DGUSA and EVOLVE news and notes

Tickets for Dragon Gate USA’s return to the Northeast for the first time in a year went on sale this morning. We have all that info plus a new talent roster for those events, EVOLVE live events news, the latest on the EVOLVE Title, DVD news, a first time ever Weekly Special and more. We know your Monday is busy so we won’t take any more of your valuable time. Let’s get to it….

First of all, we are happy to say congrats to PAC, who has officially signed his WWE contract. PAC has a tremendous legacy in Dragon Gate and Dragon Gate USA. We were lucky to have this spectacular, unique talent and quality person in DGUSA. We are pleased to offer this free download

of one of our favorite PAC matches to celebrate his incredible DGUSA run. What is your favorite PAC match in DGUSA?

El Generico & Samuray Del Sol Just Confirmed For DGUSA in November

Tickets are now on sale in the DGUSA.tv Store or 267-519-9744 for Dragon Gate USA Fearless 2012 on Nov. 2nd in Everett, MA (just outside Boston), Uprising 2012 on Nov. 3rd in Voorhees, NJ (just over bridges from Philly & easy drive from all over New Jersey) and Freedom Fight 2012 on Nov. 4th in Deer Park, NY

Click the links for more info. We have an updated talent roster including the return of independent wrestling’s most popular star El Generico. Check it out:

Open The Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano (if still Champion) -Open The United Gate Champions CIMA & AR Fox (if still Champions) -Akira Tozawa -Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi -Ricochet -Jon Davis -El Generico (11/3 & 11/4 confirmed, possible for 11/2) -Rich Swann -Samuray Del Sol -The Gentleman’s Club of Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy & Drew Gulak (Gulak is not  on 11/4) -Super Smash Brothers of Player Uno & Player Dos -The Scene of Scott Reed & Caleb Konley with Larry Dallas -Plus many others to be added!!!

Nov. 4th will also feature NYWC stars!!!

We have major news coming out of Japan. Open The Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano and one half of the Open The United Gate Champions AR Fox are heading to Japan later this week to tour Dragon Gate for a month. The Japanese office has requested for both to defend their titles. This means there will be two huge DGUSA Title Matches on the October 7th card in Fukuoka. It will be Gargano vs. Ryo Saito for the Open The Freedom Gate Title and Fox & CIMA vs. Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino for the Open The United Gate Titles. These matches will have huge ramifications on the November events in MA, NJ and NY. Follow www.IheartDG.com for the latest on these contests and news from Japan.

October 1st: EVOLVE is working on a Florida tour for December. Stay tuned….

Johnny Gargano Showcases His Aerial Skills Against Jon Davis At EVOLVE 17

EVOLVE 11: Finlay vs. Callihan DVD is now available for pre-order in the DGUSA.tv Store or by calling 267-519-9744. It will ship on October 12th. This DVD features 2/3rds of the Sami Callihan vs. Fit Finlay trilogy. You will get Callihan vs. Finlay from EVOLVE 11 and as a bonus their match from WXW in Germany. The card also has Low Ki vs. El Generico, Johnny Gargano vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Samuray Del Sol, The Super Smash Brothers vs. the debuting Gentleman’s Club and more. This means that the DVDs of EVOLVE 11, DGUSA Heat, DGUSA Open The Ultimate Gate 2012 and DGUSA Mercury Rising

2012 are now all available for pre-order and will ship in less than two weeks. You can order these now in DVD 2 & 3 Pack Deals to save money. You wanted new DVDs and now you are getting them! Thank you for your support and patience.

We have a first time ever DGUSA.tv Weekly Special – If you order $60 or more in DGUSA and EVOLVE DVDs and Gear, you qualify to get a free DGUSA or EVOLVE iPPV at WWNLive.com On Demand of your choice. Shipping does not count towards total. This includes DVD 2 & 3 Pack Deals. This means if you pre-order all our new DVDs mentioned above you can then  pick any DGUSA or EVOLVE iPPV On Demand that you want. You will get unlimited On Demand access of the iPPV of your choice. You must redeem your free iPPV when you place your order.  To redeem, simply email Help@WWNLive.com with your free selection.

This offer expires on October 8th at midnight EST. We appreciate your business and hope you will take advantage of this free iPPV offer. All DGUSA and EVOLVE iPPVs at www.WWNLive.com.

On Demand normally sell for $14.95 so this is a great deal!

We are working on some details before we make the official EVOLVE Title announcement. We are hoping to have it done by the next edition of the WWNLive Alerts.

The iPPV of EVOLVE 12: Fox vs. Callihan has been updated to the DVD version with improved quality and never-before-seen backstage promos. If you already purchased it you can go watch it now. Don’t miss this stacked lineup with AR Fox vs. Sami Callihan in Evolution’s End, Fit Finlay  vs. Jon Davis, El Generico vs. Ricochet, Low Ki vs. Jigsaw and much more.

Thank you for reading. We’ll be back later in the week with more breaking news!!!