Dr. Keith Report – June 15, 2007

Dr. Keith Report – June 15 2007 – Dr. Keith Lipinski of www.drkeithshow.com

A complete listing of upcoming big shows…and whacky hijinx…

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TNA Slammiversary – Sunday June 17, 2007Nashville, TN

1.       TNA World Heavyweight Championship – King of the Mountain Match: Kurt Angle (defeated Rhino) vs. Samoa Joe (defeated Sting) vs. AJ Styles (defeated Tomko) vs. Christian Cage (defeated Abyss) vs. AN OPPONENT TO BE DETERMINED BY JIM CORNETTE

2.       Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

3.       Alex Shelley vs. Mr. Backlund

4.       Freedom Match:  Eric Young vs. Robert Roode

5.       TNA X-Division Championship:  Chris Sabin vs. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal

6.       Frank Wycheck & Jerry Lynn vs. James Storm & Ron Killings

7.       Voodoo Kin Mafia (BG & Kip James) vs. The Damaja & Basham

8.       Rhino & Chris Harris vs. LAX (Homicide y Hernandez)

Dark Match:  DJ Charley vs. Ms. Brooks

Cancelled:  TNA World Tag Team Title Match:  Team 3D (Brother Ray & Devon) vs. the Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott) although the match is still listed on the website

WWE Vengeance: Night Of Champions – Sunday June 24, 2007Toyota Center, Houston, TX

1.       World Heavyweight Championship – Last Chance Match:  Batista vs. Edge

2.       WWE Championship Challenge Match:  John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley vs. King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley

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ROH (Ring Of Honor – www.rohwrestling.com)

June 14th: The ROH roster is in a state of transition now. The question being asked among fans and inside the ROH office is who will step up as the new stars and the new main eventers? Who will elevate their position on the card? The top spots are up for grabs. ROH officials are currently working out the details for a tournament to determine who will race to the top. We will have more details next week in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire.

June 14th: A gauntlet series has been added to 6/22 in Dayton!!! This will be a series of consecutive singles matches. The winner will face the next participant until there is only one man standing. Order of entry is totally random and drawn on the night of the show. There is no telling what match you will see. Signed to participate are: Delirious, Chris Hero with Larry Sweeney, Adam Pearce, Pelle Primeau and Jimmy Rave. Who will break out of the pack and win the gauntlet series in Dayton?

June 14th: One more big singles match has been signed for 6/22 in Dayton. Boston last weekend witnessed a hard-hitting bout between Brent Albright and BJ Whitmer. Frustrations overtook Whitmer and he was disqualified in this bout. Now the rematch will take place in Dayton and this time it will be No DQ. Whitmer vs. Albright is always a very physical match and now they won’t have to worry about being disqualified in Dayton. This will be the final meeting between these two hard-hitters.

June 14th: There will be a huge sale this weekend at www.ROHwrestling.com to celebrate Father’s Day. Check the main page of ROHwrestling.com this weekend for details. The sale will include new releases like 3/30 “All Star Extravaganza III” from Detroit. You’ll see it all from legends to the best from all over the United States and Japan. Check out this all star lineup: ROH all stars vs. Dragon Gate all stars in an incredible eight man tag pitting Austin Aries, Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli & Rocky Romero vs. CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito; Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans in an athletic battle; Homicide vs. Christopher Daniels; Nigel McGuinness vs. Brent Albright; YAMATO vs. Pelle Primeau; Shingo & Naruki Doi defend the ROH World Tag Team Titles vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe including a surprise return; BJ Whitmer & Daizee Haze vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Lacey in an Anything Goes Match; a battle of hard-kickers sees Davey Richards vs. Masaaki Mochizuki; Colt Cabana vs. Adam Pearce vs. Matt Sydal vs. Chris Hero plus more including a confrontation between Larry Sweeney and Bruno Sammartino. This show has it all!!! Order now for immediate delivery at ROHwrestling.com.

