Click Wrestle “Match of the Week”: Cheerleader Melissa and Nattie Neidhart vs. Sara Del Rey and Allison Danger from October 2006

ClickWrestle 2Click Wrestle “Match of the Week”: Cheerleader Melissa and Nattie Neidhart vs. Sara Del Rey and Allison Danger from October 2006

Welcome to this week’s OWW Match of the Week, in which one outstanding women’s wrestling match will be offered by at a deep discount.

This week’s Match of the Week is Cheerleader Melissa and Nattie Neidhart vs. Sara Del Rey and Allison Danger from October 2006.

Match description: Melissa and Del Ray start. Del Ray gets a crucifix pin for 2. Melissa goes after a hammerlock but Melissa comes back with a takedown for 2. Del Ray puts on an armbar and blocks a blind charge. She boots Melissa down and hits a bodyslam. She hits a kneedrop for 2. Danger tags in and walks into a forearm. Danger fires back so Melissa tags out. Neidhart pounds Danger down and keeps her from making the tag. She hits a bodyslam for 2. Melissa tags in and they hit a double vertical suplex. They make a wish on Danger and Melissa goes to work on the leg.  What happens next?!

All week this match’s price will be cut in half: from $2.49 to just $1.25.