Chris Jericho Reunited With Stolen AEW Title

As it was reported before, the AEW title was stolen on Sunday while Chris Jericho was eating at a LongHorn Steakhouse in Tallahassee, Florida. The belt was recovered earlier today.

Chris Jericho posted a video tonight on several of his social media accounts that he and the AEW World Championship are reunited again. In the video, Jericho started off, “Hi, I’m AEW Champion Chris Jericho and less in 24 hours after I launched a worldwide investigation to find my missing championship title it’s been returned to me. That’s not because of any law enforcement that was too busy posting pictures on Twitter and deleting them and then posting them again or a funny meme or a funny GIF, it was because of me.”

He also shared on Instagram, “In celebration of my recovery of the #AEW championship, I’m releasing this #ALittleBitOfTheBubbly T-shirt…which I’ve been told is the most highly requested item in @prowrestlingtees history.! #YoureWelcome”