June 14th: ROH will be well represented on the next NOAH tour as ROH prepares for its first ever shows in Japan in the middle of July. Nigel McGuinness, Bryan Danielson, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, Rocky Romero and Davey Richards will all compete in NOAH from 6/28 to 7/15. This will be Richards’ debut in Japan. All the other competitors have seen action in NOAH. There will be news coming soon about ROH’s big shows in Japan including some very unique matches.

June 14th: TICKET ALERT: Tickets are once again selling quickly for ROH’s return to the Manhattan Center. Don’t risk getting shut out and get your tix now at for 8/25 at the Manhattan Center at ROHwrestling.com or by calling 215-781-2500. You can expect this to be another loaded card.

June 14th: There will be lots of news coming next week about ROH’s second PPV taping, which will be 6/23 in Chicago. Tickets are selling fast and this is sure to be a special event. Don’t miss your chance to witness ROH’s second PPV live and show the world what Chicago means to ROH.

From http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=1426

  A Year Of Growth For The ROH Roster

Friday, June 15, 2007

As 2007 began a secret meeting was held in the ROH offices. All top level ROH employees saw the horizon coming quickly. Pay-Per-View was close to a reality. TNA was exercising its option to make talents like Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels less available. Strong rumors came from TNA that they would hold more house shows putting even more demand on their talent. It was clear that these factors meant that ROH could no longer be dependent on TNA contracted talent. It was time to prepare.

The first thing ROH did was secure more NOAH and Dragon Gate grapplers. Instead of these wrestlers being booked on only 1/3 of ROH’s shows like in 2006, you would see a variety of top Japanese talent on almost every show. This included a wide range of incredible athletes from Morishima to Shingo to KENTA to Naomichi Marufuji to CIMA and many others.

ROH then searched throughout the United States and signed new talents like Erick Stevens, Matt Cross, El Generico, Kevin Steen, Brent Albright and Larry Sweeney among others. ROH added in returning veterans like former World Tag Team Champion Rocky Romero and former World Champion Bryan Danielson. Finally, more emphasis was put on women’s wrestling built around Daizee Haze, Lacey and Sara Del Rey.

Most importantly, ROH looked to promote from within the organization. Promising talent would be developed and given the opportunity to shine. Veterans were told to reach for the brass ring and not be comfortable in their spot. ROH was always built on giving the hungriest wrestlers the chance to rise up the card and build their reputations as main eventers. These are the guys that give that extra effort in the ring that gives ROH the hardest, best wrestling going today. ROH officials looked to Jay & Mark Briscoe, Nigel McGuinness, Matt Sydal, Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, Jimmy Rave, Adam Pearce, Jimmy Jacobs, Chris Hero and BJ Whitmer among others to step up.

So far ROH officials couldn’t be happier with the progress. All the above mentioned talents have raised their stock in 2007. Some like Danielson, McGuinness, Morishima, Strong and The Briscoes have proven to be bonafide main eventers. Now ROH officials want the next main eventers to take their spot at the top of the card.

ROH officials are ready to put the rest of the roster to the test. Right now plans are being developed for a 16 man tournament. It will feature a lot of unique match ups. It will test stamina and skill. It will drive the best to reach their full potential. The location(s) will be announced soon. Look for more news soon at ROHwrestling.com.

“We are going to see what everyone brings to the table,” ROH President Cary Silkin said. “Right now all the top spots are for the taking and we are going to see who wants it the most. Let’s throw them out there and see who becomes a star. This is going to be a special tournament for the wrestlers and the fans.”


  Frustration Overcomes BJ Whitmer…

Friday, June 15, 2007

“They’ll never be the same,” Daizee Haze told an ROH official when she walked through the curtain after being ringside for the March 31st “Supercard Of Honor II” Steel Cage Showdown between BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs. She was right.

Jimmy Jacobs has been out with a knee injury since the match and isn’t expected to return for months. BJ Whitmer has suffered both physically and mentally. He missed two ROH shows due to a neck injury. The neck healed. Mentally Whitmer hasn’t recovered.

“He just hasn’t been the same,” Haze said recently. “He’s in some sort of a funk, I guess you can even call it a depression. I’m actually really concerned for him.”

