Online World of Wrestling.
Rumormill Update
Triple H defeats Undertaker & King of the Ring to win the Undisputed Title, with help from the nWo, and joining the group in the process..
Taker will turn face and be joined by Kane to fued with the nWo..
Taker walks out of the WWE due to creative differences after being aligned with the nWo.. JUST KIDDING!
Expect several new factions (or reformed factions) as well as several new tag teams (or reformed tag teams) with the return of Vince Russo..
Hogan's legitimate retirement is just around the corner..
Vince Russo will make a quick friendship with Tommy Dreamer..
Nova's debut will likely be with or against the Hurricane..
Expect more Bra&Panties, Mud, Evening Gown, Pudding, Ligerie and other additional female gimmick matches..
Negotiations with Goldberg will be tougher..
Negotiations with Scott Steiner may speed up..
Tough Enough 2's Jake may get a 'woman hater' gimmick..
Knoble's CW title reign is just around the corner..
The Dudley & APA singles push has run it's course.. time for a couple reunions..
We'll be getting one last Flair vs Hogan match in the near future..
Randy Orton has a heel turn on the horizon..
As soon as the split is forgotten, Eddy & Chavo should join together..
Steve Borden (aka Sting) may be in secret negotiations with WWE?!
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