My First Column
May 2, 2004 by Larry
I would like to preface this article with a few things that I "know" about Professional Wrestling.
#1 Programs are scripted.
#2 Old wrestlers come back for a well deserved pop (and paycheck) after their days in the squared circle have past.
#3 It is in the best interests for a promotion to push young talent therefore creating a strong foundation for the future (apparently Bischoff's WCW never got that memo).
#4 The bigger a heel someone is, the more dynamic a babyface they will become (and vise versa).
#5 Old wrestlers help young wrestlers get over.
However, there is no excuse for the appalling behavior that took place this past Monday on Raw. When I saw the spit leave Randy Orton's mouth and land on Harley Race's face, I could not have been more outraged. Honestly, I didn't think he was going to do it considering the way Orton was playing up to the crowd. I thought they were going to shake hands and then have Race as manager for the main event. No, of course not, let's have Orton spit in Race's face so we can create some heat for Orton and Benjamin's program. Now, of course I realize Race acquiesced to being spat upon. Yet, what bothers me the most is the plain lack of respect this is showing the wrestling fans and the workers in the industry. I believe if respect is taken away from professional wrestling, its time to say goodnight.
Is this what it has come to" Could you see Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Gene Kiniski, Jack Brisco, Terry Funk, Dory Funk Jr. or Ricky Steamboat getting spat on" And then just standing there after it happened""" A few unkind words, sure...a beat down, why not...but what happened to Harley Race wrong, a real shame. I consciously left out the WWF/E champions to make this point. Harley Race and the other guys mentioned above carried the National Wrestling Alliance world title. When Shane Douglas threw this belt in the trash in 1994, it became a sort of joke. Anyone born after 1990 really has no concept of the importance the NWA title had and that's a shame. But, for the people that understand this title's significance, the actions of Randy Orton was a slap (or spit) in the face. Harley Race is arguably the greatest NWA champion of all time (even Flair said Race was the toughest guy he has ever faced), now reduced to embarrassment on national television. While a young Ric Flair was gaining momentum and cementing his place in Pro Wrestling history, he still gave respect to opponents in his promos. He understood if he gave respect, he would receive respect in return.
Although I do think Orton is a decent talent, I also think this 'legend' gimmick flat out sucks. More importantly, who the hell is Randy Orton" What has he done" He's a young pitcher who only throws in the Old Timer's game. The old timer's can still hit, but it doesn't impress me. Let's see how he does against guys his own age. Maybe he should learn a few things from Ric Flair; maybe he should become a Real Estate agent. Whatever the case, he had better smarten up. If I were Orton, I would talk to the powers that be and ask them if I could try in ring work to solidify my character, instead of just using my mouth.
by Larry..
Manfo44 writes:
Again, another guy who does not like Randy Orton. Randy is a big star, and wether you like it or not he is the future of wrestling. As for Harley Race, yes he is a great champion, but we all know Ric Flair is NWA not Race. That's like having some young pup spit in the face of the Macho Man, and not Hulk Hogan. This legend killer gimmick is hilarious and entertaining. He reminds me of the late great IC champuion, Mr. Perfect, who was great on the mic and a great wrestler. We all know in a few years you'll be writing columns about Orton saying, " Oh i knew it all along that he has been great." I have vast knowledge on wrestling and I know a star when I see one and a gimmick that works, and this sure does.
Larry V response:
I do enjoy debating wrestling and always look forward to a difference of opinion. So let me explicate on the critique above. Let's do this thing....
I realize Orton is the future of wrestling, please refer back to things I "know" #3, I also wrote that I think he is a decent talent. I do not doubt the man's talent; I am just questioning the path his character is taking. Teddy Hart is also a great talent, but he's pretty much in the doghouse now because of the path he chose...and that path of course is no respect.
Now, if you want to mix facts with opinion; Ric Flair might be WCW, but Lou Thesz is NWA and that is a fact that cannot be disputed. Having won his first world title when Flair was only 8 months old, Thesz is thought by most wrestling historians as "the man." I wrote that Race was arguably the greatest NWA champion, considering he was the first to have won the NWA belt four times.