Whitmer has been in several competitive matches since his return from injury, but he hasn’t had much luck in the ring. He’s been difficult to approach in the locker room and has kept to himself on the road. Whitmer’s frustrations became obvious to everyone on June 8th in Boston.

Whitmer and Brent Albright were in the midst of a grueling, hard-hitting match. Whitmer had words with referee Paul Turner early in the bout when Turner told Whitmer to take the contest into the ring after extensive brawling in the floor. Later in the match after Whitmer felt he had Albright pinned only to get a two count, frustration overcame him and he headbutted Turner to get disqualified. Whitmer snapped and proceeded to trash the ringside area. Whitmer was fined his night’s pay for his actions.

When we tried to contact Whitmer for a quote he didn’t have much to say. He told us that he is looking forward to his rematch against Albright in a No DQ match on June 22nd in Dayton. Whitmer said that getting in front of his home fans in Dayton should be good for him.

Dayton has always been a special place for me,” Whitmer said. “I’m looking forward to fighting Brent there. I feel like I have to redeem myself from the first PPV taping when we tape the second PPV in Chicago. I want a top guy that night. I’m hoping they give me Naomichi Marufuji or Jimmy Rave. I need a couple of big wins to get out of this slump.”

Whitmer knows he needs to get back on track or Haze’s words will ring even more true. He has to get his head back in the game. Can Whitmer get out of this funk or will we all watch him slip further into this downward spiral?


Morishima Finds Groove As World Champion

Friday, June 15, 2007

When Takeshi Morishima defeated Homicide to win the ROH World Title on February 14th in Philadelphia, fans reacted with shock, doubt and confusion. Now ROH’s faithful are reacting with awe as Morishima produces one great title match after another. Momentum is building behind the super heavyweight champion.

Morishima’s title reign started slowly. An early defense against BJ Whitmer on February 23rd in Dayton got the ball rolling. Morishima then became the first ROH World Champion to defend the belt in Japan. He did it in grand style as he defeated KENTA in front of over 13,500 fans in the main event of NOAH’s Budokan Hall show on March 4th. However, it was on April 14th that Morishima’s title reign turned the corner.

“Fighting Spirit” from Edison, NJ on April 14th saw Morishima sneak out with the title after a brutal match against Nigel McGuinness. The ROH fans witnessed the power, size and agility that make Morishima such a unique and exceptional athlete at its peak. Morishima had found his groove and the result was an excellent string of high-impact, exciting defenses against Austin Aries, Shingo, Jay Briscoe and Roderick Strong.

Each passing defense has seen Morishima’s poise and confidence grow. He has made the culture adjustments to the ROH locker room and his extensive travel schedule. He is now familiar with the athletes on the ROH roster. Morishima is growing more unbeatable with each passing defense. So now the question has to be asked. Who can stop Morishima?

Former ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson is waiting for his opportunity. Nigel McGuinness proved he has what it takes to defeat Morishima at “Fighting Spirit” and he is petitioning for a rematch. Danielson and McGuinness will get a chance to prove their worth when they form a rare tag team to take on Morishima & Naomichi Marufuji on June 22nd in Dayton. A good showing by either man here against Morishima could earn them a future title shot.

June 23rd will see ROH’s second pay-per-view taping in Chicago. Morishima will defend the belt on the PPV, but his opponent has not been announced. There is no telling who will step up to the plate against Morishima as ROH tapes PPV #2 in Chicago.

A pair of heavyweight challengers are on the horizon should Morishima make it to August with the belt. Claudio Castagnoli and Brent Albright will both receive their first ever ROH World Title shots on August 10th in Boston and 11th in Philadelphia respectively. If Morishima is still champion these two match up with him very well when it comes to size, power and agility.

There are plenty of other challengers ready to step up from the ROH roster. Jimmy Rave, who has been on more ROH shows than anyone else on the roster, claims his seniority and history make him deserving of a shot. Super agent Larry Sweeney knows how to negotiate his top client Chris Hero into a title shot. Naomichi Marufuji has started to make waves about going after the title. Davey Richards and Delirious have also scored recent victories that could move them into title contention. The competition for a title shot is really heating up.

