OnlineWorldofWrestling.Com Turns TWO!
August 1, 2003 - by Brad Dykens
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Well well well.. Nice to see you again! I know I don't write as many columns for the site as I should, but most of my time is spent researching and adding information to the profiles section of the site, which, by the way, I believe is the most valuable portion of the page..
ANYWAY! It seems like every single day a bunch of new OWW readers jump on board, so for those of you who are new around here, I'll tell you that Online World of Wrestling.Com has officially been around for TWO years! I can't beleive it's been two whole years..
There are so many people I'd like to thank, so I made a Thank You Page..
As you may or may not know, this website was originally created on my computer just as a resource for me to keep track of something that I just couldn't get enough of -- Wrestling! Eventually, I was sitting on a pretty impressive collection of information that was limited to my eyes only! I was already into creating websites before, so I made the proper arrangements and starting shovelling more and more information into the project.. Soon, people were emailing me with praise, comments, offers, contributions and requests! It only ignited the fire within me even more and I found myself continually adding new profiles, pictures, results, title histories (which I've recently given up on), promotion histories, columns and tons of other neat features to entertain anybody who stumbled onto the site..
I didn't realize how great a project I was working on until a friend of mine in a chat room took it upon himself to register a domain name for the site, which was, up until then, sitting on a webserver with a 149.193.129.## IP which was really confusing, not to mention annoying.. He told me that the website would blast off if it had a more convienient and memorable URL.. He was right, because right after that, the popularity of the site exploded like 10 volcanoes all at once..
Something else that caught me off guard is when people starting emailing me with contributions to the site.. Other fans, just like me, started sending me wrestling pictures, profile information, independant results, columns, articles, interviews, questions, comments and MUCH appreciated PRAISE! It makes it a whole hell of a lot easier when other people "do the work" for me and all I gotta do is arrange the HTML page and plug it into the site.. I appreciate all contributions sent in and encourage everybody to keep them coming, because that is what makes this website SO GREAT!
My greatest endorsement came when J Michael Kenyon of the Cauliflower Ally Club, emailed me with praise and featured me in his "Sunday Punches" column (found on www.cauliflowerallyclub.com), which is read by literally hundreds of oldschool wrestlers, current wrestlers, wrestling historians and general wrestling fans.. The thought of my heros George "the Animal" Steel, Killer Kowalski, Fabulous Moolah and others checking out my site made me utterly petrified, but in a GOOD WAY!
Something that I never envisioned two years ago was the addition of a RADIO SHOW to the website.. I met a couple of SuperFans in a chat room named TreyDawg and JSK, who had a nice little show called Wrestling News Live.. I started listening and contributing to the show as a researcher and information "checker" (using OWW.com of course).. Soon, a mutual decision was made to work together and become somewhat of a family.. The show has grown leaps and bounds into an entertaining show which includes REAL interviews with wrestlers such as Chris Harris, James Storm, Jerry Lynn, Jonah from Tough Enough and many others! -- not to mention entertaining banter topped off by 5 great flavours of Monte's Award Winning Hot Sauce from MyHotSauces.Com!
What does the future hold for OnlineWorldofWrestling? I hope to continue compiling information until the day I die.. There will always be more details to add to profiles and results from the past and present to report as well as the thoughts, views, and opinions of wrestling fans around the world, such as New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, USA and Australia..
A lot of websites out there claim to be "For the Fans, by the Fans" but this website not only represents the FANS better than any site you will ever find, but caters to fans of all generations, all eras, and all styles of professional wrestling..
When you are truely obsessed with wrestling, you have an unquenchable thirst for Wrestling History and I like to think I help satisfy your urges just a little bit each time you surf on to OnlineWorldofWrestling.com!
If you have any comments, reactions, rebuttles or thoughts on this column, feel free to send them to the email below,
If your email is intelligently written, they will be posted underneath this messege..
We at OnlineWorldofWrestling want to promote all points of view, and that includes YOURS.
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