Complete ROH coverage 11-25-2015


Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s coverage of this week’s Ring of Honor TV. Tonight’s show features Jay Lethal vs. Roderick Strong for the ROH World TV title!

Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway vs. Dominick Carter

This is gonna be a bad night for Carter. Spear. Win. Five seconds.

Winner: Moose via pinfall (Spear)

Stokely takes the mic and says Moose is coming for the ROH Title. He says he heard the same speech from Elgin last week, and runs Elgin down. This brings Elgin to the ring and says Big Mike is around any time Moose wants competition. Moose takes the mic and says they can fight right now. Truth Martini interrupts and calls Moose a goof, then says he likes Big Mike…psych! Mike says he’s goin to steal Taeler Hendrix and check her into a motel, which pisses Truth off. Truth says he wants J Diesel and Dijak against Elgin and Moose, and a brawl breaks out.

Moose & Michael Elgin (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. House of Truth (w/ Truth Martini and Taeler Hendrix)

Moose scores a dropkick, and Elgin hangs Dijak upside down for about 30 seconds for a suplex. Elgin talks trash to Moose. Hendrix grabs Elgin’s leg, allowing Dijak to hit a chokeslam backbreaker. Diesel starts boxing, as it’s revealed that Diesel wants to go by the name Joey Diesel Daddiego. Moose comes back, but Dijak interferes, which gets both men tossed out and landed on by the diving Elgin. Taeler Hendrix then gets dipped by Elgin.

Elgin hits a delayed German suplex on the newly named Daddiego. Elgin lands a Buckle Bomb and Moose destroys Daddiego with a big spear to win the match as he stares down Elgin.

Winner: Moose & Michael Elgin via pinfall (spear)

– We see this week’s Story Time With Adam Cole next.

ROH World TV Championship
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Roderick Strong

Strong gets the best of the early grappling exchanges, which lead to Lethal exiting the ring twice out of frustration. That frustration continues when Roderick strong sends Lethal outside yet again with a jumping calf kick before the commercial break.

We come back to see Lethal tossing Strong into the ringside guardrail, before taking the challenger back inside the ring. Lethal applies a headlock, but the two end up chopping each other. Lethal goes for Lethal Injection and gets dropkicked in his back for his troubles. Both men go for signature moves, but are blocked. Strong runs by Lethal repeatedly with forearms, but botches a backbreaker that gets a two count.

Lethal Combination is good for two as we come back from a commercial, and Lethal turns it into a Koji Clutch. Strong gets to the ropes, rolls outside, and Lethal goes for the Trifecta, which Strong stops on the third one by delivering an Olympic Slam to the floor. The two trade strikes and Strong applies the Strong Hold. Lethal cradles Strong for two, but hits Lethal Injection, and Strong kicks out to the shock of everyone in the crowd.

Strong goes for a superplex, but Lethal turns it into another Lethal Injection, and Strong kicks out again. The crowd erupts and Strong stands right up. Jumping knee, double knee gutbuster, Sick Kick, Strong Breaker, Strong Hold, and Lethal has to submit! New Champion!

Winner: Roderick Strong via submission (Strong Hold) to win the ROH World Television Championship

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