As Morishima’s momentum grows so do the number of athletes ready to challenge him. Morishima might have found his groove, but he will have to continue to stay at the top of his game to remain the man to beat in ROH.

Friday June 22, 2007         

Montgomery County Fairgrounds (1043 S. Main St, Dayton, OH)


1.       Bryan Danielson & Nigel McGuinness vs. Takeshi Morishima & Naomichi Marufuji

2.       ROH World Tag Team Title:  Matt Sydal & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe

3.       KENTA vs. Rocky Romero

4.       Roderick Strong & Davey Richards vs. Erick Stevens & Matt Cross

5.       No DQ Match:  BJ Whitmer vs. Brent Albright

6.       Gauntlet Series (series of consecutive singles matches with the winner taking on the next randomly drawn participant until only one man is left):  Delirious, Chris Hero, Adam Pearce, Pelle Primeau and Jimmy Rave

7.       Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Irish Airborne (Dave & Jake Crist)

Saturday June 23, 2007

Frontier Park Field House (9807 S. Sayre Avenue Chicago Ridge, IL)


1.       KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson

2.       ROH World Tag Team Title Match:  Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico

3.       Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero

Already signed:  Takeshi Morishima; Naomichi Marufuji; BJ Whitmer; Brent Albright; Lacey; Jimmy Jacobs; Adam Pearce; Shane Hagadorn; Jimmy Rave; Roderick Strong; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero; Larry Sweeney; Tank Toland; Jimmy Rave; Delirious; Matt Sydal; Erick Stevens; Matt Cross; Claudio Castagnoli

Month of July on TVN, iNDemand and the DISH Network

Respect Is Earned PPV

1.       Takeshi Morishima & Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness & KENTA

2.       ROH World Tag Team Title Match:  Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Matt Sydal

3.       Roderick Strong vs. Delirious

4.       Rocky Romero vs. Naomichi Marufuji

5.       ROH World Title Match:  Takeshi Morishima vs. BJ Whitmer

Monday July 16, 2007

Tokyo Differ Ariake

Co-Promotional show with Pro Wrestling NOAH

Already signed:  Takeshi Morishima; Naomichi Marufuji; KENTA; Go Shiosaki; Ricky Marvin

Tuesday July 17, 2007

Osaka Prefectural Gym II

Co-Promotional show with Dragon Gate

Friday July 27, 2007

Sports Plus Entertainment Center (110 New Moriches Road Lake Grove; NY)

Already signed:  Jay & Mark Briscoe; Bryan Danielson; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Davey Richards; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Jimmy Rave; El Generico; Kevin Steen; Chris Hero; Larry Sweeney; Matt Sydal; Delirious; Claudio Castagnoli; Mike Quackenbush; Jigsaw; Gran Akuma; Hallowicked

Saturday July 28, 2007

Inman Sports Club (990 Inman Avenue Edison; NJ)

Already signed:  Jay & Mark Briscoe; Bryan Danielson; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Davey Richards; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Jimmy Rave; El Generico; Kevin Steen; Chris Hero; Larry Sweeney; Matt Sydal; Delirious; Claudio Castagnoli; Mike Quackenbush; Jigsaw; Gran Akuma; Hallowicked

Friday August 10, 2007

Roxbury Community College – Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Ctr (1350 Tremont St Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120)


Death Before Dishonor V – Night One

1.       ROH World Title Match:  Claudio Castagnoli vs. ROH World Champion

2.       ROH World Tag Team Title Match – Boston Street Fight:  Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico in a Boston Street Fight

Saturday August 11, 2007

Pennsylvania National Guard Armory (2700 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA)


Death Before Dishonor V – Night Two

1.       ROH World Title Match:  Brent Albright vs. ROH World Champion

2.       Philadelphia Street Fight:  No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong, Davey Richards & Rocky Romero) vs. Delirious, Erick Stevens & Matt Cross

Friday August 24, 2007

Connecticut Expo Center (265 Reverend Moody Overpass, Hartford, CT)

Saturday August 25, 2007

Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom (311 West 34th St. New York, NY)

