – Crystal River, FL
November 10 – Arcadia, FL
December 14 – Melbourne, FL
December 15 – Crystal River, FL
January 18 – Crystal River, FL
January 19 – Arcadia, FL
February 15 – TBA
February 16 – Crystal River, FL
March 21 – Melbourne, FL
March 22 – Crystal River, FL
April 18 – TBA
April 19 – Crystal River, FL
May 30 – Crystal River, FL
May 31 – Arcadia, FL

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CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling – www.czwrestling.com)

Saturday October 13, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Choosing Sides
1. CZW World Title Match: Ruckus vs. The Human Tornado
2. CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Danny Havoc vs. winner of #1 Contender Match
3. Tough Crazy Bastards (Necro Butcher & “Mr Insanity” Toby Klein) vs. Brain Damage & “The Lariat” D.J. Hyde
4. CZW World Junior Heavyweight #1 Contender Match: Sabian vs. Cloudy vs. Ricochet
5. Scotty Vortekz & “Diehard” Dustin Lee vs. “The Psycho Shooter” Drake Younger & TBA
6. CZW World Tag Team Championship Match: Team AnDrew (Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak) vs. Derek Frazier & Niles Young
Already signed: J.C. Bailey, The Olsen Twins, Cheech, Brodie Lee

Upcoming CZW Shows
November 10, 2007
December 8, 2007

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JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling – www.japw.net)

Saturday October 27, 2007
Rahway Rec Center (275 East Milton Avenue Rahway, NJ)
10th Anniversary Show
1. JAPW Championship Match: Low Ki vs. Rhino vs. The Necro Butcher
2. JAPW New Jersey State Championship – Ladder Match: Archadia vs. The Grim Reefer
3. JAPW Tag Team Championship Match: LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. BLK OUT (Sabian & Ruckus) vs. Jay Lethal & Azraiel
4. Eddie Kingston vs. Drake Younger
5. Aj Styles vs. Frankie Kazarian
6. Best of the Lightheavyweights 10 – Scramble Match: B Boy vs. Joker vs. Deranged vs. M Dogg 20 vs. Bandido Jr vs. Sal Rinuaro
7. Kenny Omega vs. Danny Demanto
Already signed: Slyck Wagner Brown, EC Negro, Monsta Mack & Havoc, Alicia, Sara Del Ray, Nikki Roxx, Seth Delay, Devon “Crowbar” Storm, Kevin Mathews

Saturday December 8th, 2007
Rahway Rec Center (275 East Milton Avenue Rahway, NJ)
Seasons Beatings

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IWA-MS (IWA Mid South – www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com)

Sunday October 7, 2007
Alley Cats (929 S. Indiana Avenue Sellersburg, IN)
11th Anniversary Show
1. Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Multiple Scaffolds – Suicide Kid’s retirement match: Suicide Kid vs. Mad Man Pondo
2. NWA Women’s Title Match: Amazing Kong vs. Mickie Knuckles

Saturday October 13, 2007
Hartman Rec Center (511 N. Collins St. Joliet, IL)
IWA vs. Elite Pro Special Challenge – Best of 7

Friday October 26, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
2007 Double Death Tag Team Death Match Tourney
Already signed: C.J. Otis & xOMGx, Devon Moore & “Cambodian Axe Murderer” Joker

Saturday October 27, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
2007 Queen of the Death Matches
Already signed: Lufisto

Saturday November 24, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
2007 Revolution Strong Style Tournament

Saturday December 8, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
1. Ian Rotten Retirement Match: Ian Rotten vs. Mickie Knuckles
Already signed: Sandman
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CHIKARA (Chikara Pro Wrestling – www.chikarapro.com)

Friday, October 26, 2007
Riverside Beneficial Assoc. Building (1742 Pear St. Reading, PA)
1. Campeones de Parejas: Team F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma & Icarus) vs. Incoherence (Delirious & Hallowicked)
2. Tim Donst vs. Eddie Kingston
3. Chuck Taylor vs. Claudio Castagnoli
4. Jigsaw vs. Dragon Yuki

Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Ryan Township Fire Hall (945 Barnesville Drive Barnesville, PA)
New Star Navigation

Friday November 16, 2007
Riverside Beneficial Assoc. Building (1742 Pear St. Reading, PA)
Battle of Who Could Care Less

Saturday November 17, 2007
American Legion Hall (397 Main Street Hellerton, PA
The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence

Sunday November 18, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Chapter 11
*** *** ***
Dr. Keith Lipinski

Host Of The Dr. Keith Lipinski Show http://www.f4wonline.com
Head Of Talent Scouting – Wrestling Society X http://WSX.MTV.COM
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/vivalipinski