Daizee HazeCourtesy of www.captured-beauty.com

This is an interview we conducted with SHIMMER and Ring of Honor star Daizee Haze. She speaks about how her gimmick came about, her time working on the TNA Xplosion show, being trained by Kid Kash and Delirious, as well the time she spent in Japan.

It’d be great if you would be able to post this as news on your website. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Darren Harris


How did the whole Daizee Haze name and gimmick come about?
The gimmick is kind of a tribute. My father was a hippy back in the day; sadly he passed away when I was 15. His hippy attitude was free spirited, easygoing, peaceful, and these were all things I believed in and wanted to pass on to others. I actually stole the name from my younger sister. She wanted to legally change her name to Daisy Hayes, and then out grew the idea. I liked the ring of it and thought it had marketability, fit the gimmick perfectly, so I went with it.

What was it like being trained by Kid Kash & Delirious?
It was tough, but that’s what I crave- a challenge. I trained with guys, did everything they did, and was treated like one of the boys. It was great- I think it is the only way to train as a female. If you want to wrestle like and be as respected as a male wrestler, you must, as a woman, do the same things men do to get in the business. Special treatment only hinders you.

You have a very busy schedule. Is it hard to maintain a successful wrestling career while going to college at the same time?
Currently I am on a hiatus from College. So during the week, I spend my time at the Ring of Honor training center assisting their head trainer- Delirious- teach new students. In college was studying Exercise Science, so I use what I have learned to put together stretching/ cardio/ and circuit workouts. I still plan on finishing my degree, but with life as busy as it is now- I’m concentrating on wrestling and the things that make me happy.

What do you prefer, being a face or a heel?
Naturally I am a face. It’s hard to come off as a heel when you’re a 5’3″, 115 pound Blonde, but I have played the part in ROH as the “hired assassin” of the Embassy and in CHIKARA as a distraught Hippy missing the Midwest.

You had a short stint with TNA wrestling against Trinity, MsChif and Simply Luscious on Xplosion, as well as having a mixed tag team match with Alexis Laree (now Mickie James of the WWE). What was it like working for TNA? If TNA offered you a contract would you be inclined to take it?
Working for TNA in 2003 was a “doors opening” experience for me. It was my first television experience as well as my first opportunity to wrestle women outside of the St. Louis area and wrestle people who had reputations in the wrestling industry- Alexis Laree, Simply Luscious, and Trinity. Although I was exclusive to its TV program Xplosion I made a lot of connections in Nashville that provided me with the opportunities I’ve had. It was Kid Kash who originally helped get Delirious, Matt Sydal, MsChif, and myself on the Explosion program. It was at TNA that I met Bill Behrens- NWA president and owner of NWA Wildside- as well as Dave Prazak- who worked for IWA-MS at the time and was the future owner and founder of SHIMMER Women Athletes. Bill Behrens offered me with the opportunities of continuing wrestling and managing with TNA while also bringing myself, Delirious, and Matt Sydal to his promotion in Georgia, NWA Wildside. There we got more TV exposure and experience wrestling people from different areas of America. Dave Prazak introduced us to IWA-Mid-South where MsChif, Matt, Delirious and I work for a couple years. All in all it was TNA that kind of broke me out into the independent circuit. It was very exciting and nerve wrecking working for TNA. That kind of pressure really makes you check your game and work hard.

Currently I think TNA has a great women’s division, I know and have worked with most of the girls on the roster and am positive I would be a great addition. I would like to be a part of their women’s division. Many people are pushing for me in the back and I know my name has been mentioned. It’s just a matter of time…

How were you presented the opportunity to work with SHIMMER?
Well, since 2003, I have been friends with Dave Prazak. He is a totally devoted fan of real women’s wrestling. He was the one who brought IWA-MS its women’s division in the 2003-2005 eras. It was through IWA-MS that a lot of the Mid-west women- Lacey, Rain, MsChif, Mickey Knuckles, and me- had the opportunity to show that they were true athletes and wrestlers. As noted in a question below IWA-MS kind of evolved from a strong style to a hardcore style and when that happened, the women’s division faded out. Because of the lack of opportunity for women athletes and the growing number of truly talented women’s wrestlers Dave Prazak was determined to provide a means for these women to exhibit their talents. And SHIMMER was born. So I knew it was coming and was totally for it… THANKS DP!!!