Friday September 14, 2007

Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center (1120 W. State Fair Ave, Detroit, MI)

Saturday October 20, 2007

United Kingdom

Sunday October 21, 2007

United Kingdom

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PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla – http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com)

Sunday July 29, 2007

Fourth Anniversary Show

1.       Non-Sanctioned Street Fight (Scorpio’s reinstatement or banishment!):  Joey Ryan vs. Scorpio Sky

Upcoming PWG Shows

August 31, 2007 – 2007 BOLA (Battle of Los Angeles) – Night One

September 1, 2007 – 2007 BOLA (Battle of Los Angeles) – Night Two

September 2, 2007 – 2007 BOLA (Battle of Los Angeles) – Night Three

24 2007 BOLA Participants

1.       Joey Ryan

2.       Doug Williams

3.       Susumu Yokosuka

4.       Dragon Kid

5.       “Photogenic” Chris Bosh

6.       Davey Richards

7.       Jimmy Rave

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FIP (Full Impact Pro – http://www.fullimpactpro.com/)

Friday June 29, 2007

Eau Gallie High School (1400 Commodore Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32735)

8:00 pm

Hot Summer Nights Tour

1.          FIP Heavyweight Title – No DQ Match:  Roderick Strong vs. Jimmy Rave

2.          Melbourne Street Fight:  The YRR (Kenny King, Chasyn Rance & Sal Rinauro) vs. The Heartbreak Express & Steve Madison

3.          FIP Florida Heritage Title Match:  Damien Wayne vs. Erick Stevens

Already signed:  Mad Man Pondo, Black Market, Allison Danger, Larry Sweeney, Gran Akuma, Hallowicked, Jigsaw, Sara Del Rey, Eddie Kingston, Daizee Haze, Jason Blade, Irish Airborne (Jake & Dave Crist), Seth Delay, Jerrelle Clark, Lexie Fyfe, Malia Hosaka, Rex Sterling, Ricky Vega, Serena Deeb, Portia Perez

Saturday June 30, 2007

National Guard Armory (8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL)

8:00 pm

1.       Sara Del Rey, Allison Danger & Daizee Haze vs. Amazing Kong, Lacey & Rain

Already signed: Roderick Strong, Erick Stevens, Jimmy Rave, Mad Man Pondo, Sal Rinauro, Kenny King, Chasyn Rance, Becky Bayless, Black Market , Larry Sweeney, The Heartbreak Express, Gran Akuma, Hallowicked, Jigsaw, Steve Madison, Eddie Kingston, Jason Blade, Irish Airborne, Seth Delay, Damien Wayne, Jerrelle Clark, Tiana Ringer, Rex Sterling, Nikki Roxx, Cindy Rogers

Upcoming FIP shows

August 17 – Crystal River, FL

August 18 – Arcadia, FL

September 28 – Inverness, FL

September 29 – Crystal River, FL

November 16 – Crystal River, FL

November 17 – Arcadia, FL

December 7 – Melbourne, FL

December 8 – Crystal River, FL

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TNA (Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling – http://www.tnawrestling.com)

Friday June 15, 2007

Sheffield Recreation Center (2901 East 19th Avenue Sheffield, Alabama)

1.       Best two out of three falls match:  Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles

2.       Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle

Already signed: The Latin American Xchange, Eric Young, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks, Chris Harris, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Chris Sabin, Petey Williams and more!

Thursday June 21, 2007

Cape Cod Melody Tent (Hyannis, MA)

Already signed:   Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Rhino, Abyss, Tomko, Chris Harris, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Homicide, Hernandez, Lance Hoyt, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks, Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Brother Runt, Serotonin and more!

Friday June 22, 2007

South Shore Music Tent (Cohasset, MA)

Already signed:   Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Rhino, Abyss, Tomko, Chris Harris, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Homicide, Hernandez, Lance Hoyt, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks, Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Brother Runt, Serotonin and more!

Saturday June 23, 2007

Twin River Event Center (Lincoln, RI)

Already signed:   Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Rhino, Tomko, Chris Harris, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Homicide, Hernandez, Lance Hoyt, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks, Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Brother Runt, Serotonin and more!

