Dana Warrior talks about WWE’s upcoming DVD


The Ultimate Warrior’s wife Dana wrote the following on Facebook about WWE’s “Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe” DVD and Blu-ray that comes out on April 14th:


Warriors I am so happy to tell you I’ve seen the first cut of WWE’s home video production of Ultimate Warrior: ALWAYS BELIEVE, released April 14, 2015. It is a spectacular celebration of his life in and out of the ring. It is real and it is raw. It is heartbreaking but it is beautiful because that is life…and life has edges.

This was not an easy project to see through but one I knew I must. Not just for my husband but for all of YOU! The legion of Warriors who have adopted my husband’s creed and lived it as intensely as he did! You will see the story of his rise in the WWE told through the voices of the incredible roster of talent and WWE executives. You will see sustaining friendships and new ones. You will see truth. You will meet my girls and see what incredible young ladies they have grown into over these ten months since our loss. The edges of life have been particularly sharp to them at such a young age but they’ve been so graceful in the way they have carried on and conducted themselves daily as he would have required: the ultimate warrior girls through and through. I will share the man I knew and loved with you…the one behind the mask who was my husband, best friend, and father to our daughters. I am honest about the struggles and the pain but just as truthful about the joy we shared and the laughs we had because it is all woven into the fabric of our true story. This is indeed a celebration and a culmination of who he was in and out of the ring.

What I have come to realize about the edges I’ve faced is they have cut me out of my comfort zone and pushed me into an arena I never anticipated. What I always loved most was being a wife and mother and suddenly I had to carry the massive mantle of one I supported with absolute love and devotion. Maybe this edge brought me to my best self as I believe it does all of us…it is in the heat of trial and battle we reach deeply within to discover our OWN Ultimate Warriors. My husband did this in his life as you will clearly see on this dvd and by his example we must do it in ours! I was so lucky, like he was, to have all of YOU lift us up and carry on. This project was my thank you. THANK YOU WARRIORS!!!!

I believe in doing what is hard… I believe in the truth… I believe we are all required to turn the sharpest edges of our lives into our greatest sharpening tools…Always!

xo Dana

Special thanks to Steve Wilton who without his part none of this would be possible.

Thank you Victor Lorenzo for your love of this project and Matt Rogers for your care.

Thank you Michelle Greigo for her hair and make up magic and inappropriate HR department.