Where do you see SHIMMER in three years time?
I hope to see SHIMMER doing shows across the US. Right now it is exclusive to Chicago for tapings, but the demand for it is growing, and I expect to see SHIMMER on the road before too long.

We’ve seen women like Talia Madison, Mercedes Martinez and Cheerleader Melissa receive televised WWE tryouts with Victoria. If you received a televised WWE tryout, who would you like to face off against and why?
If it came down to that- I think I would like to work Victoria as well. There’s a reason why they put people in try out matches with her. She has the most experience. I would also like to work Beth Phoenix or Mickey again, but I think for a try out match I would prefer Victoria.

You and Mickie Knuckles have met several times in IWA-MS, and tagged up a lot in the promotion as well. Which do you prefer, tagging with Mickie, or going one-on-one with Mickie?
Tag with her, I’d much rather be on anyone’s team then against them…

What are your thoughts on women Death Matches? You participated in IWA-MS in the past and now they seem to showcase that match a lot. Would you participate in one?
Mad props for people who battle in those, it’s just not my thing. I have been known to get into some crazy brawls, but that’s the extent of it. I like technical wrestling and stick to that unless otherwise provoked.

Do you think ROH gives ample opportunity for the women to be showcased? How do you feel about the ROH crowd towards women wrestling?
Of Course, Ring of Honor goes out of its way to give us opportunities to showcase our talents on their shows. No, there aren’t women’s matches on every show, but we are included in main story lines and factions (Lacey with Age of the Fall, Mercedes with The Vulture Squad, myself with the Briscoes) which lets us showcase other talents aside from just wrestling. ROH is not SHIMMER and it has no obligation to have women’s matches on their shows, so it really is an honor to let us exhibit our talents when there is a SHIMMER number one’s contender’s competition or a title match. ROH does a great job giving its “Women of Honor” a chance to show their stuff.

What was your experience in Japan like?
In two words: too quick. I had a blast and for the time I was there it couldn’t have gone better, but I was only there for 30 hours. I came over to wrestle on a Commemorative show for Vader. I wrestled in a tag match; myself and Yu Yamagata vs. Arisa Nakjima and Io Shirai. It was a great time, but I would love to go back over, spend more time there, and really experience their culture and training regimen. I flew in Friday night, was taken to the Keio Plaza where I slept, woke up and wrestled Saturday night at Differ Ariake, ate at Ribera Steak House and left early Sunday morning. Funny thing about the show: It was a show in dedication for Vader. He was at the hotel I stayed at- gorgeous place- and when the promoter came to pick us up, he decided he was in too bad of shape to leave his room, so NO Vader…

You have done a lot of wild spots with male wrestlers. Have you ever been presented with one you were apprehensive about? If so, did you still attempt it?
They all make me apprehensive, but I usually go with them. If something is too crazy- I’ll just tweak it a bit.

If you could wrestle someone that you haven’t wrestled yet, who would that be?
Hmm… of the women that are currently wrestling I’d like to go against Gail Kim. We have similar styles and I’d like to see what happens.

What has been your greatest career accomplishment thus far?
I can’t really pinpoint one certain moment. It’s all been great!

Any chance that you will put out another DVD?
Fabulous chance- the third DVD Compilation is in the mix right now. Expected date of debut is April 25th. Look for it on www.myspace.com/daizeehaze

Much love and appreciation for all your support,
One Peace, One Love, One Haze~
Daizee Haze