Sunday June 24, 2007

The Casino Ballroom (Hampton, NH)

Already signed:   Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Rhino, Tomko, Chris Harris, James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Homicide, Hernandez, Lance Hoyt, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks, Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Brother Runt, Serotonin and more!

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CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling – www.czwrestling.com)

Saturday July 14, 2007

New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)

Best of the Best VII – Leave It All….In The Ring


1.       Necro Butcher, Toby Klein and Danny Havoc vs. Mitch Ryder, DJ Hyde and Brain Damage

16 Man 2007 Best of The Best Tournament (8 first round singles matches, 2 four way elimination semi-finals, one final)

1.       Chuck Taylor

2.       Vito Thomaselli

3.       Drake Younger

4.       Sal Thomaselli

5.       Brandon Thomaselli

6.       Ruckus

7.       Cheech

8.       Ricochet

9.       B-Boy

10.    The Human Tornado

11.    Sabian

12.    Scotty Vortekz

Upcoming CZW Shows

August 11, 2007

September 8, 2007

October 13, 2007

November 10, 2007

December 8, 2007

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JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling – www.japw.net)

Saturday July 21, 2007

St. Joseph‘s School Gymnasium (865 Roosevelt Ave Carteret, NJ)

7:30 pm


1.       2007 JAPW Ultimate Rumble Match

2.       Low Ki vs. winner of the Ultimate Rumble

Also signed; Gail Kim

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IWA-MS (IWA Mid South – www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com)

Saturday June 16, 2007

Hartman Recreation Center (511 Collins St Joliet, IL)


1.       “The Ugandan Giant” Kamala vs. “Marvelous” Mitch Ryder

2.       Josh Abercrombie vs. Joey Ryan

3.       IWA Heavyweight Title Match: Chuck Taylor vs. CJ Otis

4.       Drake Younger vs. Roderick Strong

5.       Matt Sydal vs. Human Tornado

6.       TLC-pins count anywhere match:  Pretty Unreals (Michael Elgin & Ash) vs “Diehard” Dustin & Vortekz

Cancelled:  Joker vs. Roderick Strong

Friday June 22, 2007

Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)

2007 King of The Death Matches – Night One

1.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  Mickie Knuckles vs. Tank

2.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  The Necro Butcher vs. Gypsy Joe

3.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  Danny Havoc vs. Dysfunction

4.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA – IWA-MS Deathmatch Title:  Drake Younger vs. Fukimoto (all of Younger’s matches will be for his title)

5.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  “Mean” Mitch Page vs. Freakshow

6.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  Deranged vs. Corp. Robinson

7.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  Madman Pondo vs. TBA

8.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round One – Stip TBA:  Brain Damage vs. Insane Lane

Saturday June 23, 2007

Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)

2007 King of The Death Matches – Night Two

1.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round Two – Stip TBA: 

2.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round Two – Stip TBA: 

3.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round Two – Stip TBA: 

4.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Round Two – Stip TBA: 

5.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Semi-Final – Stip TBA: 

6.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Semi-Final – Stip TBA: 

7.       2007 King Of The Death Match – Finals – Stip TBA: 

8.       Anything Goes Match– Circle City Street Fight:  Southern Rock (Hillbilly Jed & Indiana Kid, Jr.) vs. Naptown Dragons (“Diehard” Dustin & Vortekz)

9.       IWA World Light Heavyweight Title:  Brandon Thomaselli vs. Low Ki

Saturday June 30, 2007

New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)


1.       Tough Crazy Bastards (Necro Butcher & Toby Klein) vs. Low-Ki & Homicide

2.       Drake Younger vs. Hotstuff Hernandez

3.       Davey Richards vs. Chris Hero

4.       IWA-MS Heavyweight Championship Match:  Chuck Taylor vs. Matt Sydal

5.       30 minute iron man match:  Mike Quackenbush vs. Claudio Castagnoli

6.       Super Dragon, Kevin Steen & TBA vs. Joey Ryan, Chris Bosh & Scott Lost

7.       Six Team Hardcore Rumble (2 teams start out for the first 5 minutes then every 2 minutes after that, another team gets added to the mix. The tag team that wins gets an invite to the Double Death Tag Team Tournament in November):  Tank & Iceberg, Vulgar Display of Power (Brain Damage & Deranged)

