Vince McMahon Regains 100% Control.
June 11, 2002 - By Brad Dykens
Vince McMahon made an unexpected appearance on WWE RAW last night to make a very important
proposal to RAW-Owner Ric Flair.. Vince McMahon proposed they have a No Holds Barred match
for 100% Control of the WWE.. Flair jumped at the chance to steal away Vince's half of the
company accepting the challenge sparking concern from Eddy Guerrero & Chris Benoit..
Just before the match, Vince McMahon was approached by former ECW Owner, Paul Heyman, who
said that, dispite their problems in the past, he would be routing for Vince.. Heyman also
requested that after Vince wins the match, to take a good look at THE NEXT BEST THING,
Brock Lesnar, who had won a King of the Ring Qualifying match earlier in the night..
Early in the match, Vince busted the Nature Boy open as the brawl went through outside the
ring and through the crowd.. When Ric Flair locked the figure-four onto Vince, Arn Arnderson
ran into the ring and screamed at Vince to submit! All of a sudden Brock Lesnar entered the
ring and Arn immediately took himself out of the ring in fear.. Brock nailed Flair and Vince
McMahon got the pin to recapture 100% ownership of the company that HE CREATED!
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