Chaotic Wrestling 1-day beginners camp

Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.ONE-DAY BEGINNER’S PRO WRESTLING CAMP
This Saturday, March 8th – only $75.00 PER PERSON

Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Have you always wanted to be a professional wrestler? Do you want to get in the ring, but never knew where to start? Do you want to be a part of the most successful school for professional wrestling in America today?

If the answer is “YES” then come to the Chaotic Training Center THIS Saturday, March 8th for a ONE-DAY Wrestling Camp.

The camp is from 10am until 3pm (with a break for lunch) and only $75 per person. The class covers the basics of pro wrestling, including interviews and promos. Also making an appearance will be WWE Hall of Fame Member, Walter “Killer” Kowalski!

Email us today at to be a part of the school that has been seen and visited by:

– HHH & Stephanie McMahon
– John Cena
– The Rock
– Goldberg
– Steven Richards
– Charlie Haas
– Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer)
– And more !!!!

Check out or for more information