Interview with Carnage Crew Member HC Loc
December 7, 2003 by LucharesuFan619
I conducted a brief interview with one half of the Carnage Crew tag team (along w/ Tony DeVito) and former-ECW referee and wrestler HC Loc after the Saturday, August 16, 2003 Ring of Honor show in Fairfield, CT. The following is a summary of what was discussed:
Loc says that he was a wrestling fan as a kid, but didn't really think of pursuing the business as an occupation because he thought that he was too small to be a wrestler. However, he heardabout a brand new wrestling school called Crunchers Gym that was located in Elmira, NY (45 minutes from his home) and decided to give it a shot. He eventually made his pro wrestling debut on August 8, 1996 in the USWF against none other than Steve Corino. For the next few years, he worked every single USWF show in that building.
Loc states that he first contacted ECW in 1999 (the summer of that year to be precise) and was hired as a singles wrestler. Even before he entered ECW, though, he followed the promotion fairly avidly. Loc's gimmick featured him performing both wrestling and refereeing duties, so some nights he served as both a wrestler and a referee. He recalls that his ECW debut featured Steve Corino beating him up with a cowbell. Loc received 15 stitches following that incident.
When asked about working in The ECW Arena a.k.a. Viking Hall, Loc describes how he couldn't believe how small the building was when he first walked into it. His favorite memory of working in the building is receiving a piledriver off of the apron by current-WWE superstar Rhyno (then "Rhino"). I did some research and found that this incident occurred on the 12/23/00 ECW show at Viking Hall.
Loc admits that he wasn't being paid towards the last few months of his work in ECW, but says that he learned of ECW's official bankruptcy filing via the Internet, rather than being told by management or other wrestlers. He states that he loved working in ECW for the time that he was there.
Loc mentions that - after ECW went under - he worked in absolutely any indy promotion that he could get booked for. He says that he was good friends with Rob Feinstein, Gabe Sapolsky, and Doug Gentry of the RF Video company while he worked in ECW, so when he heard that they were going to be forming Ring of Honor, he sent a tape of some of his past work to RF Video and was quickly hired. Loc made his ROH debut on the inaugural ROH show on February 23, 2002 by refereeing a match.
Then, a few months later (on 4/27), he debuted with Tony DeVito as the Carnage Crew. Loc states that he actually had known DeVito ever since about 1995, back when they both worked in the USWF, so he didn't only meet him when they were in ECW. Their ROH debut was against Dunn & Marcos, whom Loc says that he was responsible for training. He said that the match was great and describes his initial impressions of the ROH crowd as being "very smart," or at least thinking that they were really smart. Loc observed that they what they want to see and you couldn't fool them.
Loc says that he enjoyed his first feud in ROH, which was with the Natural Born Sinners (Boogalu & Homicide). He describes the Bunkhouse Match on July 27, 2002 between the two duos as being his favorite hardcore-style match that he has ever wrestled in. When asked if he thought that the feud could've reached a higher level of interest had Boogalu not departed for XPW, he says that it probably couldn't have because everyone in the Bunkhouse match worked excellently and it would've been hard to return with a better match than that.
Loc summarizes his tenure in ROH so far as being "the greatest experience in [his] life." In regards to his Scramble Match earlier in the night with Special K, The S.A.T., and The Backseat Boyz, he says that he liked it and that it was pretty good. When asked about his recent work in other indy promotions, Loc admits that - as of late - he's been trying to stop working for other promotions (besides ROH), but that although he has a family now, he does put a lot of value on his wrestling career, so he enjoys working in ROH a lot. In describing how hard it is to make a living on the indy circuit, Loc mentions how just a few weeks ago, he was scheduled for an indy show and drove 10 hours, only to arrive at the venue and find a note on the front door saying that the show had been cancelled.
During the interview, Loc's Carnage Crew partner and fellow ECW alumni Tony DeVito stopped by and playfully teased Loc and myself a bit. Loc left the building with DeVito and a few other guys.
I want to thank HC Loc for sacraficing a few minutes from his schedule to sit down and chat about his career and I'd also like to give a thanks to ROH security member Sid, who was vital in hooking me up with Loc.
For more info on HC Loc, check out TheCarnageCrew.com or HCLoc.com (both of which are unfortunately no longer updated). All of your ROH news can be found at ROHWrestling.com. And for information about RF Video, visit RFVideo.com.
by LucharesuFan619..
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