ClickWrestle Video Share Invite and VIP Discount

Just because you are a valued Online World of Wrestling reader, today we are offering you a private invite for ClickWrestle’s new Video Share area and a special discount on our VIP section.

VIP Members Area OpensImage

We’re happy to announce that our VIP Members Area has completed it’s beta phase and is going strong. Here is how it works…

– Click the Join Now link below and select a VIP package. Four unique packages are available.
#1 – Male vs. Male (men’s matches only)
#2 – Female vs. Female (female matches only)
#3- Inter-gender (mixed male/female matches only)
#4- All Matches (combination of all matches).

-Check your email for login information and access the VIP Members area.

-Download the “Match of the Day” and save to your computer for viewing anytime.

-Return daily, new matches are released each day at noon.

Special pricing to celebrate the launch is only $19.99 a month. This is a $300 value as you get a match every day of the month. Sign up now and let us know your thoughts!

Click here to Join Now

ClickWrestle Video Share Enters Beta

Now that the VIP section has gond live, our next project is ready to enter beta testing. ClickWrestle Video Share is a community of wrestling fans sharing their favorite video clips and highlights. This site allows fans to upload their favorite (non-copyritten) videos and share with the world. Already, some great videos have been uploaded, including never-before seen footage of Cheerleader Melissa and Taylor from MTV’s Tough Enough as they hang out in Japan with the girls from ARSION.

Drop by ClickWrestle Video Share and post your favorite clips!

Click here to share videos

Thank you for being a loyal ClickWrestle viewer. We will continue to provide you with valuable savings opportunities as well as special announcements.

–The Team at ClickWrestle