

A Look at how Crappy TNA Has Become
August 12, 2004 by Martin W. Prevost

Ok fan boys I'm back, the names Martin if you don't already know that. And if you do you read the name tag next to the article title. This installment is a look at TNA. why because that's why.

First we must look at TNA with a world Champion like Jeff Jarrett who I never really liked ever he's not really all that good. Then we look at the X- Division this is the part of the show I like, wait it the entire show, excluding Jeff Jarrett (Talent less) and Abyss who actually is pretty good. With co-champions Michel Shane and Kazarian this sounds a lot like the WWE early 2000 when Jeff Jarrett and Chyna both held the I.C. Title. Then there are the Tag Titles with the all of like 5 teams. I think I'll go off an a rant here.

That's something I'm getting sick of, that no one is pushing the tag division any more you get like five teams fighting for the belts each week. TNA has America's Most Wanted, Triple X, The Naturals, Three Live Kru, Team Canada, and Shane and Kazarian. That's it no more tag teams, tag teams go buy- buy. And the WWE has like La Resistance and the Dudley Boyz and that's about it. You know what if you have the belts or in WWE case two of um use it make tag teams we want to see.

Now back to TNA, I've covered the champions now lets move on to the matches all I see is Gimmick Match's on the pay- per- views and there world champion in the opening contest on the T.V. show. How many bag ideas do the writers have to come up with before it hits them that there are some of us who just want to see a wrestling match and not a ladder match, cage match, double ladder match, king of the mountain, gauntlet for the gold, eight man guitar on a pole, cash for contract matches, luck of the Irish street fights, and the other crap they come up with. And the night of revenge whole crap and I just remembered the country whipping match great idea you deserve a gold star for that one. And the world X- Cup or what ever it's called can just blow me. There's what one team left and that Team Canada holy crap like that hasn't been done to death. Canada hates America that's a new one. And lets not forget the X- Division slogan It's not about weight limits it's no limits. Which is another load, it is about weight limits. But of all this crap about the one thing that gets me the most is Monty Brown one of the heavyweights on there roster who has no talent which is why he's a contender for the title, and has the most annoying catch phrase on earth which is the "Pounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and the "Serengeti" I must have missed the point to that little saying.

But in all crap there is there is still a lot of good talent there like AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, Raven, Sabu, and Ron Killings to name a few. But if you have any complaints or questions you can e- mail me. But that's not why I'm including my e- mail address no it's because my next article I want you the reader to send me what you like, dislike, and hate about wrestling today and I'm going to take that stuff and agree or disagree with it and tell you why.

Until next time fan boys this is, Martin W. Prevost..

XtremeFalls wrote:
Bless you martin i couldn't say it better myself, Jarrett is just a boring champion. X-division is the cruiserewight divison and Tag Team division is a joke
Kirk Degunya wrote:
Okay, here are a couple of things you didn't think through before you submitted your column. I will take direct quotes from your column and tell you the real story behind them.

"TNA has America's Most Wanted, Triple X, The Naturals, Three Live Kru, Team Canada, and Shane and Kazarian. That's it no more tag teams, tag teams go buy- buy. And the WWE has like La Resistance and the Dudley Boyz and that's about it. You know what if you have the belts or in WWE case two of um use it make tag teams we want to see."

What are you trying to say" That WWE has it made with two belts and 2 tag teams"

Teams we want to see" What" Are you trying to tell me that TNA creating tag teams with their own wrestlers are teams we don't want to see" What, if they wanted to make the Hardy Boyz would they just steal Matt from WWE (which is impossible as of right now)"

"Now back to TNA, I've covered the champions now lets move on to the matches all I see is Gimmick Match's on the pay- per- views and there world champion in the opening contest on the T.V. show. How many bag ideas do the writers have to come up with before it hits them that there are some of us who just want to see a wrestling match and not a ladder match, cage match, double ladder match, king of the mountain, gauntlet for the gold, eight man guitar on a pole, cash for contract matches, luck of the Irish street fights, and the other crap they come up with."

I know what you mean, but think about it. As you sit back and complain about the unique match types that TNA has, look at what WWE does to retaliate. Bedroom matches between Torrie/Gunn Nidia/Noble.

