This is a column is written by yours truly the Trey Dawg and will be more along the lines of the way I see things. Call me the storyline Prophet if you will. Well, Goldberg is back and is now in the WWE. I look for great things to come from DA Man as it for the first time in a long time breathes a breath of fresh wrestling air into my bored lungs! Now I know that most of you are laughing at me and thinking I have gone off the rocker here but think about the matchups Goldberg will have this year. Goldberg will wrestle The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane, RVD, HHH, Brock Lesnar, Rhyno,Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, A more main event like Y2J unlike the Chris jericho of wcw when they first met, And the list goes on and on. Once again you scoff but Trey Goldberg is on RAW and some of those stars are on smackdown. True but I the optimist hopes for the split to be no more ASAP! Im just saying we are about to see some matchups we never thought we would see or some matchups by guys who arent the same guys they were in WCW. Im just saying its a window of new opportunity!