Chikara Young Lion’s Cup V News

CHIKARA: 18 competitors so far for June’s Young Lions Cup V!

   Our annual tradition of the Young Lions Cup returns for its fifth installment this year! As in years past, the guidelines for entry are simple: To compete in the Young Lions Cup tournament, a wrestler must be 25 years of age, or younger, and can never have held any previous incarnations of the Cup (that automatically excludes Hallowicked, Larry Sweeney, Jigsaw, Shane Storm, Arik Cannon and Maxime Boyer.) Our Director of Fun, Leonard F. Chikarason is constantly adding more names to the fifth annual Young Lions Cup:

Amigo Suzuki (Toryumon)

Player Uno (IWS)

Chuck Taylor

Super Xtremo (BSE)

Ice Cream, Jr.

Ryan Cruz (F1rst Wrestling)

Soldier Ant

Cabana Man Dan (IWA:DS)

Lince Dorado

Chrisjen Hayme (FTW)

El Hijo del Ice Cream

Tim Donst

Shayne Hawke (IWS)


Billy Roc (IPW)


Rhett Titus (ROH)

…and re-debuting at the tournament will be Create-A-Wrestler.

     In addition to tournament matches, each of the first two nights will see additional, non-tournament bouts added to the cards. In Hellertown, the card will feature all your CHIKARA favorites, and the final two Young Lions standing will square off for the Young Lions Cup!

    Advance tickets for the tournament are currently available at our website – both individual tickets and tickets for all three nights!

    Join the rest of the CHIKARMY and come see us for Young Lions Cup V, and to keep up to date with all things CHIKARA – visit our website and subscribe to our free, weekly podcast.

YLC V – Night 1 on Friday, June 22nd, 2007

Live @ Riverside Beneficial Assoc. 

1742 Pear Street (just a block off Rt 61)

in Reading, PA!

Doors open at 7:00 pm. Bell time is 7:30 pm.

YLC V – Night 2 on Saturday, June 23rd, 2007

Live @ Ryan Township Fire Hall

945 Barnesville Dr (a.k.a. Route 54 East)

in Barnesville, PA!

Doors open at 7:00 pm. Bell time is 7:30 pm.

YLC V – Night 3 on Sunday, June 24th, 2007

Live @ American Legion Hall

935 Main Street (just a mile off the Rt 78 exit)

in Hellertown, PA!

Doors open at 3:30 pm. Bell time is 4:00 pm.

All seats just $15.00!

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