You're complaining about having a gauntlet for the gold" What, are you crazy"! They only do those so often! WWE does a Royal Rumble each year!

6 sided steel cage - yeah, they had one - that got old. /rolleyes And the Ultimate X. That got tired a long time ago. /rolleyes [sarcasm]

"And the night of revenge whole crap"

1st off -- work on your grammar.

Anyways, it was called "Night of Revenge" because there were 3 matches on the card dealing with people wanting to get revenge on other people (AJ Styles vs Kid Kash, AMW vs Team Canada, Raven vs Sabu).

"And the world X- Cup or what ever it's called can just blow me"

Yes. The uniqueness of having X-Division style wrestlers from all over the world fight for the X-Cup can suck your cock. /rolleyes

"And lets not forget the X- Division slogan It's not about weight limits it's no limits. Which is another load, it is about weight limits."

There are no weight limits. If you'd use that nice profile function in OWW, you'd come to find that out.

I'm not sure what WWE considers a "cruiserweight" but, it is 215 lbs on RAW 2, so that's what I'll take it as.

Michael Shane - 221 lbs.
Christopher Daniels - 232 lbs
LA Park - 235 lbs

I think I've got my point through. It's not what your weight limit is, but what you do to be considered "X-Divsion Material". Take Scott D'Amore for example. He said he was the best X-Division wrestler. He weighs 243, and isn't a very musclar man. What did he do to be considered "X"" A moonsault.

"But of all this crap about the one thing that gets me the most is Monty Brown one of the heavyweights on there roster who has no talent which is why he's a contender for the title, and has the most annoying catch phrase on earth which is the "Pounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and the "Serengeti" I must have missed the point to that little saying." oddly agreed.

Well, I leave you with those arguments and this last word -- why don't you research and actually order a TNA event for once before exclaiming about how awful it is" If you knew any sort of news, WWE isn't doing to great right now, anyways.
TNA Fan, Anonymous wrote:
I was checking out everything about Martin or whoever it is that wrote this column about TNA Wrestling and well I think the word for it is crap. TNA is an ALTERNATIVE to the WWE.

First off as it deals with the Specialty matches each week. They have the new matches each week such as Gauntlet For the Gold, Clockwork Orange House of Fun, Hangman's Horror, Sicilian Street Fight, Irish Street Fight, The Ultimate X, the Contract vs. Money, Contract vs. Contract, 6 Sides of Steel, Wednesday Bloody Wednesday, and etc., for you purpose to keep the people interested in seeing what's coming next week that is something new or something that people that haven't seen the company early on can see with a different group of wrestlers.

Take for example The 20 Man International Invitational Gauntlet for the Gold a couple weeks ago. For people that just bought the PPV form TNA and only witnessed what happened through the internet by reading the results they still would have no idea how it works unless they saw it for themselves. And not only that but it had surprises in it With the storylines of Kazarian and Shane trying to keep the X Title mixed in with the Kid Kash feud. It left you wondering who was going to win the match. They had L.A. Park in it as well as many people that rightfully deserve to be in the X Division. I agree with the past statement somebody said about Scott D'Amore. A moonsault doesn't mean that he's officially apart of the X Division. However as they say in the X Division, there are no limits. Most of the ECW from the past would have to count as to pioneers of the X Division. Rob Van Dam, Lance Storm, Raven, Sabu, and etc. The reason for that was because they brought something new to wrestling. Raven with his unique chair work, RVD with the same thing, Lance Storm with his catch-as-catch-can wrestling skills, and same thing with Jerry Lynn. All of those people except for a few people from ECW would have to count as pioneers of the X Division as well as Flyin Brian, Tom Zenk, Dynamite Kid, Too Cold Scorpio, Randy Savage, and Ricky Steamboat. They could did things that weren't done before in pro-wrestling.

Next as it deals with the X Division, Tag Team Division, and World Heavyweight Divisions in TNA. I just feel that for those titles to have more importance to each of them they have to have recognized wrestlers from around the World Challenge them for the Titles.

