CZW is booked for Canada


CZW in Canada; Excellent/Justice Added to iPPV: – Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) appears LIVE on iPPV Saturday, October 10 (on from the Flyers Skate Zone, 601 Laurel Oak Road in Voorhees, NJ and on Saturday, October 17 at Scratch à Laval, 965 boulevard Cure-Labelle in Laval, Quebec!

Just added to Saturday, October 10 in Voorhees for CZW‘s largest live event of the Fall, “Tangled Web”:
After Dick Justice challenged Greg Excellent to a rematch, Excellent only dropped the mic and watch away. CZW can confirm it will be Greg Excellent vs. Dick Justice!

** Tonight at – Since Sozio sided with CZW World Heavyweight champion Matt Tremont against TV Ready (BLK Jeez and Pepper Parks), it seems the odds are not in his favor. What’s next for the former World Heavyweight champion.

Already announced for “Tangled Web”:
– The Tangled Web main event: The Nation of Intoxication (Danny Havoc, Devon Moore, Lucky, and “Wrench” Conor Claxton) vs. Ohio Is 4 Killers (Dave Crist, Jake Crist, Eric Ryan, and Alex Colon)
CZW World Heavyweight champion Matt Tremont vs. BLK Jeez

– JT Dunn vs. David Starr

Then on Saturday, October 17, CZW joins with International Wrestling Syndicate (IWS) in Laval, Quebec, Canada:
CZW joins with IWS at “Freedom to Fight: IWS vs. CZW”. One week after “Tangled Web”, The Nation of Intoxication faces Lucha Underground star and wrestling legend Vampiro, Green Phantom, and The Hardcore Ninjas.

Also, CZW World Tag Team champions Team Tremendous (Dan Barry and Bill Carr) defend against Tabarnak De Team (Mathieu St-Jacques and Thomas Dubois).

Much more to be announced.
Tickets available now at, and, day of, at the door.
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