Let's not sell Randy Savage short here, he is a six-time world champion. Also, only two men held the WWF title between 1984-1990 and one of them was Randy Savage; whose title reign was a full year.
I wouldn't say Orton is hilarious. Mr. Perfect taking an over the head, back to the rim half court shot and sinking it was hilarious. I feel Orton's skills on the mic are progressing, but not great. Also, Perfect and Orton are old school vs. new school in terms of their wrestling styles, so I don't really see any similarities there.
Please, let's not assume what I will be writing about in a few years. Also, who knows if Orton will even be here in a few years, he might have Brock Lesnar on speed dial.
Finally, as for your "vast knowledge on wrestling," well...I'll take your word for it.
Remember guys, no matter how "smart" we think we are, in fact-we are all marks.
Isaac Noonan wrote:
Since the subject seems to have turned into a comparison between Orton and
Mr. Perfect, then I guess I'll throw in my two cents. Both men are(were)
extremely cocky and could back their comments up in the ring. But there are
quite a few differences. With Mr. Perfect, he was able to show why he could
call himself "Perfect". Whether he was a face or a heel, he was still
cheered. Randy Orton does have the ability, but his character makes many
people, myself included, want to slap the yellow off of his teeth. He has
"killed" legends that are past their prime, and needed help to take out
those who could fight back. In the plus column, his match with Foley at
Backlash was awesome. I give him credit for that. However it just inflated
his head just enough to prove that some people can never be too full of
Isaac Noonan wrote:
I will have to agree with manfo on this issue. First
off Randy Orton is very similar to Perfect. Ortan is a
great technical wrestler and great on the mic. Like
you said earlier for younger wrestlers to get
over..they must beat older wrestlers...so therefore
legend killer is a great gimmick. Spitting in the face
yes a little too far maybe a slap would be
better...but spitting in the face makes wrestling seem
a little more realer it brought emotions into
play...many people forget what makes for great
wrestling is a story line and talent. Ortan is the
future of this business and he clearly is doing his
job if he makes made many fans irate recently. Now as
far as Ortan not having mic skills i find him
great...now benoit great skill BORING on the mic...but
thats another topic.
Joe Huber wrote:
I think some people find the spitting in the face thing to be tasteless. I agree, but you must admit it does buy Randy Orton more heat then just a slap to the face. Spitting in someone's face is considered to be the ultimate insult. For some of us we don't want our last images of Mick Foley, Harley Race and other "Legends" to be with spit on their faces. I completely understand that. But the point of this whole "Legend-killer" gimmick is to put-over Randy Orton. If the Legends involved didn't agree to have Orton spit on them I highly doubt he would do so.
After all, do we forget that the "Legend-killer" idea was started by Mick Foley" Does this gimmick get Randy Orton some real heat" Sure it does. Some people will really hate him for playing out his character. The thing is it doesn't really matter if you really hate him or hate him as his heel role. It's much better to hate him either way then not care at all. For me I enjoy the Legend Killer storyline. I enjoy seeing what Mick Foley is going to do each time out. I hope for a Mankind return next. I thought the Cactus Jack/Randy Orton match on a recent PPV was the best match or tied for best match with the 2nd coming of HHH/HBK/Benoit triple threat.
Sure none of us want our last images of beloved wrestlers to be with spit on their faces, but remember most older wrestlers helped put over newer stars. What would Hulk Hogan have been if Andre The Giant didn't job for him at Wrestlemania 3" What would Ultimate Warrior have been without Hulk doing the job for him at WM 6" For me I have a harder time when former stars don't help put over newer talent. When Hogan came back he jobbed like crazy to Undertaker, The Rock and others. What has Ultimate Warrior done to help sell newer talent" Nadda. The true Legends help sell others not do everything for themselves and screw everybody else.
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