In the Heavyweight Division, Personally I wouldn't mind seeing Raven once and for all have the TNA title around his waist. But it would also be great to see Jeff Jarrett defend his title against Mike Awesome, Masato Tanaka, Perry Saturn, and People from Organization such as: CMLL, NOAH, Zero-One, New Japan, All Japan, and others. Also in pro-wrestling we tend to look at the "first's." So Jeff Jarrett got the title a couple of times, so did AJ Styles, and so did "The Truth." But was Jeff Jarrett the first ever TNA Heavyweight Champion" He wasn't, it was Ken Shamrock. How's that for something different compared to RAW's champion, Triple H. Right now, TNA is building something up between Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett, Double J is feuding with Jeff Hardy.

In the Tag Title situation, I would love to see a one night tournament with all of TNA's tag teams and each match having something unique in it but that's just me.

In the X Division, mainly just keep it to "No Limits" it's great to hear Spanky is heading to TNA, so that's one thing I'm glad about but I would love to see Too Cold Scorpio, and some others from around the world challenge for the TNA X Title. Like Ultimo Dragon or Take Michinko. These are guys who are recognized. The X Division is Original, it's not all "cruiserweight" because Sonny Siaki held the title, and compared to what happened with the WCW Cruiserweight title with Madusa holding it, it just didn't seem right. No offense to her but that's why I give hats off to TNA. Holding the Cruiserweight title was nothing compared to what Chyna did with the IC title. So that's also to get the whole women issue out of the way about that comment I made. The X Division has pulled out some of the most amazing matches in wrestling history. It shouldn't be just Jerry Lynn that should be branded as the pioneer though.

And as it deals with T&A in TNA. Essentially that's what WWE is trying to do to get ratings by having the Diva Search, I'm guessing on that though. But in TNA, they seemed to get rid of most of the women. Yet they have TNA Knockouts. But when do you see a girl on the apron EVER" Only during a match with Siaki, EKMO, Kazarian ,Shane, Vito, Swinger, Abyss, and Alex Shelly. And they also don't have that many women's matches. They just have valets, and the only one who actually speaks is Goldilocks. I don't want to hear her impression of what sounding rich sounds like. But it's something I deal with. Rarely does TNA ever have women's matches and that's a fact.

TNA is an Alternative to Till Death Do You Part match, Diva Dodgeball, Evolution vs. whoever, Triple H and his own personal clique running the RAW Show, and Undertaker and Angle running the Smackdown show with midgets, and killing off managers with cement chambers, and replacing GMs, and barely letting new talent shine in the spotlight. TNA is more about the something NEW, and Something Different. Yet whenever they pull off a similar match to the WWE like having the Hair vs. Hair match between Y2J vs. Kevin Nash compared to Raven vs. Shane Douglas. Nash just got a haircut, Raven got SCAPLED. Now which one is something you weren't expecting in pro-wrestling. People were expecting to see Nash get shaved Bald after he lost. He just got a haircut, nothing to big... a complete let-down for the fans. Now with TNA, they went overboard with the scalping, however none of the fans were expecting it, and they got what they were wanting anyway. TNA went "out and above the call of duty" to sort of say, because of us fans. We are the people that make pro-wrestling so popular. And TNA delivers!
Alon Ivtsan wrote:
Regarding the tag division, tna has considerably more than 5 tag teams. Martin forgot to mention abyss and shelley, miyamoto and nosawa, sabin and red (or lynn) and kid kash and dallas just to name a few (ps: and until a few weeks ago they also had siaki and kenney, gilberti and swinger and d ray and shark boy). Either way 5 teams makes the division quite competitive as many of their teams (like triple x and amw) are great workers as well and over with the fans. The new team of rhyno and tajiri has yet to click with fans as they are viewed as a team consisting of jobbers.

The problem with tna seems to be an emphasis on characters that do not wrestle like d'amoore, dusty rhodes and vince russo, and their promo time could be used to establish the characters of the x division. Also jim mitchell should return as he was great as a heel and punk and dinero were cool as well. If tna wants to succeed it needs to acquire the services of established names like foley, goldberg, austin and hogan as fans are not likely to accept bottom rung wwe wrestlers like dlo brown as world champions (raven is an exception to the rule due to his awesome promos and great brawling ring work). In addition tna really dropped the ball by removing harris, styles, abyss and raven from the world title picture as their title scene now only consists of jarrett, killings, monty brown and jeff hardy.

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