DGUSA “Freedom Fight” debut on PPV tonight!

Dragon Gate USA “Freedom Fight” premieres on pay-per-view TONIGHT on iN DEMAND, TVN, Viewer’s Choice and Bell ExpressVU. Check your local listings for time (should be 10pm), channel and the very affordable price. In fact, this PPV is a great deal next to what TNA and WWE are offering. Just check out what some critics/journalists have said about “Freedom Fight” after seeing an advance screener:

“…this had two matches that were off the charts, a singles match with Davey Richards against Yamato that you would think couldn’t be topped, and then it was equaled or even topped by the tag match that followed with Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. Shingo Takagi & Dragon Kid. Every match on the show was good, and if you want to see great action before a heated appreciative crowd, it’s worth going out of your way to see.” – Dave Meltzer in Jan. 25th Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Meltzer gave the two matches he mentioned ****1/2 and every match ***, which has only happened a handful of times in the 20 year history of The Wrestling Oberver Newsletter.
“Overall, you can’t but love a PPV that features two incredible matches at the level of Richards vs. YAMATO and Kid & SHINGO vs. Doi & Yoshino. DGUSA has built itself a nice little niche, trying to provide kickass wrestling matches and a wrestling product that is based around the opposite of what just about every other promotion is doing these days. You really can’t go wrong with this show for $20 and I absolutely give it a thumbs up.” – Mike Johnson at PWInsider.com.
“I highly recommend ordering this show on PPV. It was a really fun show from start to finish. There are three awesome matches on the card, which includes an early MOTYC between Yamato and Davey Richards.” – Sean Radican at PWTorch.com, who gave “Freedom Fight” an 8.5 overall rating.
“The positives were the positives you’ll get on any DGUSA show, great professional wrestling before a largely rabid crowd. The Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino vs. Shingo & Dragon Kid and Davey Richards vs. YAMATO matches were both in the ****1/4 range.” – Bryan Alvarez in the Dec. 20th Figure Four Weekly.
You can’t dispute these reviews. The most respected journalists have spoken!!! See “Freedom Fight” starting TONIGHT on PPV and look for replays over the next several days. Give something new a shot and see the best wrestling on the planet. Here is some more basic info:
Dragon Gate USA returns to pay-per-view with “Freedom Fight” on January 22nd with an affordable price. It’ll feature a one-night tournament with a unique format to crown the first ever Open The Freedom Gate Champion. The last DGUSA PPV, “Untouchable,” received a 100% “thumbs up” rating in the Nov. 16th issue of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. “Freedom Fight” continues this standard of excellence.
Dragon Gate USA has assembled a roster of the elite from all over the world to compete for the Open The Freedom Gate Championship. Who will go down in the record books as the first title holder? As if this tourney wasn’t enough for you, DGUSA has added a bonus main event. It is tag team wrestling at its best with some personal issues as Dragon Kid & Shingo battle Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino. Take a look at the complete lineup:

Open The Freedom Gate Title Match – Elimination Rules
Winners Of The Four Qualifying Matches

Qualifying Match #1 – Next Level
Davey Richards vs. YAMATO

Qualifying Match #2 – Salute To Skayde
Super Crazy vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. CIMA vs. Jorge “Skayde” Rivera

Qualifying Match #3 – Redemption
Brian Kendrick vs. BxB Hulk

Qualifying Match #4 – Generation New
Matt Jackson of Young Bucks vs. Nick Jackson of Young Bucks vs. Gran Akuma vs. Hallowicked vs. Lince Dorado vs. Johnny Gargano

Bonus Main Event – Tag Team Challenge Match
Dragon Kid & Shingo vs. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi

Join us for the beginning of a new year and new era when DGUSA crowns its first champion at “Freedom Fight” from Philadelphia, airing on pay-per-view with a January 22nd premiere. Get in on the ground floor and see why DGUSA is the hottest new promotion in the world!!!