Chikara event changes venues 1/27

CHIKARA: Five days until our return to Hellertown, PA!

Our first event of 2008, “Two Eyebrows are Better than One” was originally slated to go down on the campus of Moravian College. Well, last week, the bureaucrats there decided they didn’t want to help us raise money for the American Red Cross. So, we’re taking our show on the road – right back to our favorite Lehigh Valley venue, the American Legion Hall in Hellertown (just 5 miles away). Now, apparently the powers-that-be at Moravian feel so bad about the way this went down and some of the negative publicity stemming from it, that they are sending their mascot, the Moravian Greyhound, to our event! Isn’t that swell? Nothing sells wrestling tickets like a college mascot or an empty gesture.

Needless to say, tickets to our Moravian show will be honored at the American Legion.
One amendment to an earlier press release, however. When this event was originally scheduled to take place at Moravian College, certain technological advances in Johnston Hall were going to allow us to simulcast a special live program from the event to our internet fans around the world. Unfortunately, with the move to the American Legion Hall, this is no longer possible.
The announced bouts thus far:

Claudio Castagnoli & Lince Dorado & Ophidian
Mike Quackenbush & Tim Donst & Amasis

Larry Sweeney vs. Hallowicked

Fire Ant & Soldier Ant vs. Gran Akuma & Icarus

Eddie Kingston vs. Shane Storm

Sara Del Rey vs. Kylie Pierce

Vin Gerard (formerly Equinox) vs. Worker Ant

Advance tickets for our first 4 events of 2008, including King of Trios, are on sale right now!

“Two Eyebrows are Better than One!”
Proceeds donated to the American Red Cross!
Live @ American Legion Hall!
935 Main Street
in Hellertown, PA!
All seats just $15.00

King of Trios 2008
2.29.2008 3.1.2008 3.2.2008
Friday night through Sunday afternoon
Live @ The New Alhambra (formerly ECW Arena)!
7 W. Ritner Street
in southern Philadelphia, PA!
The action on Night 1 and Night 2 will begin at 7:00 pm
Action on March 2nd will begin at 3:30 pm!

Our homebase: – Now in Spanish, German & Italian!
For our free, weekly video podcast :
On MySpace!