8.       Tracy Smothers vs. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal

Cancelled:  Matt Sydal vs. Tiger Mask

Friday September 28, 2007

Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)

Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night One

1.       2007 TPI – Round One:  Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki

24 Participants: 

1.       Chris Hero

2.       Mike Quackenbush

3.       Claudio Castagnoli

4.       Matt Sydal

5.       Davey Richards

6.       Alex Shelley

7.       Low Ki

8.       Samoa Joe

9.       Eddie Kingston

10.    BJ Whitmer

11.    Nigel McGuinness

12.    Joey Ryan

13.    Drake Younger

Saturday September 29, 2007

Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)

Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night Two

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IWC (International Wrestling Cartel – www.IWCwrestling.com)

Saturday July 7, 2007

Court Time Sports Cener (95 Enterprise St., Elizabeth, PA 15037)


Summer Sizzler 4

1.       Samoa Joe vs. Raymond Rowe

2.       IWC World Heavyweight Title Match:  Dennis Gregory vs. Ricky Reyes

3.       No Rules Match:  Jon Bolen vs. Brent Albright

4.       IWC Super Indy Championship Match:  “Sweet N Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. Shiima Xion

5.       IWC World Tag Team Titles:  Michael “The Bomber” Facade & Johnny Gargano vs. Mickey & Marshall Gambino

6.       Raymond Rowe vs.  “Fabulous” John McChesney

7.       Jason Gory vs. Troy Lords

8.       Sexual Harassment (“The Aerial Icon” Justin Idol & “The Sexual Icon” Eric Xtasy )vs. Hollywood Balds (Vendetta & “DeeeeeLicious” Jimmy DeMarco)

Saturday July 21, 2007

Ellsworth Ballfied (Ellsworth, PA 15331)


Basebrawl 2007

Already signed: Abyss, Eric Young

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CHIKARA (Chikara Pro Wrestling – www.chikarapro.com)

Friday June 22, 2007

Riverside Beneficial Assoc. (1742 Pear Street (just a block off Rt 61) Reading, PA)


Young Lions Cup V – Night 1

1.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 1:  Player Uno vs. Niles Young

2.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 2:  El Hijo del Ice Cream vs. Lince Dorado

3.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 3:  Ice Cream, Jr. vs. Hex Gage

4.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 4:  Cabana Man Dan vs. Chuck Taylor

5.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 5:  Rex Sterling vs. Amigo Suzuki

6.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One – Tournament Match 6:  Create-A-Wrestler vs. Hydra

7.       Young Lions Cup V – Night One Finals (elimination match with all six winners)

8.       Billy Roc vs. Chrisjen Hayme

9.       Rhett Titus vs. Worker Ant

10.    Shane Storm vs. Mitch Ryder

Saturday June 23, 2007

Ryan Township Fire Hall (945 Barnesville Dr (a.k.a. Route 54 East) Barnesville, PA)


Young Lions Cup V – Night 2

1.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 1:  Ricochet vs. Chrisjen Hayme

2.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 2:  Billy Roc vs. Aaron Draven

3.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 3:  Tim Donst vs. Shayne Hawke

4.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 4:  Soldier Ant vs. Rhett Titus

5.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 5:  Super Xtremo vs. Darin Corbin

6.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two – Tournament Match 6:  Ryan Cruz vs. Ultra Dragon

7.       Young Lions Cup V – Night Two Finals (elimination match with all six winners) 

8.       Arik Cannon vs. Chuck Taylor

9.       Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream, Jr.) & Amigo Suzuki vs. The Kings Of Wrestling (Icarus, Gran Akuma, Maxime Boyer)

10.    Cabana Man Dan vs. Mitch Ryder

Sunday June 24, 2007

American Legion Hall (935 Main St. Hellertown, PA)


Young Lions Cup V – Night 3

1.          Young Lions Cup V – Finals:  winner of night one vs. winner of night two

2.          Hallowicked, Jigsaw & Shane Storm vs. Arik Cannon, Larry Sweeney, Maxime Boyer

3.          Cheech & Cloudy vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero)

Saturday July 21, 2007

Knights of Columbus Hall (279 Quinnipiac St.  Wallingford, CT)

Showdown in CrisisLand!

