Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s coverage of ROH TV. This is the first show following ROH’s huge Final Battle show, although it was taped well before.
– Prince Nana is in the commentary booth to fill in for Steve Corino.
Will Ferrara vs. Caprice Coleman
Both of these men have been getting the letters from Prince Nana, which is addressed before the match. Nana goes back and forth regarding his allegiance on commentary. The two brawl the the outside, where Caprice dropkicks Ferrara into the guardrail. Both men are DQ’d for trying to go after each other with chairs. They have to be separated.
Result: No-Contest
– The House of Truth is backstage. Jay Lethal and Roderick Strong are captaining a 10-man scramble, and they randomly draw their partners names out of gift boxes. Jay Lethal thinks he has Moose, but draws Cheeseburger instead. This is hilarious.
ANX vs. Donovan Dijak and Ken Phoenix (w/ Truth Martini)
Martini says that if Phoenix impresses him, he’ll get a spot in the HOT. Rhett Titus beats Phoenix up early until Dijak Electric Chair Drops him across the apron, allowing Phoenix to hit a baseball slide. Dijak gets in the ring and works Titus over, but King gets the hot tag and beats up Phoenix and Dijak.
Phoenix is really struggling, and Dijak tags himself in. Chokeslam backbreaker on Titus almost gets a three count. Phoenix tags himself in and gets slaughtered by ANX and beaten soundly.
Winners: ANX via pinfall
Truth Martini is having the crowd decide if they like Ken Phoenix, but gives him a thumbs down. Dijak hits him with Feast Your Eyes.
– Kevin Kelly welcomes out Steve Corino, who recently had neck surgery. Corino says that neck surgery is rough, but one day the neck brace is coming off, and BJ Whitmer is going to have to pay.
Christmas Surprise 10-Man Tag Match
Roderick Strong, Cedric Alexander, Mark Briscoe, Moose, & Matt Jackson vs. Jay Lethal, Cheeseburger, Adam Page, Cliff Compton & Jay Briscoe
Truth Martini, Taeler Hendrix, BJ Whitmer, Colby Corino, Stokely Hathaway, Nick Jackson & Veda Scott are all sent to the back. Somewhat of a surprise appearance by Cliff Compton here. Strong and Jay start off, but quickly reach a stalemate. Cole tags in, but gets hit with a dropkick/headscissor combo from Strong and Jackson, which leaves Jay and Cheeseburger scratching their heads. Lethal gets tagged in and drops Cedric Alexander, then brags to Briscoe about it.
Mark and Cliff are next, and they go right to the floor to brawl, where Compton hits Mark with a back body drop. Compton gets a table, Mark gets a chair, but the ref makes them get back in the ring before a commercial break stops them.
We come back from the commercial to see Moose tagged in to face Cheeseburger. All of his teammates offer a tag, but Cheeseburger gets some elbows in before Moose hits the biggest snake eyes of all-time and tags in Roddy. Strong slams his teammates all down on Cheeseburger, squishing him. Lethal breaks up the count. Cheeseburger backflips out of a train of three back suplexes and tags Jay, who comes to his rescue.
The Briscoes square off an boot each other in the head about 74 times until Mark gets put on his ass. He comes back with an enziguri and both guys tag out. Page gets a Shooting Star Shoulderblock to the outside but Jackson and Moose give him suck it and “Moose” strikes before killing him with a double superkick.
Cheeseburger is left alone with everyone, and palm strikes all of his opponents in a really cool spot. This starts a chain where everyone hits their finish until Compton gets superkicked off the top through a table. Page falls victim to a Froggy Bow, and team Strong wins.
Winners: Roderick Strong, Cedric Alexander, Mark Briscoe, Moose, & Matt Jackson via pinfall (Froggy Bow)
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