Dailywrestlingnews.com reports TNA live event results from Knoxville, TN on March 2, 2014

TNADailywrestlingnews.com reports TNA live event results from Knoxville, TN on March 2, 2014

Report by William Ramsey

1. Manik and Kenny King beat Zema Ion and Chris Sabin. King and Manik danced with Zema’s headphones on during the match. They celebrated after the match with a great dance off as well. The choreography of this match was awesome by all four guys.

2. Ethan Carter III beat Dewey Barnes and Norv Fernum in a handicap match.. EC3 was on offense for most of the match and the ending seemed very predictable. It didn’t seem to hold the crowd the way other matches did.

3. ODB beat Rockstar Spud. Before the match, Spud said no one was going backstage. ODB interrupted and challenged him to a match. ODB didn’t like how Rockstar Spud said women belonged in the kitchen after calling Barnes and Fernum women for losing to EC3.

4. Samuel Shaw defeated Shawn Shultz. Shultz is from right here in Knoxville. Shaw won by choke out. Shawn Shultz cut a promo about how on Rocky Top we treat women better than Sam Shaw treats Christy Hemme. This was the storyline for the match. Both men told a good story and did a nice job with the match.

5. Gunner beat James Storm in a No DQ Knoxville street fight. Gunner wanted to fight Storm before the event even started and this prompted the street fight stipulation. When Gunner made his entrance he recognized all the servicemen and women and parents of those serving along with the veterans before leading us all in the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was noted during intermission that Earl Hebner is now credited with refereeing over 100,000 matches in his career

6. Mr. Anderson beat Bully Ray in a best of three falls cage match. Bully Ray jumped Mr. Anderson before the match started to garner extra heat. Bully Ray won the first fall. Anderson came back and took the next two falls.

Notes: Before the event, Manik, Zema Ion, Sam Shaw, and the Hebners were all signing autographs and were awesome to take photos with and the whole experience was super fan friendly.

Attendance was estimated around 1,400. The best face performer was oddly enough ODB. The best heel by far was Bully Ray. He’s so natural in that role. A great entertaining house show.