Danny Bonaduce on In Your Head Radio

by Neal Jones

In You Head Online Radio’s internet exclusive interview with Danny Bonaduce hosted by Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie Richards! To hear the full interview head on over to InYourHeadOnline.com

Danny is welcomed to the show. Danny talks about IYH host Oninchbiceps being a giant, and how his nickname is 3 inch.

Danny talks about getting in the ring for the last time against Jose Conseco. Danny says if this was a sanctioned boxing match it would beat 2 world records, one for him being the biggest idiot and the 2nd for the biggest height disadvantage.

Jack asks if he has any advantages over Jose, Danny says he does, he thinks Jose is afraid. Danny talks about the stair down at the weigh in where he stood on a chair and was still shorter than Jose. Danny said he could see fear in Jose’s face, and thinks that will be his advantage.

Celebrity Boxing Federation and www.smokingeverywhere.com presents:
Danny Bonaduce vs. Jose Canseco in a Boxing Match
January 24th, 2009 at the Ice Works Skating Complex, 3100 W Duttons Mill Road in Aston, PA
More info call 813-960-8412
Purchase tickets to attend Live at Centerstage tix 800-677-8499 or on the web at www.ticketlynx.com
The event will be seen live on PPV at http://www.gofightlive.tv . If you pre-order the PPV it now you will get it for $9.99 if not it will be $12.99 the day of.

Danny says he wants to retire from boxing and do some professional wrestling while he still can. He believes going out after knocking out a giant like Jose Conseco would be the best way to leave boxing and enter wrestling.

Danny talks about Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling, he says every single celebrity got hurt on the show. Danny has never been hurt in the boxing ring but he got hurt every day in wrestling. Danny is a 3rd degree black belt, and the grace of wrestling was amazing to him.

Danny says he is under contract for one more year to CCW. He called Eric Bischoff, Jason Hervey and Hulk Hogan for permission to work other wrestling matches.

Danny says he didn’t understand the wrestling business when he started in CCW. For example Eric Bischoff is a heel on TV but he is the nicest guy off camera.

Danny talks about RVD, and how he would like to wrestle like him. Danny believes the giant vs the flyer is the funnest thing in wrestling.

Jack asks if Dennis Rodman deserved to win. Danny says no, Hulk Hogan was constantly yelling at Rodman for really hitting people and hurting them. Wrestling is an art form. Rodman was the only one who didn’t fight Danny on CCW.

Danny announces live on In Your Head that he will challenge Dennis Rodman to a boxing match or wrestling match. Danny says the nicknames say it all. He’s dangerous and Rodman is spineless (The Worm).

Caller Jason says the Diamond vs Bonaduce hardcore match stole CCW. Danny says they were scoring the wall before the hardcore match, and Danny got mad. He said he didn’t want it to be easier, so in the match he actually went through the ungimmicked wall.

Jason asks about the Bob Levy boxing match. Danny says he never fought anyone that size before, he only knew him by name. Danny trained harder for the fight than ever before, he even quit smoking. Danny said he knocked him out so quick he felt “I quit smoking for you ?”. Danny says win lose or draw you have a tendency to bond with your opponent, and they have become friends.

Jack asks about the lawsuit with Johnny Fairplay. Danny says Fairplay sued him for $10,000,000 and lost. Fairplay’s lawyer used Johnny’s knocked out tooth as evidence in the court case. Danny turned the tooth into a necklace and hasn’t taken it off since.

Danny says if anyone wants to book him on a wrestling show he would want to do it. Danny says he never had a funner and harder time than his CCW experience. He talks about Hulk Hogan telling him about all the travel he had to do in wrestling. Danny says the art form and discipline is so different than anything else like boxing or MMA.

Danny believes he has 2 years left to be able to go all out in the wrestling ring.

Danny admits he was not a wrestling fan going in to CCW. Danny tells a story about having a trickle of blood coming down his eyebrow in CCW. Hulk Hogan then asked if Danny had done it himself. Danny said yes, he did it with a nail he found in the locker room, and Hulk Hogan replied “I knew you were one of us”.

Danny talks about trying to body slam Butterbean, and even with all the steroids he couldn’t move the guy. Jack asks about his thought on steroids. Danny says he never lies to his listeners and he couldn’t be more pro steroids. Danny says he took them just to be bigger and stronger, but according to the medical reports they are good for you if used properly. Danny started using steroids when he was on the TV show “The Other Half” and he was next to Mario Lopez who was ripped, so he wanted to look as good as him. Danny admits he has taken much worse drugs and is lucky to be alive, but all the reports he has read he believes done in moderation steroids are indeed good for you. Jack and Danny talk about the documentary “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” which they are both fans of. Jack then informs Danny about Mike Bell’s recent passing, which Danny was not aware of yet.

Danny wants to tell everyone he is not an expert so he can’t tell people to do or not do steroids. He can only say they were good for him, he does believe that kids who are not finished growing should not use them.

Danny lets everyone know they can hear him on 2 radio programs daily. One 6-10 AM in Philadelphia 94.1 WYSP and one in the afternoon in Los Angeles on 97.1 KLSX.

Professional wrestler Mike Modest calls in and praised Danny for his CCW experience and conditioning, and believes Rodman was a ringer. Modest grew up watching Danny and was proud of him. Danny says he never worked harder for less money.

Danny again lets everyone know if you have something available for him to contact IYH and they will let him know. If you want to book Danny for a wrestling show contact jack@inyourheadonline.com and Jack will contact Danny and his people. Serious inquiries only.

Danny again tells everyone to check out his big boxing match with Jose Conseco on PPV, it’s only $10-$13. Check out http://gofightlive.tv
Remember to hear the full uncut interview head on over to www.InYourHeadOnline.com and don’t forget to tune in every week 8PM Eastern, This week‘s guest is Bobby Lashley, other guests who are scheduled to appear include Manny Fernandez, Armando Estrada, Kevin Kleinrock, Scorpio Sky, Rock Riddle and many more so be sure to check out InYourHeadOnline.com for all of your In Your Head Wrestling Radio needs. Don’t forget to also check In Your Head’s 4 Year Archive which includes interviews from Bill Golbberg, Honky Tonk Man, Paul Bearer, “Goldust” “Goldust” Dustin Rhodes, Bruno Sammartino, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Sunny and many more that’s InYourHeadOnline.com
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Also for purchase is the Duckman For Presidente rap CD featuring a track with the Original Gangster New Jack available exclusively at http://www.inyourheadonline.com for only $6 !!!