1.       Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream, Jr.) vs. The Olsen Twins

2.       Cheech & Cloudy vs. The Order Of The Neo-Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black & the man monster Hydra)

Sunday August 5, 2007

New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)

Maximum Overdraft

Friday August 17, 2007

Riverside Beneficial Assoc. (1742 Pear Street Reading, PA)

Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage – Attack of the Phantom Sith

Saturday August 18th, 2007

American Legion Hall (935 Main St. Hellertown, PA)

Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage – Revenge of the Clone Menace

*** *** ***

UWA Hardcore (UWA Hardcore Pro Wrestling – www.uwahardcorewrestling.com)

Friday June 22, 2007

St. John’s Hall (2185 Stavebank Road Mississauga, Ontario)


1.       Texas Death Match:  Osiris vs. Lionel Knight

2.       Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight:  Jennifer Blake vs. Derek Wylde

3.       UWA Light Weight Championship:  Hiromi Horiguchi vs. Brian Lee

4.       UWA Canadian Championship:  Josh Prohibition vs. Sonjay Dutt

5.       UWA Tag Team Championship:  Up In Smoke vs. The Ring Crew Express

6.       Tyler Black vs. Arik Cannon

7.       Dan Paysan vs. Josh Abercrombie

*** *** ***

SHIMMER (SHIMMER Women Athletes – www.shimmerwrestling.com)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Citrus County Auditorium (3610 S. Florida Ave. Inverness, FL 34452)

Already Signed:  Amazing Kong, Eden Black, Cheerleader Melissa, Allison Danger, Serena Deeb, Sara Del Rey, Lexie Fyfe, Daizee Haze, Malia Hosaka, Lacey, MsChif (w/ Daffney), Amber O’Neal, Portia Perez, Portuguese Princess Ariel, Rain, Tiana Ringer, Cindy Rogers, Nikki Roxx

*** *** ***

UWF (United Wrestling Federation – www.uwfusa.com)

Thursday June 21, 2007

Greater Shenadoah Valley Fair (Waynesboro, VA)

7:30 pm

1.       James Gang (BG & Kip James) vs. Scott Norton & Bill Demott (aka Hugh Morrus)

2.       Goldustin vs. Andrew Martin (formally Test)

3.       Team Macktion vs. Sonjay Dutt & Christian York

4.       Hardcore Rules:  Adam Flash vs. BJ Whitmer – Hardcore Rules

5.       Gauntlet Match:  Jake Manning vs. Chris Desales vs. Charlie Dreamer

Already signed:  Daffney

*** *** ***

OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling – http://www.ovwrestling.com)

Friday June 15, 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

1.       OVW Heavyweight Championship Match:  Jay Bradley vs. Aaron “the Idol” Stevens

2.       Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP) vs. Chet The Jett

3.       OVW Television Title Match:  Sean Spears vs. Mike MOndo

4.       OVW Southern Tag-Team Title Match:  Ox & Hammer vs. The Major Brothers

5.       James Boys vs. TBA

Plus:  Fearless Jack Bull

Friday June 22, 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  Mr. Kennedy

Friday June 29, 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest: Carlito

Friday July 6, 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  CM Punk

Friday July 13 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest: Cryme Tyme

Friday July 20 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  Jerry Lawler

Friday July 27 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  John Cena

Friday August 3 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  Finlay

Friday August 10 2007

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

Special Guest:  Matt & Jeff Hardy

*** *** ***
Dr. Keith Lipinski

Host Of The Dr. Keith Lipinski Show http://www.f4wonline.com
Head Of Talent Scouting – Wrestling Society X http://WSX.MTV.COM
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/vivalipinski